By MARTIN KADY II 5/17/08 Sen.
The 76-year-old senator was airlifted to Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston after falling ill at his home on Cape Cod.
And "after discussion with his doctors in Boston,” spokeswoman Melissa Wagoner said, “Senator Kennedy was sent to Massachusetts General Hospital for further examination. He is currently under evaluation, and information will be released as it becomes available."
Several hours later, his staff released a more optimistic assessment after CNN reported that the senator had telephoned family from the hospital.
Kennedy's wife, Victoria, was reported at his side in the hospital. Massachusetts’ other senator, John F. Kerry, the unsuccessful Democratic presidential nominee in 2004, also visited the hospital briefly, but did not stop to talk to reporters. News that Kennedy had been stricken dominated the cable networks throughout the day, with commentators reviewing his enduring public career. Ted Sorenson and other former aides to Kennedy’s brother, the late President John F. Kennedy, offered overviews of Kennedy family history, and friends in the political world told stories from throughout his political career, spanning nearly five decades. In the Senate since 1962, Kennedy has become one of the leading surrogates for Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) in his bid for the Democratic presidential nomination. A liberal lion of the Senate, Kennedy is chairman of the Senate Education and Labor Committee and one of the most skilled legislators in the chamber. He has had health problems, and his current condition was serious enough for him to be airlifted to Boston. Senate sources, though, were being very careful about discussing the senator’s condition, given the potential seriousness of the "stroke-like symptoms" that were first reported.