Saturday, February 27, 2010

Remarks By The President
On The Earthquake In Chile

Office of the Press Secretary
Rose Garden

THE PRESIDENT: Good morning, everybody. Earlier today, a devastating earthquake struck the nation of Chile, affecting millions of people. This catastrophic event was followed by multiple aftershocks, and has prompted tsunami warnings across the Pacific Ocean. Earlier today, I was briefed by my national security team on the steps that we're taking to protect our own people, and to stand with our Chilean friends.

Early indications are that hundreds of lives have been lost in Chile, and the damage is severe. On behalf of the American people, Michelle and I send our deepest condolences to the Chilean people. The United States stands ready to assist in the rescue and recovery efforts, and we have resources that are positioned to deploy should the Chilean government ask for our help. Chile is a close friend and partner of the United States, and I've reached out to President Bachelet to let her know that we will be there for her should the Chilean people need assistance, and our hearts go out to the families who may have lost loved ones.

We're also preparing for a tsunami that could reach American shores later today, particularly in Hawaii, American Samoa, and Guam. A tsunami warning is in place, and people have been alerted to evacuate coastal areas. I urge citizens to listen closely to the instructions of local officials, who will have the full support of the federal government as they prepare for a potential tsunami, and recover from any damage that may be caused.

I also urge our citizens along the West Coast to be prepared as well, as there may be dangerous waves and currents throughout the day. Again, the most important thing that you can do is to carefully heed the instructions of your state and local officials.

Once again, we've been reminded of the awful devastation that can come at a moment’s notice. We can't control nature, but we can and must be prepared for disaster when it strikes. In the hours ahead, we'll continue to take every step possible to prepare our shores and protect our citizens. And we will stand with the people of Chile as they recovery from this terrible tragedy.

Thank you very much, everybody.


President Obama's Weekly Address

President Congratulates U.S. Olympic Team
Then Talks HCR;

Says " Let's GET THIS DONE !"

Excerpt from Address: “I said at the end of Thursday’s summit that I’m eager and willing to move forward with members of both parties on health care if the other side is serious about coming together to resolve our differences and get this done. But I also believe that we can’t lose the opportunity to meet this challenge. The tens of millions of men and women who can’t afford their health insurance — they can’t wait another generation for us to act. Small businesses can’t wait. Americans with pre-existing conditions can’t wait. States and federal budgets can’t sustain these rising costs. It’s time for us to come together. It’s time for us to act. It’s time for those of us in Washington to live up to our responsibilities to the American people and to future generations. So let’s get this done.”

Join The FIGHT...

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Friday, February 26, 2010

Missed the Health Care Summit ?

Here's a quick, funny and factual summary of the highlights of this historic event-and media response-as compiled by

The Daily Show's Jon Stewart.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Bipartisan Health Care Reform Summit 2010
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorVancouverage 2010

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Thursday, February 25, 2010

The President's Health Care Summit

Watch Summit:

The President's bi-partisan Health Care Summit was an historic display of democracy at work. Although President Obama did a great job, it was incredible that after 7.5 hours the Party of No still had NO PLAN...just whined ! And their plea to 'start over' like little kids who are losing in a game was absolutely disgusting, as 44,000 Americans DIE each year due to lack of access to quality health care.

Watch video from Part I of the meeting below
or watch Part II, Part III, Part IV and Part V.

p.s....and who said The President isn't a FIGHTER !

Get Ready...The Fight Is ON !
Together, We WILL Make The Difference

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Wednesday, February 24, 2010


This Is GREAT ! Don't upset Rep. Anthony Weiner. Watch: They make him change his health care statement...and he does alright ! Luv at the end when he says ' deal with it !' and slams the mic down.

The Time Is NOW...

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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

President Obama has invited the Republicans to have their HCR Plan posted on The White House website for all to see prior to the bi-partisan HC Summit this Thursday.
Only one problem !

Will the Republicans Post Their Health Plan… and When?

The President believes strongly that Thursday’s bipartisan meeting on health insurance reform will be most productive if both sides come to the table with a unified plan to start discussion – and if the public has the opportunity to inspect those proposals up close before the meeting happens.

That’s why yesterday the White House posted online the President’s proposal for bridging the differences between the Senate- and House-passed health insurance reform bills. The proposal puts American families and small business owners in control of their own health care. It makes insurance more affordable by providing the largest middle-class tax cuts for health care in history, it ends discrimination based on pre-existing conditions, holds insurance companies accountable, and reduces our deficit by $100 billion over the next 10 years.

But you don’t have to take our word for it: the proposal is posted right here at for everyone to examine. You can read through the plan’s bipartisan ideas section by section, or you can select your health care status and find out what the proposal would mean for you. You can even submit a question for our policy staff to answer.

What you can’t do just yet is read about the Republicans’ consensus plan – because so far they haven’t announced what proposal they’ll be bringing to the table. To be sure, there are many Republicans who share the President’s conviction that we need to act on reform, and there are several pieces of Republican health care legislation out there. Previously we were told this was the House Republican bill. Is it still? We look forward to hearing whether this the proposal they'll bring. The Senate Republicans have yet to post any kind of plan, so we continue to await word from them. As of right now, the American people still don’t know which one Congressional Republicans support and which one they want to present to the public on Thursday.

President Obama has been clear that his proposal isn’t the final say on legislation, and that’s what Thursday’s meeting is all about. But after a year of historic national dialogue about reform, it’s time for both sides to be clear about what their plan is to lower costs, hold insurance companies accountable, make health insurance affordable for those without it, and reduce the deficit. A collection of piecemeal and sometimes conflicting ideas won’t do.

As we said today, we’ll be happy to post the Republican plan on our website once they indicate to us which one we should post. We hope they won’t pass up this opportunity to make their case to the American people.

Dan Pfeiffer is White House Communications Director

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Monday, February 22, 2010


President Obama will be posting his new

Health Care Reform Plan
(to be passed through Reconciliation)

on the White House website TODAY...
Monday morning 10:00 am (est)

Visit: WHITE HOUSE Site after 10am

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Saturday, February 20, 2010

President Obama's Weekly Address

President Says The Time Is NOW
To Move on Health Care Reform

" Next week is our chance to finally reform our health insurance system so it works for families and small businesses. It’s our chance to finally give Americans the peace of mind of knowing that they’ll be able to have affordable coverage when they need it most. "(President Obama)
P.S. NEVER count him down or out.

WATCH: Weekly Address

HCR with Public Option Through RECONCILIATION !

Get Geared Up Warriors...
Yes We WILL !

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Friday, February 19, 2010


Harry Reid To Push For

Public Option Through


Sam Stein (HuffPo)

Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) announced on Friday afternoon that he would work with other Democrats and the White House to pass a public option through reconciliation if that's the legislative path the party chooses.

"Senator Reid has always and continues to support the public option as a way to drive down costs and create competition," said Reid aide Rodell Mollineau in a statement provided to the Huffington Post. "That is why he included the measure in his original health care proposal. If a decision is made to use reconciliation to advance health care, Senator Reid will work with the White House, the House, and members of his caucus in an effort to craft a public option that can overcome procedural obstacles and secure enough votes."

This represents a major breakthrough for those Senators and activists who are pushing to get a public option considered via an up or down vote.

Reid has always been a proponent of the provision. But he has deflected questions about using reconciliation to get it into law citing a potential lack of votes needed for passage.

His promise to work with others to include it in reconciliation hardly means the public option is a done deal. The House, in all likelihood, will still have to vote on the Senate's health care bill with the promises of changes to come via reconciliation. Whether that obstacle can be overcome isn't entirely clear. Nor is it certain that the 51 votes are there to get the public option passed using reconciliation or, for that matter, what that public option will look like.

B4B NOTE: Don't know when they're going to learn that you can NEVER count President Obama down or out. Since the launch of his historic campaign in February of 2007, he has been one step ahead of the obstructionists, haters, anti-Americans, racists, media, attackers, liars and more. The time is NOW for ALL to stand firm in full support-working in Unity for the Recovery of America.

There's Much Work Ahead !

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President Obama Rewriting Health Care Bill


New HC Bill To Be Posted on Internet As Soon as Early Next Week


WASHINGTON — President Obama will put forward comprehensive health care legislation intended to bridge differences between Senate and House Democrats ahead of a summit meeting with Republicans next week, senior administration officials and Congressional aides said Thursday. Democratic officials said the president’s proposal was being written so that it could be attached to a budget bill as a way of averting a Republican filibuster in the Senate. The procedure, known as budget reconciliation, would let Democrats advance the bill with a simple majority rather than a 60-vote supermajority.

Congressional Democrats, however, have not yet seen the proposal or signed on.

The House and the Senate each adopted a version of sweeping health care legislation late last year. But efforts to combine the measures stalled after a Republican, Scott Brown, won a special Senate election in Massachusetts on Jan. 19, effectively stripping the Democrats of the 60th vote they needed to overcome Republican filibusters.

“It will be a reconciliation bill,” one Democratic aide said. “If Republicans don’t come with any substantial offers, this is what we would do.”

Officials said that the White House would post the president’s plan on the Internet by Monday morning. But even as Mr. Obama tries to unite his party behind a single plan, it is unclear that Democrats can muster the needed votes in the House and the Senate given the tense political climate of a midterm election year.

During a conference call on Wednesday night, the House speaker, Nancy Pelosi, told the White House chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, and the Senate majority leader, Harry Reid, that she could not agree to a proposal until rank-and-file lawmakers returned from a weeklong recess. A House Democratic caucus meeting is set for Monday evening.

And a senior Senate Democratic aide expressed doubts.

“It has been three weeks since the Massachusetts election, and we have not received a path forward from the White House on health care substance and process that can clear the House and Senate,” the aide said.

Democratic officials said the president’s proposal, like the House and Senate bills, would insure more than 30 million Americans by 2019, at a cost of about $900 billion.

Kathleen Sebelius, the secretary of health and human services, said the president would “take some of the best ideas” from the House and the Senate and “put them into a framework.”

“There will be one proposal,” Ms. Sebelius said.

The president’s plan would require most Americans to obtain health insurance or face financial penalties; it would bar insurers from denying coverage based on pre-existing medical conditions, and it would give tax subsidies to help moderate-income people buy private insurance.

Officials said the president’s bill was expected to include a version of the Senate’s proposed tax on high-cost, employer-sponsored insurance policies. It would reflect a deal reached with labor union leaders to limit the impact of the tax on workers.

More recently, some labor officials have expressed dissatisfaction with that deal, and many House Democrats remain opposed to the excise tax.

Democrats said it was still unclear how the president would deal with other disagreements, including the issue of insurance coverage for abortions.

Abortion remains “a wild card,” said a Democrat on Capitol Hill.

In laying out his vision for next week’s meeting, Mr. Obama has said that he will present a unified Democratic proposal and invite Republicans to offer alternatives. But Republicans have warned Democrats not to finalize their plan, which they said reflected an effort to predetermine the outcome of the meeting.

Congressional Republicans have not said they will attend the summit. House Republicans on Thursday repeated their demand that Democrats discard the existing proposals and start over.

“We have this event to discuss areas of agreement, and then what?” asked Michael Steel, a spokesman for the Republican leader, Representative John A. Boehner of Ohio. “How will they incorporate our ideas? Will they abandon their plans to jam through their latest backroom deal? Or is this just an infomercial for the same government takeover of health care that the American people have rejected again and again?”

Mr. Obama has rejected the calls to start over, but aides have said that he is open to adopting Republican ideas.

In recent days, White House officials have consulted with Ms. Pelosi and Mr. Reid, but have not reviewed Mr. Obama’s plan with other Democratic lawmakers.

“There has not been a collaborative process,” said a Congressional Democrat with decades of health care experience. “We have not been consulted. This is very much a White House proposal.”

President Obama: ' I Don't Quit ! '

B4B NOTE: The push for Health Care Reform is alive and well despite President Obama's nearly yearlong attempt at bi-partisanship. But due to the Party of No, The President is using his Plan B, Reconciliation; (which we here at B4B had been pushing for for many months) a plan he ALWAYS knew he could use if and when necessary. Also, there is a new push for the Public Option in the Senate. CLICK HERE to read HuffPo article Public Option Support Surging In Senate. The time is NOW to Unite and FIGHT for Health Care For ALL !

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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

President Obama Discusses

While the media wants to do this review (which they should have reviewed Bush like this...would have saved a lot of LIVES and money) we should all be THANKFUL that President Obama took the necessary steps to HALT the TOTAL collapse of America caused by The Bush Regime. Thanks Mr. President. Below is President Obama as he discusses the multiple successes of stimulus bill. And ANYONE who speaks negatively about this absolute 'rescue' is simply aiding the hate brigade. p.s. Ask would America be today if McPalin had won ?


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Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Media Hiding Truth That MORE Republicans
NOT Seeking Re-election Than Dems !

With the recent announcement by Senator Evan Bayh of Indiana that he will retire we are being bombarded by the liberal media (yea right) of how this spells disaster for The President because now the Republicans are ' sure bets ' to take control over the Senate and the House since the Dems are dropping like flies. Only one problem. THAT IS A LIE ! The FACT is more Republicans are retiring or not seeking re-election this November than Democrats. Including Bayh, there are 5 Dem senators who will not seek re-election. They are Chris Dodd (Conn.), Byron Dorgan (N. Dak.), and the appointees which include Kaufman who replaced V.P. Biden (Del) and Burris who replaced President Obama (Ill.). Then there are 12 Democrat congresspersons who have declared not seeking re-election.

On the Republican side there are 6 (that's more than 5) Republican senators not seeking re-election and 18 congresspersons. Uhhhh....HELLO the math ! It is absolutely manipulative and conniving on the media's part to constantly imply that the Dems are 'jumping ship' when the fact is more Repubs have 'jumped ship' than Dems. But we NEVER hear that fact. Simply PATHETIC ! Here's the Republican list.
Retiring Republican Senators (6):

George LeMieux of Florida

Sam Brownback of Kansas

Jim Bunning of Kentucky

Kit Bond of Missouri

Judd Gregg of New Hampshire

George Voinovich of Ohio

Retiring Republican Representatives (18):

Arkansas's 3rd congressional district: John Boozman
Arizona's 3rd congressional district: John Shadegg
California's 19th congressional district: George Radanovich
Delaware's At-large congressional district: Michael Castle
Florida's 12th congressional district: Adam Putnam
Florida's 21st congressional district: Lincoln Diaz-Balart
Georgia's 9th congressional district: Nathan Deal
Indiana's 4th congressional district: Steve Buyer
Illinois's 10th congressional district: Mark Kirk
Kansas's 1st congressional district: Jerry Moran
Kansas's 4th congressional district: Todd Tiahrt
Michigan's 2nd congressional district: Peter Hoekstra
Michigan's 3rd congressional district: Vern Ehlers
Missouri's 7th congressional district: Roy Blunt
Oklahoma's 5th congressional district: Mary Fallin
South Carolina's 1st congressional district: Henry E. Brown, Jr.
South Carolina's 3rd congressional district: J. Gresham Barrett
Tennessee's 3rd congressional district: Zach Wamp

Share The Facts...Dispel The Media LIES !
(again !)

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Saturday, February 13, 2010

Hot Off The Press !

We Are The World 25 for Haiti-2010

Recorded on February 1st, 2010, in the same studio as the original 25 years earlier (Henson Recording Studios, formerly A&M Recording Studios) "We Are The World 25 For Haiti", in which Jones and Richie serve as executive producers and producers, was cre
ated in collaboration with executive producers Wyclef Jean, Randy Phillips and Peter Tortorici; producers Humberto Gattica and RedOne; and co-producers Rickey Minor, Mervyn Warren and Patti Austin to benefit the Haitian earthquake relief efforts and the rebuilding of Haiti.

Academy Award-winning writer-director Paul Haggis (Crash, Million Dollar Baby), whose own personal efforts as well as those of Artists for Peace and Justice have already saved countless lives in Haiti, filmed the private recording session to create the accompanying video and behind-the-scenes production, and serves as Film Director and as an Executive Producer with Jones, Richie, Jean, Phillips and Tortorici.

The 25th Anniversary recording features over 80 artists and performers. The recording of We Are The World 25 For Haiti embodied the same enthusiasm, sense of purpose and generosity as the original recording 25 years ago. Every one of the artists who participated, regardless of genre or generation, walked into the room with their hearts and souls completely open to coming together to help the people of Haiti.

Watch: New !
We Are The World
To Benefit Haiti 2010

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Thursday, February 11, 2010

Palin Unqualified to Be President,

Says Vast Majority of Americans


We normally don't believe in polls but for some reason....

We Like This One !


The spotlight has been bright, not necessarily kind to former Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin.

According to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll, 71% of Americans do not feel that Palin is qualified to be President. That includes a sharp drop in Republican support, where 45% believe she is qualified compared to 66% who thought she was last fall.

Overall, 37% have a favorable view while 55% have an unfavorable view of the former Alaska Governor.

Palin has been able to count on support from the Tea Party, but the Washington Post indicates that the movement itself has split favorability and is poorly understood:

Nearly two-thirds of those polled say they know just some, very little or nothing about what the tea party movement stands for. About one in eight says they know "a great deal" about the positions of tea party groups, but the lack of information does not erase the appeal: About 45 percent of all Americans say they agree at least somewhat with tea partiers on issues, including majorities of Republicans and independents.

The movement's supporters were identified as, "overwhelmingly white, mostly conservative and generally disapproving of Obama."

If Palin intends to become a key player in Washington, she would share something in common with those already there. The poll also shows that two out of every three Americans are "dissatisfied" or "angry" at the federal government. That's the worst result for Washington in nearly 14 years.

In another revealing question, the poll found that taxpayers estimate 53% of their money is "wasted."

B4B NOTE: This also exemplifies that a vast majority of Americans are MUCH smarter than the media give us credit for which is why their constant desire to push the 'Paris Hilton of Politics' is absolutely sickening and actually an insult to the intelligence of The People.

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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

First Lady Calls for United Effort to
Fight Childhood Obesity


"It’s done, honey," President Obama said to The First Lady earlier today as he signed a Presidential Memorandum establishing a task force on childhood obesity to address the growing health epidemic. "Now we work," she responded.

The new task force is charged with developing an interagency action plan to solve the problem of obesity among our Nation's children as part of the First Lady’s Let’s Move campaign. The campaign will take a comprehensive approach to engage both public and private sectors to help children become more active and eat healthier within a generation, so that children born today will reach adulthood at a healthy weight.

Within 90 days, the task force will develop and submit to the President a comprehensive interagency plan that details a coordinated strategy, identifies key benchmarks, and outlines an action plan. The President applauded all those involved:

I am so proud of the work that the First Lady, along with the Cabinet Secretaries behind me, has done in trying to tackle one of the most urgent health issues that we face in this country, and that is the increase of childhood obesity. And because of the outstanding planning that they've done, they are going to be rolling out a terrific plan of action that involves the private sector as well as government agencies coordinating much more effectively a lot of public information out there to help parents make good decisions about allowing their children to be active and eating healthier.

Members of the task force include: the Secretary of the Interior; the Secretary of Agriculture; Secretary of Health and Human Services; Secretary of Education; Director of the Office of Management and Budget; Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff to the First Lady; Assistant to the President for Economic Policy; and heads of other executive departments, agencies, or offices as the Chair may designate.

Speaking at an event later, the First Lady explained what motivated her to take this on: "These words – 'overweight' and 'obese' – they don’t tell the full story. This isn’t just about inches and pounds or how our kids look. It’s about how our kids feel, and how they feel about themselves. It’s about the impact we’re seeing on every aspect of their lives."

You'll find lots more information, such as the introductory video below, at

WATCH: First Lady Michelle Obama

We Are SO PROUD of Our First Lady !

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Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sarah Caught CHEATING !

Closer inspection of a photo of Sarah Palin, during a speech in which she mocked President Obama for his use of a teleprompter, reveals several notes written on her left hand. The words "Energy", "Tax" and "Lift American Spirits" are clearly visible.

Sarah Reads from her 'Alaskan Palm Pilot '

B4B NOTE: No my friends this is not a joke. This is not only true, but if the media continues to even SLIGHTLY insinuate that Sarah Palin has the qualities to become President of Our Country, they will prove themselves to actually be AGAINST the Future of America. p.s. I've never seen someone have to cross words off their hand before cheating. And they have the nerve to complain about The President using a teleprompter while she's using a tele-PALM-ter. Ha !

And where's our great media....they should be all over this. PATHETIC !

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Saturday, February 6, 2010


We need 75 people to send this (or a similar) message TODAY
to The Meet The Press Show:

Dear MTP: THIS should be a headline on Meet The Press tomorrow:

President Obama YESTERDAY at DNC Winter Meeting:
" Let Me Be Clear. I am NOT going to walk away from Health Care Reform.
I am NOT going to walk away from The... American People "

Click to send message:


President's Address at DNC Winter Meeting

Thank You Warriors !

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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Photo of the Week !

A Particularly Beautiful Snow -- The White House is pictured in the morning after a night of snow, February 3, 2010.
(Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

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President Obama Discusses Budget

A Short History of Deficit Reductions

Peter R. Orszag, Director

It’s been a day since the 2011 Budget was released, and analysts and journalists have written about what it means for individual agencies, specific issues, and states. But let’s not lose sight of the big picture. The President’s Budget represents an important step towards fiscal sustainability: it put forward $1.2 trillion in deficit reduction over the next ten years, even excluding savings from the assumed ramp-down in war funding over time. Including these war savings, the deficit reduction proposed in the President’s Budget rises to $2.1 trillion.

How does this compare with recent efforts at deficit reduction? As a share of the economy, this represents more deficit reduction than proposed in a President’s budget in over a decade. In fact, the previous Administration never submitted a budget that reduced the deficit, and this is the most deficit reduction in a budget as a share of the economy since President Clinton’s budget for 1997.

Let’s be clear: even with the substantial—and historic—deficit reduction proposed in this year’s Budget, we will still face unsustainable medium- and long-term deficits. And the Administration knows that more will need to be done to restore the nation to a fiscally sustainable path.

That’s why the President has called for the creation of a bipartisan Fiscal Commission to identify policies to improve the fiscal situation in the medium term and to achieve fiscal sustainability over the long run. The only way to solve the remainder of our fiscal challenge is to solve it together, in a bipartisan fashion, and that’s what the Fiscal Commission will help to achieve. And over the long term, it’s imperative that we pass fiscally responsible health insurance reform that reduces the rate of health care cost growth over time.

All in all, this Budget spurs jobs creation, invests for future economic growth, and to support both goals over time, takes important steps toward fiscal sustainability.

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Monday, February 1, 2010

On This First Day of
We Salute


and thank everyone of all walks of life for working in Unity for America....The Beautiful.

Ray Charles says it

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