( Bet Bush never got this kind of Luv)
Friday, August 20, 2010
WATCH: Just a day out with the girls.
( Bet Bush never got this kind of Luv)
( Bet Bush never got this kind of Luv)
Click B4B Main Page for video
(NOW in semi-Hiatus !) Welcome to the OFFICIAL SITE for Blacks4Barack !...a multi-racial, net/grassroots organization est. in Feb. 2007 to increase support for Barack Obama for President. Recognized nationwide Greg Jones (Cleveland, Ohio) is National Director. Scroll down to visit our one-of-a-kind 'Memory Lane' below 4 the World's Most COMPLETE review of Historic Campaign '08 and More! Moving ahead...our focus will be on occasional posts on the 47th President of the U.S.....Donald J. Trump.
ALWAYS SPEAK OUT against the wrongs of The Media !
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