Showing posts with label Blacks4Barack 4 Fairness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blacks4Barack 4 Fairness. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

FLASH: Democrats To Seat Burris !
More to follow... UPDATE: Not Quite Seated Yet

ed Story:
Jesse White: Senate Mad
e Me The 'Fall Guy'

Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White said this morning he has been made "the fall guy" by the U.S. Senate, which he said is using him as an excuse not to seat Roland Burris.

"They could have seated him without my signature; my signature is not required," he told WGN-AM 720's John Williams.

The Senate barrred Burris Tuesday, saying he lacked proper credentials in that his appointment was not signed by White.

But White said today that "my signature is mostly ceremonial, rather than a point of law."

"They played a little bit of a game with him [Burris] yesterday," he added.

Asked by Williams if he had been made "the fall guy," White responded: "You're absolutely correct."

(For the full interview, click here.)

White said he had pledged, shortly after Gov. Rod Blagojevich was accused of trying to make a deal for his appointment to the Senate seat, not to sign off on anyone selected by Blagojevich. And he said he will continue to honor that pledge unless ordered otherwise by a court.

Yet at the same time he said he thought Burris should be admitted to the Senate and said he had the highest possible regard for him. He predicted Burris eventually will be seated.