Showing posts with label Stimulus Plan Breakdown. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stimulus Plan Breakdown. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Stimulus Bills: House vs. Senate

The Senate passed the Stimulus Package today 61-37. Now the plan will return to the House for final revision.

So how do the two versions stack up? We’ve put together this chart so you can easily spot the differences.

Some highlights: The House version would spend $60 billion more on education. The Senate version adds more than $100 billion for tax cuts to individuals and families. The House would spend more to upgrade the country’s electricity grid. The Senate would spend more on medical research. And there are plenty more.

Program House Senate Change
Aid to Low-Income Families Total $124,186,000,000 $97,230,900,000 ▼$26,955,100,000
Health insurance aid
$2,272,000,000 ▲$2,272,000,000
Unemployment benefits $36,000,000,000 $39,490,000,000 ▲$3,490,000,000
COBRA healthcare for unemployed $30,300,000,000 $20,000,000,000 ▼$10,300,000,000
Hunger programs $21,176,000,000 $17,100,000,000 ▼$4,076,000,000
Housing $13,510,000,000 $8,600,000,000 ▼$4,910,000,000
Medicaid for unemployed $8,600,000,000
Job training and placement $5,120,000,000 $4,300,000,000 ▼$820,000,000
Disabled and elderly programs $4,200,000,000
Other $5,280,000,000 $5,468,900,000 ▲$188,900,000
Aid to States Total $172,500,000,000 $134,840,000,000 ▼$37,660,000,000
Medicaid $87,000,000,000 $86,700,000,000 ▼$300,000,000
State fiscal relief $79,000,000,000 $39,000,000,000 ▼$40,000,000,000
State and local law enforcement $4,000,000,000 $3,500,000,000 ▼$500,000,000
Other $2,500,000,000 $5,640,000,000 ▲$3,140,000,000
Business Total $880,000,000 $730,000,000 ▼$150,000,000
Small businesses $880,000,000 $730,000,000 ▼$150,000,000
Education Total $68,456,000,000 $42,850,000,000 ▼$25,606,000,000
K-12 education $26,616,000,000 $25,400,000,000 ▼$1,216,000,000
School construction and technology $21,000,000,000
Higher education $16,140,000,000 $13,900,000,000 ▼$2,240,000,000
Early childhood programs $4,700,000,000 $3,550,000,000 ▼$1,150,000,000
Energy Total $53,650,000,000 $38,963,000,000 ▼$14,687,000,000
Fossil energy research
$4,600,000,000 ▲$4,600,000,000
Energy efficiency projects $11,400,000,000 $5,800,000,000 ▼$5,600,000,000
Electricity grid $11,000,000,000 $4,500,000,000 ▼$6,500,000,000
Federal building/Defense facility efficiency $8,500,000,000 $6,313,000,000 ▼$2,187,000,000
Renewable energy loans $8,000,000,000 $8,500,000,000 ▲$500,000,000
Weatherization $6,200,000,000 $2,900,000,000 ▼$3,300,000,000
Renewable energy research $2,350,000,000 $2,600,000,000 ▲$250,000,000
Advanced batteries $2,000,000,000 $2,000,000,000
Other $4,200,000,000 $1,750,000,000 ▼$2,450,000,000
Health Care Total $26,750,000,000 $19,191,000,000 ▼$7,559,000,000
Health information technology $20,000,000,000 $19,191,000,000 ▼$809,000,000
Other $6,750,000,000
Other Total $1,898,000,000 $1,760,000,000 ▼$138,000,000
Accountability $248,000,000 $110,000,000 ▼$138,000,000
Census $1,000,000,000 $1,000,000,000
DTV conversion coupons $650,000,000 $650,000,000
Science and Technology Total $17,771,000,000 $22,405,000,000 ▲$4,634,000,000
Broadband $6,000,000,000 $7,000,000,000 ▲$1,000,000,000
National Science Foundation $3,000,000,000 $1,200,000,000 ▼$1,800,000,000
National Institutes of Health $2,000,000,000
Department of Energy $2,000,000,000
University research facilities $1,500,000,000
Biomedical research $900,000,000 $10,000,000,000 ▲$9,100,000,000
NASA $600,000,000 $1,300,000,000 ▲$700,000,000
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration $600,000,000 $1,000,000,000 ▲$400,000,000
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention $462,000,000
Other including National Institutes of Health
$1,100,000,000 ▲$1,100,000,000
Other $709,000,000 $805,000,000 ▲$96,000,000
Tax Cuts Total $282,284,000,000 $358,162,000,000 ▲$75,878,000,000
$1,603,000,000 ▲$1,603,000,000
Individuals $184,637,000,000 $302,198,000,000 ▲$117,561,000,000
State and local governments $42,957,000,000 $14,272,000,000 ▼$28,685,000,000
Businesses $29,483,000,000 $17,546,000,000 ▼$11,937,000,000
Energy projects $19,961,000,000 $17,682,000,000 ▼$2,279,000,000
Other $5,246,000,000 $4,861,000,000 ▼$385,000,000
Transportation and Infrastructure Total $80,604,000,000 $85,090,000,000 ▲$4,486,000,000
Competitive grants
$5,500,000,000 ▲$5,500,000,000
Homeland security
$4,700,000,000 ▲$4,700,000,000
Federal buildings
$1,400,000,000 ▲$1,400,000,000
Bureau of Reclamation
$1,400,000,000 ▲$1,400,000,000
Water and waste disposal
$1,400,000,000 ▲$1,400,000,000
Nuclear weapons program maintenance
$1,000,000,000 ▲$1,000,000,000
Highways and bridges $30,000,000,000 $27,000,000,000 ▼$3,000,000,000
Transit $12,000,000,000 $8,400,000,000 ▼$3,600,000,000
Clean water $9,500,000,000 $6,000,000,000 ▼$3,500,000,000
Defense Department facilities $8,265,000,000 $2,400,000,000 ▼$5,865,000,000
Corps of Engineers $4,500,000,000 $4,600,000,000 ▲$100,000,000
Water resources $1,124,000,000
Public land and parks $3,100,000,000 $3,400,000,000 ▲$300,000,000
Aviation $3,000,000,000 $1,300,000,000 ▼$1,700,000,000
Environmental cleanup $2,300,000,000 $7,600,000,000 ▲$5,300,000,000
Border stations $1,250,000,000 $1,200,000,000 ▼$50,000,000
Railroads $1,100,000,000 $3,100,000,000 ▲$2,000,000,000
Veterans hospitals and cemeteries $1,000,000,000 $3,700,000,000 ▲$2,700,000,000
Federal government technology $965,000,000
Wildfire mitigation $850,000,000
Other $1,650,000,000 $990,000,000 ▼$660,000,000

*Some provisions that aren’t listed in one bill may be part of another category.

Source: House Appropriations and Ways and Means committees, Senate Appropriations and Finance committees

Michael Grabell and Krista Kjellman/ProPublica