This election is a choice between two fundamentally different visions for America: President Obama is fighting to grow the economy from the middle out, not the top down. Mitt Romney wants to go back to the exact same policies that caused the recession and hurt the middle class.Read the President’s plan.
President Obama has a long-term economic plan to invest in education, small businesses, clean energy, infrastructure, and tax cuts for companies that bring jobs back to the U.S.
Under President Obama, we've seen 31 straight months of job growth, adding 5.2 million private sector jobs, including nearly 500,000 manufacturing jobs – the most growth since 1997
Cut taxes by $3,600 for the typical middle class family making $50,000 a year over his first term - find out how his plan impacts your taxes
"All of the above" strategy to develop every available source of American made energy—including oil, gas, clean coal, wind, solar, biofuels, nuclear - and taking steps to protect our climate
Set a goal to cut tuition growth in half over the next decade with a plan to double campus based student aid and incentives for schools that are successful at keeping tuition growth down
Responsibly ended the war in Iraq , is bringing our troops home from Afghanistan, and will use half the savings to reduce the deficit and the rest to engage in nation-building here at home
100 million Americans saw lifetime caps on coverage lifted, so that families have the security of knowing that their insurance will cover them when they need it most
Believes a woman’s health care choices are personal decisions, best made with her doctor—without interference from politicians
Improved Medicare by adding free preventive care, closing the “doughnut hole” saving seniors an average of $600 last year, and extended the life of Medicare by 8 years by eliminating $716 billion in waste, fraud, and abuse
Is lifting the shadow of deportation from young, hardworking immigrants who were brought here as children, and is committed to comprehensive immigration reform
Mitt Romney’s plan would add $5 trillion in tax cuts skewed to the rich, either increasing the deficit or requiring tax increases on the middle-class
Mitt Romney wants to return to the failed top-down policies that crashed the economy
Could require raising taxes on middle class families with kids by $2000 to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy
Let Big Oil advisers and donors write a drilling-centered energy policy for America, that will never reach energy independence, excluding any plan for energy efficiency and stripping funding for clean energy
As governor, Romney made deep cuts to higher education - by the end of his term, college costs had skyrocketed, with fees at state colleges and universities increasing 63%
Go back to the days when more than half of all insurance plans included lifetime limits on the care they would cover
Give employers and government the authority to limit women’s access to common forms of birth control
Would end Medicare as we know it, eliminating guaranteed benefits and turning Medicare into a voucher program — which could increase costs for seniors more than $6,000 each year by shifting costs to seniors
Pledged to veto the DREAM Act, and refuse help for many immigrants who came here as children.(Read Complete List: Obama Plans vs. Romney's)
(NOW in semi-Hiatus !) Welcome to the OFFICIAL SITE for Blacks4Barack !...a multi-racial, net/grassroots organization est. in Feb. 2007 to increase support for Barack Obama for President. Recognized nationwide Greg Jones (Cleveland, Ohio) is National Director. Scroll down to visit our one-of-a-kind 'Memory Lane' below 4 the World's Most COMPLETE review of Historic Campaign '08 and More! Moving ahead...our focus will be on occasional posts on the 47th President of the U.S.....Donald J. Trump.
Yes We Did...AGAIN !
Thank You Obama Warriors !
It is with great honor that we announce that this site, Greg Jones' Blacks4Barack, has been selected to be part of The U.S. Library of Congress Historic Collection ! (click LOC logo for more) as well as a member of THE WHITE HOUSE Press Pool.
STARTED OCT. 1st !!! KNOW THE FACTS !!! How much will healthcare coverage now cost you ?
(unreported benefits) SUPER HUGE savings for lower and middle income folks thanks to 'ObamaCare' which started Oct. 1, 2013. Click Kaiser logo above for great interactive chart to learn how much you'll pay for health care coverage and how much will now be paid by subsidies (gov't). Divide premium by 12 for your monthly premium. HUGE SAVINGS for most ! Learn the FACTS-then Share !
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Next Elections: Nov. 4, 2014
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What's In the new Health Care Reform Plan
Learn exactly what the monumental, historic passing of Health Care Reform will mean for YOU !
Click to Contact Your Senator
The Power is in the Unity of We The People...and THAT'S what they are most AFRAID of ! People Power WORKS !
Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Stimulus) FULL Details
To read the complete American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 visit: President Obama's new site You will also be able to track how the monies are spent beginning March 3, 2009. Just another example of President Obama's commitment to complete transparency...and keeping We The People completely informed.
The Time Is NOW....for Change ! Each of us should make the pledge to: * Be Inspired ! * Be Informed ! * Be Involved ! * Be United ! * Be 'The Change'...For the Re-Birth of America !
Look for exciting new 'B4B Projects for Change' Coming Soon !
Mortgage Assistance Program
Visit: Official site to apply for President Obama's plan to save your home from foreclosure or refinance your current mortgage even if 'under-water'
President's FREE Mortgage Assistance
Making Home Affordable is the new site which answers even more Mortgage Assistance questions. From 'Do I Qualify' to re-calculating your mortgage to FREE Mortgage Assistance Broker Services
Yes We DID...AGAIN !
There's still MUCH work ahead. People Power WORKS...through UNITY !
Listen/Call-In LIVE ! OBAMA TALK RADIO....Join Us !
NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH with Greg Jones...Listen/Call-In LIVE (646)595-2182. Join Us LIVE ! every Sunday night 8pm (est)! Political talk...issues of today...and of course, Obama Talk ! Tell your friends! SPEAK OUT on Worldwide Net Radio. Click Here for your free media player. Visit: Obama Talk Radio with Greg Jones (NOTE: We've taken a bit of a radio show vacation but will be back LIVE...SOON !)
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1st Lady Michelle Obama
Official '1st Dog' Portrait
Bo Obama
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Yes that's my grandbaby Marissa Nikia Marie Harris & Our President ! (Sorry...just a Proud Grandpa)
You can be Pro-Life AND Pro-Choice !
"So let’s work together to reduce the number of women seeking abortions by reducing unintended pregnancies, and making adoption more available, and providing care and support for women who do carry their child to term". President Barack Obama
FREE ! Foreclosure Help !
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ABC News 77 W. 66 St., New York, NY 10023 Phone: 212-456-7777
On American Recovery & Reinvestment Act infrastructure projects nationwide
Contact Greg Jones
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ALL views on Blacks4Barack (A Multi-Cultural Net/Grassroots Organization) are the sole opinion of B4B and should in no way be a reflection of or connected with the Barack Obama Administration or Presidency. So don't blame HIM when WE tell it like it T.I. IS !
BLACKS4BARACK-Blacks 4 Barack-Blacks For Barack: Is A Registered Trademark/Name Copyright 2006/10 and can not be used in any manner or form without written expressed permission from Blacks4Barack authorities. EVERYTHING we post is free to be shared. Knowledge is Power...Pass It On !