Showing posts with label obama for president. Show all posts
Showing posts with label obama for president. Show all posts

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Obama Meets With Afghan President Karzai

(AP) Fisnik Abrashi

KABUL, Afghanistan — Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama pledged steadfast aid to Afghanistan in talks with its Western-backed leader Sunday and vowed to pursue the war on terror "with vigor" if he is elected, an Afghan official said.On the second day of an international tour designed to burnish his foreign policy credentials, Obama and other U.S. senators held two hours of talks with President Hamid Karzai at his palace in the Afghan capital.

Obama has chided Karzai for not doing more to build confidence in the Afghan government, whose grip remains weak after the ouster of the Taliban in 2001.U.S. Embassy spokesman Mark Stroh said the senators had discussed issues including the painstaking rebuilding of the country's government and economy, the security situation and corruption with Karzai.The Afghan presidency said Obama's message was positive."Sen. Obama conveyed ... that he is committed to supporting Afghanistan and to continue the war against terrorism with vigor," said Humayun Hamidzada, Karzai's spokesman.

Both Democrats and Republicans "are friends of Afghanistan and no matter who wins the U.S. elections, Afghanistan will have a very strong partner in the United States," Hamidzada said.Obama has made Afghanistan a centerpiece of his proposed strategy for dealing with terrorism threats.

OBAMA 2008 !

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Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Obama's Could Ask:
But Won't !

Now the Edwards are in attack mode. For Elizabeth Edwards to join her hubby with attacking statements of Michelle Obama is representative of desperation and 'old school politics' which is exactly what the Obama's are against and above doing. There are SOOOOOOO many things that the Obama's could bring out about both the Edwards and the Clintons.....but they choose to stay above these tactics. The Obama's could stress how Hillary was actually a Republican in college. How Bill is a cheater and immoral. How Hillary won't allow her records to be opened which means they obviously have things to hide, although she repeatedly states she's been well vetted. How Bill will actually be running the White House, not Hillary. How Musharraf got the nuclear weaponry on the Clinton watch......just to name a few re: the Clintons....As for the Edwards....he's a loser. He lost in his own state. Claims to be for the poor but has done NOTHING to help the poor. Thinks that since he went to Katrina he helped the poor. Gets $400 haircuts....and his hair looks no better than anyone else's which shows extreme waste. And Elizabeth is actually too sick to be first lady....(although we wish her well)...Why would you put a first lady in the White House who could have major medical issues soon that would distract. But again.....the Obama's are above stating these facts. Instead they are concentrating on what we all need......the Re-Birth Of America !!! But you'd better believe, the Republicans will bring up these issues and a whole lot more. VOTE OBAMA !!!

Friday, December 21, 2007

Op-Ed On Giving Ex-Offenders
A Second Chance

Yesterday, Barack Obama published the following op-ed in the Chicago Defender and the Austin Daily News:

In America, nearly a third of African-American men will enter state or federal prison during their lives. Too many will be lost in the criminal justice system and end up in prison, poverty, and unemployment. And in some cases, the lack of job training and support programs means that those who are released could fail to become fully rehabilitated, and may go on to commit more crimes.

There is no question that breaking the law should have consequences, and we have to do more as parents to teach our children that violence is always wrong. But justice must be fair, and punishment must fit the crime. Yet, we still have a system that locks away too many young, first-time, non-violent offenders for the better part of their lives. It’s a system where certain sentences are based less on the kind of crime you commit than on what you look like and where you come from.

In Illinois alone, more than 40,000 people are released from prisons each year with most of them returning to the Chicago community. Almost half of those released from prison lack a high school diploma or GED. Only one-third of inmates receive vocational training or work experience designed to improve their ability to obtain employment once released. Even fewer receive counseling and placement services after their release. Within three years, statistics indicate that more than half will be back in custody.
In today’s economy, without a high school diploma, supporting a family is almost impossible. And with a criminal record instead of an education, the prospects for success are next to none. This has to stop.

The costs of crimes are high. But failing to break this cycle costs us even more.
That’s why I am fighting to pass the Second Chance Act, which would support faith- and community-based organizations working with state and local authorities to give former prisoners a second chance at a meaningful life. The Second Chance Act makes funding available for transitional jobs programs and housing, supportive health services, and educational needs. Organizations such as the Safer Foundation and Heartland Alliance have demonstrated success giving formerly incarcerated people in Illinois an opportunity for a second chance. And the Second Chance Act would ensure that the federal government does its part by supporting reentry programs like these that help make our communities safer.
We must create a pathway for people coming out of jail to get the jobs, skills, and education they need to leave the life of crime. That means supporting effective training and mentoring programs to help people transition into jobs. That means reevaluating the laws against hiring people with a criminal record so that we don’t foreclose effective ways to bring people out of poverty and deter them from committing new crimes. That also means giving former prisoners parenting skills so they can give their children the sense of hope and opportunity that so many of them were denied.

Thurgood Marshall said: “None of us got where we are solely by pulling ourselves up by our bootstraps. We got here because somebody - a parent, a teacher, an Ivy League crony or a few nuns - bent down and helped us pick up our boots.”
As we fulfill Marshall’s legacy, let’s bend down and help every kid pick up his or her boots for a second chance.
