Friday, May 9, 2008

Complete List of Un-Pledged
SuperDelegates !
(Contact Them....Tell Them Hillary Should Step Down !)

RepresentativesBud Cramer (AL)Harry Mitchell (AZ)Gabrielle Giffords (AZ)Nancy Pelosi (CA)Jerry McNerney (CA)Pete Stark (CA)Mike Honda (CA)Sam Farr (CA)Jim Costa (CA)Howard Berman (CA)Henry Waxman (CA)Bob Filner (CA)Susan Davis (CA)Mark Udall (CO)John Salazar (CO)Joe Courtney (CT)Allen Boyd (FL)Tim Mahoney (FL)Ron Klein (FL)Jim Marshall (GA)Rahm Emanuel (IL)Peter Visclosky (IN)Joe Donnelly (IN)Brad Ellsworth (IN)Nancy Boyda (KS)Dennis Moore (KS)William Jefferson (LA)Charlie Melancon (LA)Don Cazayoux (LA)Tom Allen (ME)Rep. Michael Michaud (ME)John Sarbanes (MD)Steny Hoyer (MD)Chris Van Hollen (MD)John Olver (MA)Niki Tsongas (MA)John Tierney (MA)Edward Markey (MA)Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick (MI)Rep. Bart Stupak (MI)Collin Peterson (MN)Gene Taylor (MS)Rep. Rush Holt (NJ)Rep. Bob Etheridge (NC)Rep. Mike McIntyre (NC)Rep. Tom Udall (NM)Charlie Wilson (OH)Marcia Kaptur (OH)Rep. Zack Space (OH)Rep. Dennis Kucinich (OH)Rep. Dan Boren (OK)Bob Brady (PA)Jason Altmire (PA)Tim Holden (PA)Rep. Mike Doyle (PA)John Spratt (SC)Rep. Jim Clyburn (SC)Lincoln Davis (TN)Bart Gordon (TN)Nick Lampson (TX)Ciro Rodriguez (TX)Jim Matheson (UT)Jim McDermott (WA)Alan Mollohan (WV)Madeleine Bordallo (Guam)Distinguished Party
Leaders (DPLs)Jimmy Carter (GA)Al Gore (TN)Fmr. Senator and Majority LeaderGeorge Mitchell (NY)Fmr. DNC Chair Roy Romer (CO)Fmr. DNC Chair Bob Strauss (TX)
SenatorsKen Salazar (CO)Joe Biden (DE)Tom Carper (DE)Daniel Akaka (HI)Tom Harkin (IA)Mary Landrieu (LA)Ben Cardin (MD)Carl Levin (MI)Max Baucus (MT)Jon Tester (MT)Harry Reid (NV)Frank Lautenberg (NJ)Sherrod Brown (OH)Ron Wyden (OR)Jack Reed (RI)Jim Webb (VA)Robert Byrd (WV)Herb Kohl (WI)GovernorsBill Ritter (CO)Steve Beshear (KY)Brian Schweitzer (MT)John Lynch (NH)Phil Bredeson (TN)Joe Manchin (WV)Add-OnsTerry Goddard (AZ)#Alex Sink (FL)#Steve Geller (FL)#Ray Nagin (LA)#Jay Nixon (MO)#Vicky Harwell (TN)#Jerry Lee (TN)#53 Unnamed Add-Ons,including 2 from Michigan
DNC MembersJoe Turnham (AL)Nancy Worley (AL)Blake Johnson (AK)Cindy Spanyers (AK)Don Bivens (AZ)Lottie Shackleford (AR)Art Torres (CA)Hon. Carole Migden (CA)Bob Mulholland (CA)Christine Pelosi (CA)Robert Rankin (CA)Keith Umemoto (CA)Steve Ybarra (CA)John Perez (CA)Crystal Strait (CA)Pat Waak (CO)Nancy DiNardo (CT)Christine Marques (DA)*Anita Bonds (DC)Donna Brazile (DC)Larry Cohen (DC)Christine Warnke (DC)John Daniello (DE)Harriet Smith-Windsor (DE)Karen Thurman (FL)Rudolph Parker (FL)Terrie Brady (FL)Mitchell Ceasar (FL)Diane Glasser (FL)Janee Murphy (FL)Jon Ausman (FL)Andrew Tobias (FL)Richard Ray (GA)Pilar Lujan (GU)Ben Pangelinan (GU)Chair - Vacant (HI)Vice-Chair - Vacant (HI)Dr. Marie Dolly Strazar (HI)Keith Roark (ID)Edward Smith (IL)Vacant (IL)Scott Brennan (IA)Larry Gates (KS)Helen Knetzer (KS)Jennifer Moore (KY)Nathan Smith (KY)Chris Whittington (LA)Claude "Buddy" Leach (LA)Elsie Burkhalter (LA)Sam Spencer (ME)Jennifer DeChant (ME)Hon. Heather Mizeur (MD)Hon. Gregory Pecoraro (MD)Susan Turnbull (MD)John Sweeney (MD)Belkis Leong-Hong (MD)Debra Kozikowski (MA)James Roosevelt Jr (MA)Arthenia Abbott (MI)Elizabeth Bunn (MI)Debbie Dingell (MI)Hon. Robert Ficano (MI)Joyce Lalonde (MI)Jeffrey Radjewski (MI)Michael Tardiff (MI)Richard Wiener (MI)Mark Brewer (MI)Lu Battaglieri (MI)Hon. Kwame Kilpatrick (MI)Mayor Brenda Lawrence (MI)Eric Coleman (MI)Virgie Rollins (MI)Lauren Wolfe (MI)Richard Shoemaker (MI)
DNC Members (cont'd)Wayne Dowdy (MS)Carnelia Pettis Fondren (MS)John Temporiti (MO)Yolanda Wheat (MO)Leila Medley (MO)Hon. Robin Carnahan (MO)Hon. Maria Chappelle-Nadal (MO)Dennis McDonald (MT)Margarett Campbell (MT)Sam Lieberman (NV)Hon. Yvonne Gates (NV)Hon. Catherine Cortez Masto (NV)Philip D. Murphy (NJ)Raymond Buckley (NH)Irene Stein (NY)Ralph Dawson (NY)David Parker (NC)Muriel Offerman (NC)Carol Peterson (NC) David Strauss (ND)Hon. Chris Redfern (OH)Ronald Malone (OH)Patricia Moss (OH)Hon. Joyce Beatty (OH)Ivan Holmes (OK)Jim Frasier (OK)Jay Parmley (OK)Mike Morgan (OK)Meredith Woods-Smith (OR)Frank Dixon (OR)Jenny Greenleaf (OR)Wayne Kinney (OR)Gail Rasmussen (OR)Hon. Bill Bradbury (OR)Eliseo Roques-Arroyo (PR)Hon. Gilda Cobb-Hunter (SC)Cheryl Chapman (SD)Gray Sasser (TN)Dr. Inez Crutchfield (TN)Boyd Richie (TX)David Hardt (TXDenise Johnson (TX)Betty Richie (TX)Linda Chavez -Thompson (TX)Helen Langan (UT)Jim Leaman (VA)C Richard Cranwell (VA)Hon. Alexis Herman (VA)Joe Johnson (VA)Jerome Wiley Segovia (VA)Howard Dean (VT)Dwight Pelz (WA)Eileen Macoll (WA)Ed Cote (WA)Sharon Mast (WA)David McDonald (WA)Nick Casey Jr. (WV)Alice Germond (WV)Lena Taylor (WI)Paula Zellner (WI)Awais Khaleel (WI)Nancy Drummond (WY)Cynthia Nunley (WY)Marylyn Stapleton (VI)Carol Burke (VI)Vacant - 1 (At-large)Vacant - 2 (At-large)* Superdelegates from

Democrats Abroad count as 1/2 of a vote.#

Add-on SuperdelegatesNotes:2/7/08 - Removed Hon. Joan Fitz-Gerald (CO) from the list as she is no longer a member of the DLCC2/19/08 - Donna Branch Gilby resigned as vice-chair of the Arizona Democratic Party. Her spot is now Vacant.2/20/08 - Teresa Benitez-Thompson replaced Jill Derby as a Nevada superdelegate2/29/08 - Changed PA DNC member from "Richard Donatucci" to "Ronald Donatucci"3/6/08 - Added Mark Wilcox as Arkansas' add-on superdelegate. He's officially uncommitted.3/11/08 - Added Cheryl Chapman as the SD Vice Chair (previously vacant). She was elected on February 16th. Added Andre Carson (IN). Total number of supers is 796.3/16/08 - Added Vicky Harwell and Jerry Lee as Tennessee's 2 add-on superdelegates.3/17/08 - Added DNC John Melcher (MT) who was seated on the National Democratic Seniors Coordinating Council and Mayor Brenda Lawrence (MI) who was seated on the National Conference of Democratic Mayors. Both seats were previously vacant.Replaced Rita Moran of Maine with Jennifer Dechant.4/3/08 - Added DC add-on superdelegates Yvette Alexander(DC)# and Harry Thomas Jr.(DC)#4/5/08 - Added MO add-on superdelegate Jay Nixon (MO)#, and Florida add-on superdelegates Alex Sink (FL)#, Steve Geller (FL)#, Dan Gelber (FL)#. MO add-on Susan Montee, and DE add-on Rob Carver have been added to the Obama list.4/6/08 Replaced Mary Lou Winters (Clinton) with Elsie Burkhalter as DNC member from LA. Burkhalter is being placed on the uncommitted list as of now.4/9/08 - Added Rep. Jackie Speier (CA), new congresswoman from California.4/27/08 - Added addon Terry Goddard (AZ)# and addon Laurie Weahkee (NM)#. Addon Kathy Sullivan(NH)# was added to the Clinton list.4/28/08 - Removed Guam's Robert Underwood, Chair (Antonio Charfauros) and vice-chair (Cecilia Mafnas). Positions are now vacant.5/5/08 - Previously added party chair Pilar Lujan (GU), and adding new DNC member Ben Pangelinan (GU). New Guam vice-chair Jaime Paulino previously added to Obama list.


Visit: Blacks4Barack OFFICIAL SITE !

Thursday, May 8, 2008

NightMare For Obama

Now that it is obvious that Hillary has absolutely no chance of winning the nomination her team has obviously instructed certain folks in the media (even some black ones) to push the so-called 'Dream Ticket' of Obama/Hillary. First of all....who's dream is this anyway. I have never heard Obama state that this would be such a dream ticket....why?....Because it would be an absolute nightmare for Obama, Michelle and the entire Obama Presidency. First of all, Hillary despises Obama....and can't stand the fact that someone has blocked her from obtaining the power the she felt destined to obtain. Secondly, Obama and Hillary are total opposites when it comes to character and style. Hillary lies so often that she can't keep track (sniper fire in Bosnia for example) and is so divisive that not only do Republicans have a true hatred for her....(which the Republican controlled media knows...and they know that this Dream Ticket would invigorate Republican voters to come out in mass numbers to defeat the Dream...I can just hear old Flush Limbaugh now) but the longer she stays in the race.....the longer her hate list of even Democrats grows. She is a coniving, slick, will do anything, could care less about truth, or getting caught, deceit filled, power-hungry,semi-crazy, plain old bug-eyed weird woman....who's obsessed with the desire to rule. Obama is the exact opposite....with a deep desire to serve. The two are like water and vinegar....they'll NEVER mix.

Can you picture Obama, Michelle and the girls living in the White House, and at 3 in the morning, getting constant calls from W.H. security because Wild Bill is trying to sneak somebody into the Oval Office? Or do you think Hillary would really try to help Obama's Presidency go smoothly, when the whole time she's hoping he fails so she can take the reigns in 2012. My biggest fear would be that she wouldn't wait until 2012. From the look in her eyes, she seems like the type that Obama would have to have extra security.....just to watch her ! Not to mention the daily need for a food make sure she hasn't poisoned him to fill his slot.

The only people desiring this so-called 'Dream Ticket' are the Hillary supporters. But I guarantee...the only dream that would come out of this would be called Nightmare for The Obama's !
Visit: Blacks4Barack OFFICIAL SITE !
Contact The Author

Blacks4Barack Launches:


Following N. Carolina and Indiana, it has become obvious that there is absolutely no way Hillary Clinton can win the Democratic nomination. With 6 primaries remaining it is impossible for her to catch Obama in the delegate count, number of states won or even the popular vote, so the bottom line is she must face the fact that OBAMA HAS WON ! Hillary's staying in the race is extremely harmful to the Democratic Party, not to mention how this forces Obama to continue spending funds campaigning against Hillary instead of McCain. We know that Hillary is trying to recoup some of her losses (her 11.4 million dollar loan to herself plus her 10 to 15 million in unpaid debt) but her mismanagement of funds and inabilty to generate adequate contributions should be her loss....not a cost to Obama...therefore.... Contact the DNC to let Howard Dean know that we feel that Hillary should step down in a respectful manner since she is obvously not going to win the nomination (without cheating....which will not be tolerated)

This would be the right gesture for her political future as well as the right gesture for the Democratic Party.
Just Call The DNC Today at
.....respectfully request the DNC to ask Hillary to step-down NOW ! Then it will be time to concentrate on The Re-Birth Of America !

Visit Blacks4Barack OFFICIAL SITE
A Multi-Racial Org...Dedicated To Truth !

Sunday, May 4, 2008


Pay Attention People: CNN IS THE NEW FOX NEWS !!!! I have been a news/political junkie ever since I started to come to the realization the we were being led like lost sheep regarding our invasion of Iraq. Daily I would flip through the cable news shows trying to weed out a bit of truth (usually found only on CSPAN, DemocracyNow, and a few honest 'experts'). I could spot it long ago, and Huffington Post recently exposed how the military 'experts' were being paid by the Pentagon (aka Bush regime) to lie and mislead the American people regarding Iraq. This means that all of the cable networks have been a part of this manipulation. NOW I'M NOTICING A NEW TREND AT CNN !!!! For the past few months, CNN has quietly made changes that are actually a bit scary. First, they brought Keran Gentry from Fox. Then their overall tone started sounding GOPish. Then they took Solidad and Miles off and replaced them with John Roberts and Campbell Brown (who's husband works at Fox). Then they added Tony Snow (formerly of Fox and Bush's Press spokesperson) they've announced the addition of another former Bush spokesperson Francis Townsend, scheduled to appear regularly beginning next week. To top things off, they've added ANN COULTER as a regular pundit. That was the proof right there. CNN IS THE NEW FOX !!!! Also, if you flip from CNN to FOX during Live broadcasts you'll see that they are using the same camera source, ie....WORKING TOGETHER !! These changes can mean only 1 of 2 things. Either they expect Obama to get the nomination and want to join Fox (and much of MSNBC) in gang attacking him in hopes of Hillary winning the nomination....then, McCain defeating Hillary...and the Republicans controlling the White House......OR they have been notified and instructed by the regime that something big (bomb Iran?) is ahead....Either way the manipulative media is getting set for massive lying. Time to pay attention America....and spread the word....They fooled us once (Iraq War)....but as they say....NEVER AGAIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!


Greg Jones
NOTE: Pay extra close attention people. The media is doing what they did before....slowly leading up to another invasion...this time Iran. Notice how absolutely nothing is being mentioned on cable news about if the war was over. But, all of the cable networks are racheting up talks about how dangerous Iran is. There's a reason for this. PAY ATTENTION ! They're planning to do it again !


(A Multi-Racial, Grassroots Org...Dedicated To Truth)

Thursday, May 1, 2008

How Hillary LOST THE

This is the message currently being sent by blacks to the DNC in great numbers (and the superdelegates). There is no way Hillary will defeat McCain without the support of Black America aka the guaranteed Democratic vote. Please read Huffington Posts story on how the Hillary Camp has been feeding Obama attacks TO THE GOP !!!!! What a traitor to the Democratic Party !!!!!!!! Hillary started out with 82% of the black support. But as Blacks learned more about her (Goldwater Girl...Against Civil Rights Act '64....It was LBJ...Not MLK....etc) combined with Bill's (...fairy tale....Jessie Won S.C. too...etc.)...blacks were shocked beyond repair. (remember....we luved Bill so much we called him 'The First Black President')....but never again....WHERE'S THAT STORY. And if the DNC thinks.....'ohhhhhh....the blacks will be angry at first...but they'll come around'.....then they don't know the severity of what the Clinton's have done....This has nothing to do with Obama !!!! We (blacks) have awakened to the truth about the Clintons......and with more exposure like today's Huff story re: Hill's feeding the GOP Obama smears...our friends of ALL races will awaken soon !!!!!!!!!...THAT'S THE REAL STORY !!!!

Greg Jones

(A Multi-Racial, Grassroots Org...Dedicated To Truth)

p.s. was started in Feb. 2007 (by Greg Jones) because of the fact that VERY few blacks were for Obama at that time.....they were ALL for Hillary !!!!! We knew that Obama was the best person to run our country and bring our troops home and that is why we started our grassroots organization with a mission to increase black voter registration and to invigorate support for Obama. (Not because he's black...but because he's most qualified) The more black voters learned about Obama...the more they liked him....and the more they learned about the Clintons....the angrier they got !!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are appreciative of our friends of ALL races....who are working together....for the very best put America on the right track.....Barack Obama ! THANK YOU !

Visit: Blacks4Barack OFFICIAL SITE

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Hillary's Problem Ahead....The Weather !

I just checked the forecast for the next 2 weeks in Indiana and N. Carolina and noticed that Hillary may have one major problem ahead....The Weather ! For the next 2 weeks you will notice that all of Hill and Bill's rallys will be in outdoor venues....parks...back yards...parking lots...etc.. The reason? She's so broke she can't afford to rent halls anymore for her appearances. So they are forced to holding their rallys in 'free' outdoor venues. Problem's supposed to rain alot in both Indiana and N. Carolina over the next couple weeks. So what will they do ? They can't afford to go indoors....they can't cancel...And now that she has been known not to pay her bills the halls want their money up front.That's where the Hill supporters come in. If you are a true, strong supporter of Hillary....she needs you all to do an Indian...'Hope it DON'T' raindance ! Seriously....she needs your help. Just stand in the mirror and start your don't raindance jig...but then stop....look in the mirror....and ask yourself.... Is this REALLY who you think should be running America !
Visit: Blacks4Barack OFFICIAL SITE
(A Multi-Racial Grassroots Org...Dedicated To Truth)

If Clinton can't run campaign,
can she run White House?
By David Lightman McClatchy Newspapers

WASHINGTON — Despite Hillary Clinton's big win in Pennsylvania last week, the story of her campaign is often one of mismanagement and missed opportunities, and it raises questions about how she'd organize and run the White House.

"There's a certain style to the campaign, and it shows what we might expect in a Clinton presidency: a lot of viewpoints and a messiness," said James McCann, a political science professor at Purdue University in Indiana.

Whether that's a good or bad trait is in the eye of the analyst. McCann called it "policymaking through trial and error," similar to how Bill Clinton ran his administration, which to many was a big success.

But her campaign tumbled from riches to rags to rebounds — and now to hanging on for dear life. It wasn't supposed to be that way.

Not many months ago, Clinton was the consensus front-runner, with a 30-point lead in national polls, $118 million raised in 2007 and the backing of most Democratic power brokers.
Today she trails Illinois Sen. Barack Obama in convention delegates, campaign cash and the popular vote.
How'd that happen?
Obama proved to be a phenomenal opponent — that's surely one answer. But some critics see Clinton's campaign as a runaway truck that careened from primary to primary in search of a structure that works.
From the time the former first lady announced her White House bid 15 months ago, her strategy was driven by three ideas: Clinton was the inevitable Democratic nominee so everyone should jump on her bandwagon; she had a seasoned team adept at finding and appealing to wide varieties of voters; and she could outraise and outspend all rivals.

"The bottom line is that she went in with a set of assumptions that proved to be false," said John Geer, the editor of the Journal of Politics.
The notion that she was the inevitable winner left a lot of activists cold.
"You got the sense that her attitude was, 'I'm the nominee, so what else are you going to do?''' said Gordon Fischer, a former Iowa Democratic Party chairman.

As the Des Moines lawyer tried to decide on a candidate last year, Clinton would call him occasionally, but when he said that he wanted to go out on a campaign bus for a day, he said, "No one ever got back to me."

Obama's campaign did. Fischer spent a day going to a barbecue with 15 people and six other events. He signed up with Obama in late September.
"No rookie candidate can claim inevitability," said California political strategist Bob Mulholland. "Only a president can."
Clinton's second stumble was trusting advisers who not only bickered openly, but also seemed to lack the strategic vision that a presidential campaign requires.
Until recently, Clinton's top strategist was Washington pollster Mark Penn, the author of last year's book "Microtrends: The Small Forces Behind Tomorrow's Big Changes."
However, 2008 has become the year of the big trend.
Since October, the AP-Ipsos poll has found that roughly 70 percent of Americans think that the country is on the wrong track, thanks largely to frustration over Iraq and the economy. Americans want big change, not micro-measures.
Compounding Clinton's problem was Penn, who's widely perceived as arrogant and awkward with people. "He has the social skills of a mollusk," said William Curry, a former counselor to Bill Clinton.
Kathy Sullivan, a former New Hampshire party chairwoman, agreed: "Every time I saw him on TV, I thought he was losing us voters."
Penn didn't respond to requests for comment.

As the campaign progressed in 2008, Clinton faced a third problem: Her team had expected her to sew up the nomination on Feb. 5, Super Tuesday. It burned through more than $118 million trying to make that happen, spending so furiously that Clinton even lent herself $5 million at the end of January.

But when Obama fought her to a draw that day, Clinton seemed to have no Plan B.
Campaign manager Patti Solis Doyle, a longtime loyalist who'd never run a campaign before, left after Super Tuesday. She was replaced by Maggie Williams, another longtime loyalist who'd never run a campaign.
Meanwhile, Obama ran off 11 straight victories in February, most in races Clinton barely contested, which is how he rolled up his lead in delegates.

In March, chief strategist Penn was forced to step down after he met with Colombian officials to tout a free-trade agreement that Clinton opposed.
Along the way Clinton presented a number of shifting personas. When she was trying to appear inevitable, she ran as the steely would-be commander in chief. After she lost to Obama in Iowa, she turned misty-eyed and emotional just before the New Hampshire primary and won. More recently, she's presented herself as the reincarnation of Rocky, the plucky prize-fighter who never gives up.

"She's had more incarnations than the Dalai Lama, and she's not as well-liked," Curry said.
Still, she managed to rebound and win crucial primaries in Texas and Ohio on March 4, and in Pennsylvania by 9.2 points on Tuesday.
Clinton backers dismiss the February free-fall as ancient history, citing her Pennsylvania win as evidence that she's on the path to the top. While her campaign aides declined requests for comment for this story, her surrogates made her case publicly.

"It was an awesome victory, a landslide in so many different ways," said Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell. "You can see the dynamic changing."
Still, the history of campaign turmoil suggests that a Clinton White House might not be a smooth operation.

"Plan B seems to be, 'Fire staff,'" said Craig Allen Smith, a professor of communication at North Carolina State University.
"She's done what many thought was impossible," Curry said. "She's raising her negatives."

(Greg Gordon contributed.)
McClatchy Newspapers 2008


(A Multi-Racial Grassroots Org...Dedicated To Truth)

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Rev. Jeremiah Wright Sets
Record Straight In Powerful PBS Interview
Shows how media manipulated and mislead America ! PITIFUL !!!!!!!!!!!!
Visit: Official Site
(A Multi-Racial Organization....Dedicated To Truth)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Regarding NEW STRATEGY !

Just Stress THE FACTS to
DNC & SuperDelegates !

It is absolutely amazing how the media is spinning the Clinton victory in Pennsylvania.....regardless of the facts. First of all, although she was leading in the polls by over 22%, she won by 9.4%....not 'double digits' which sounds so much more like a blowout. Secondly, unless Hillary wins every remaining primary by 76% or more, it is absolutley mathematically impossible for her to catch Obama in the pledged delegate count. That's just a fact. Obama is leading in delegate count, number of states won and popular vote, even though now she has convinced some in the media to count the votes in Michigan and Florida to claim a lead in popular vote, although the fact is.....those states don't count.

While the media is dissecting the demographics, for some reason they keep leaving one verrrrry important statistic out of their breakdown. The Major Fact Is.....BILLARY HAS ALIENATED AND LOST THE ENTIRE BLACK VOTE ! Where's THAT fact ? And they have the gall to think that they can claim her to be more electable to superdelegates.......with close to zero black support......ARE THEY NUTS ???????? Hillary Clinton is the first democratic presidential nominee in modern day history to lose the entire black vote ! That, too, is a fact !


It is time for EVERYONE to contact the DNC and every superdelegate that we can trace and remind them that due to her own actions HILLARY HAS LOST THE ENTIRE BLACK VOTE ! How in the world could she and Bill have the nerve to claim more electabilty when they have lost an entire race of people....the very group that the Democratic Party has always been able to count on.



Call The DNC TODAY at 202-863-8000 or contact them at

This is in no way meant to be racial. We are all in this together....blacks, whites, young, old, rich and poor......working together for a better America. But the fact that the Clintons (formerly known as The First Black President)have lost the support of an entire race of not only pitiful.....but should be made....a very well known FACT !

(A Multi-Racial Organization Dedicated To Truth !)

Monday, April 14, 2008

Hillary/Media's 'bitter' tactic
against Obama
desperately PITIFUL !
By Greg Jones

Here we go again ! When the campaign started in 2007 Obama was said to have not been 'black enough' as per the media as they touted Hillary's 82% support from Black Americans. The Clinton camp scrounged and dug as deeply as they could to find some kind....ANY kind of smut they could use against Obama, even searching as far back as his kindergarten writings. Couldn't find a thing. Then as Americans of all races learned more about the real Clintons, while learning more about the great qualities and capabilities of Obama, the inevitable was no more. So the Clintons (and the media) decided if they couldn't find anything negative on Obama, why not search through video tapes of Obama's preacher. Yea ! That's the ticket. So they scrounged and searched through years and years of video taped sermons and found a few somewhat harsh statements from the preacher....looped them all together....played them on the news 1 or 2 million times, in hopes that they could paint Obama as this anti-American-black militant type person....exactly what he is not (maybe they forgot he's also half white). But, polls showed their masterminded plot to be ineffective. Now what ? Ahhhhh. Obama makes a statement discussing how many Americans are fed up with government failures and are 'bitter'. The Clintons....McCain....the media....ALL's something we can jump on top of.....Obama called Americans 'bitter' ! So he's an elitist out of touch with real America!

This is the weakest attempt so far. How in the world can they try to claim that a little black boy who's father left at age 2....raised by a single white broke at times that she was on food stamps....a boy who grew up and went to college through grants and scholarships....riding to school daily in a ragedy jalopy.....just recently paying off his student loans thanks to proceeds from a book he wrote....(entitled 'The Audacity of HOPE') who's entire life has been devoted to helping the disadvantaged....the poor....sick....the struggling....THIS IS AN ELITIST ?

Hillary, McCain and the entire media should be ashamed of themselves for this weak, pitiful attempt to literally make-up truth. They should be concentrating on REAL facts such as the 109 million the Clintons have made during the last few years...or the 300 mill McCain's wife is worth.....or what about Hillary's secret religion known as 'The Family' which CNN didn't ask a single question about in the so-called religious forum...or what about her election fraud case going on right now in California? Did we mention McCain's wife's stealing of drugs and her rehab stint ? There's so much's pitiful !

The fact is.....Obama is about as elitist as Hillary ducked sniper fire in Bosnia....Stay focused people. They are all (Hillary, McCain and the media) getting more and more desperate everyday. That's a real good sign !
Greg Jones is National Director of Blacks4Barack (A Multi-Racial Organization)
Visit: BLACKS4BARACK Official Site

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Hillary fired for lies, unethical behavior
from Congressional job: former boss
by Ed Morrissey

Dan Calabrese’s new column on Hillary Clinton’s past may bring the curtain down on her political future. Calabrese interviewed Jerry Zeifman, the man who served as chief counsel to the House Judiciary Committee during the Watergate hearings, has tried to tell the story of his former staffer’s behavior during those proceedings for years. Zeifman claims he fired Hillary for unethical behavior and that she conspired to deny Richard Nixon counsel during the hearings:
As Hillary Clinton came under increasing scrutiny for her story about facing sniper fire in Bosnia, one question that arose was whether she has engaged in a pattern of lying.

The now-retired general counsel and chief of staff of the House Judiciary Committee, who supervised Hillary when she worked on the Watergate investigation, says Hillary’s history of lies and unethical behavior goes back farther – and goes much deeper – than anyone realizes.
Jerry Zeifman, a lifelong Democrat, supervised the work of 27-year-old Hillary Rodham on the committee. Hillary got a job working on the investigation at the behest of her former law professor, Burke Marshall, who was also Sen. Ted Kennedy’s chief counsel in the Chappaquiddick affair. When the investigation was over, Zeifman fired Hillary from the committee staff and refused to give her a letter of recommendation – one of only three people who earned that dubious distinction in Zeifman’s 17-year career.


“Because she was a liar,” Zeifman said in an interview last week. “She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality.”
This isn’t exactly news. When her lachrymose performance arguably won her New Hampshire, Zeifman tried to tell people about Hillary’s duplicity. Patterico noticed the effort, but few others picked it up. Zeifman wrote at his website:

After hiring Hillary, Doar assigned her to confer with me regarding rules of procedure for the impeachment inquiry. At my first meeting with her I told her that Judiciary Committee Chairman Peter Rodino, House Speaker Carl Albert, Majority Leader “Tip” O’Neill, Parliamentarian Lou Deschler and I had previously all agreed that we should rely only on the then existing House Rules, and not advocate any changes. I also quoted Tip O’Neill’s statement that: “To try to change the rules now would be politically divisive. It would be like trying to change the traditional rules of baseball before a World Series.”

Hillary assured me that she had not drafted, and would not advocate, any such rules changes. However, as documented in my personal diary, I soon learned that she had lied. She had already drafted changes, and continued to advocate them. In one written legal memorandum, she advocated denying President Nixonrepresentation by counsel. In so doing she simply ignored the fact that in the committee’s then most recent prior impeachment proceeding, the committee had afforded the right to counsel to Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas.

I had also informed Hillary that the Douglas impeachment files were available for public inspection in the committee offices. She later removed the Douglas files without my permission and carried them to the offices of the impeachment inquiry staff — where they were no longer accessible to the public.

Hillary had also made other ethical flawed procedural recommendations, arguing that the Judiciary Committee should: not hold any hearings with – or take depositions of — any live witnesses; not conduct any original investigation of Watergate, bribery, tax evasion, or any other possible impeachable offense of President Nixon; and should rely solely on documentary evidence compiled by other committees and by the Justice Departments special Watergate prosecutor .

The right to counsel is considered one of the inviolable tenets of our justice system. It doesn’t speak well of ambitious attorneys working on a highly-charged political investigation that she wanted to deny someone the right to an attorney. Small wonder Zeifman questioned her ethics.
If all she did was to propose that as a tactic, that would not make it terribly concerning — but she did much more than just spitball ideas. When informed that public evidence showed a precedent for the right to counsel, she absconded with the files to eliminate the evidence. Does that remind anyone of later incidents in the Clinton narrative, such as the billing records for the Rose Law offices and the 900+ raw FBI files on political opponents of the Clintons?

Hillary’s advocates could accuse Zeifman of conjuring up these stories in order to draw attention to himself in the middle of a presidential campaign. However, Calabrese reports that Zeifman kept diaries during this period, urged on by friends mindful of the historical nature of the Watergate investigation. No one would have known at the time that this 27-year-old barracuda would have any sort of national significance — which makes Zeifman’s testimony all the more compelling.

We know that the Tuzla Dash covered for something much more significant in Hillary’s character. Zeifman shows that all of this forms a pattern of lies, obfuscations, deceit, and treachery. Don’t miss a word on either site.
Update: Not Senate, but the House. I changed the title to Congressional, but Zeifman worked for the House Judiciary Committee.


Tuesday, April 1, 2008

WOW ! Hillary's Religion (cult?)
'THE FAMILY' Very Scary !
Prays To Jesus For The Elite To Rule The World !
The media has repeatedly aired the short clips of Rev. Jeremiah Wright's rhetoric in attempt to discredit and smear Barack Obama. But what's even more interesting is the fact that the media never discusses Hillary Clinton's religion, which is extremely telling and even frightening. A closer look into her 'religion' gives one a clearer picture of why she is the way she is.In a recent article by Steven Brandt many truths about Hillary's religion, called ' The Family' will make you shudder. The question is....where's the media on this one ?

Brandt writes, "You don't choose your family, but you choose what church you want to attend." said Hillary Clinton, to reporters and editors of the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review on Tuesday the 25th. This is an interesting choice of words, since -- while we mostly hear about her Methodist upbringing -- Hillary Clinton has chosen to associate herself with The Family (also known as the Fellowship), a very conservative, fundamentalist organization started by Abraham Vereide...
" immigrant preacher who in 1935 organized a small group of businessmen sympathetic to European fascism, fusing the Far Right with his own polite but authoritarian faith. From that core, Vereide built an international network of fundamentalists who spoke the language of establishment power, a "family" that thrives to this day. In public, they host prayer breakfasts; in private they preach a gospel of "biblical capitalism," military might, and American empire. Citing Hitler, Lenin, and Mao, Doug Coe, the Family's current leader, declares, "We work with power where we can, build new power where we can't."
This quote is taken from the book on The Family by the same name which will be published in May... a book which claims to
"...dramatically challenge conventional wisdom about American fundamentalism, revealing its crucial role in the unraveling of the New Deal, the waging of the Cold War, and the no-holds-barred economics of globalization. The question Sharlet believes we must ask is not "What do fundamentalists want?" but "What have they already done?"
A long article was written about Hillary Clinton's participation in this organization last September in Mother Jones, and The Family, itself, was the subject of an extensive article in Harper's in March of 2003. And on March 21st, The Nation published an article on Hillary and The Family by Barbara Ehrenreich that was published on The Huffington Post and CBS News' web site.
The Family avoids the word Christian but worships Jesus, though not the Jesus who promised the earth to the "meek." They believe that, in mass societies, it's only the elites who matter, the political leaders who can build God's "dominion" on earth. Insofar as The Family has a consistent philosophy, it's all about power - cultivating it, building it and networking it together into ever-stronger units, or "cells."...wrote Ms.Ehrenreich.
Is it possible that Hillary's participation in this fundamentalist group -- which apparently preaches the "gospel of military might" -- would help explain her vote in favor of authorizing President Bush to attack Iraq? Is it possible her pro-NAFTA stance during her husband's administration comes from its embrace of "the no-holds-barred economics of globalization"? Is it possible that the sense some get that Hillary feels entitled to be president comes in part from this group's belief that "it's only the elites who matter"?
I encourage any reporter covering Hillary's campaign to ask her about all this.

At a time when so many people are wondering what sort of effect the Rev. Wright's sermons may have had on Barack Obama, I think it's only fair to ask what sort of effect The Family's fundamentalist mission has had - and continues to have - on Hillary Clinton. We know that George Bush engages in truly fundamentalist thinking. There is no person or new information capable of challenging his belief that what he already knows is right. Is Hillary Clinton like this in some way? I am not sure.

But the opinion I have formed from this is that - while Hillary Clinton may be considered a Liberal by many - on the inside she is a deeply Conservative person... possibly as close to being a Republican today as she was when she was a young woman supporting Senator Goldwater. This helps explain, to me, why she and John McCain are such good friends. They are both drawn to the use of military power and free market capitalism... and to taking money from lobbyists. The other opinion I have formed is that those who say there are no policy differences between Hillary and Barack haven't taken into account how their religious differences might impact the policies they would actually seek to implement as president.
(end of article)

So now a few things make more sense about Hillary. In review, she's in a kinda power-hungry cult which is actually run by her fellow Republicans which she is secretly one of ! It also makes sense why she could care less about detroying the Democratic Party. Also, beware of her claim to work toward ending the Iraq war. That is another great lie that she is telling. If you listen to her claims she commonly repeats ' I will start getting troops out within my first 60 days '.....How many ? 3....1000...10,000 ? Don't be fooled. Hillary has no desire to end the war. She'll bring 5 troops home then say that she kept her word.

The media should be called out for not exposing this cult. Problem is, they would also be revealing the truths about their fellow Republican's plan and prayers to 'rule the world' by any means. So it's up to us, regular Americans like you and I, to help spread the truth in spite of the media.....For The Re-Birth of America !

Greg Jones
Visit: Blacks4Barack Official Site

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Join The Blacks4Barack
'Web Blast Team' !

Blacks4Barack is a national grassroots organization who's mission has always been to invigorate support for Barack Obama. Throughout this campaign it has become obvious that Senator Obama is also forced to run against some of the media....who's primary objective is to see Obama any means. The media has not only told many mistruths and sparked the flames of racism....but they are also guilty of withholding facts that the American people should know. That is where you come in.

Through the power of the internet, true news can be shared nationwide by simply posting facts in various comment sections of high traffic sites. Huffington Post, Politico, Black America Web, BlackVoices, N.Y. Times, CNN etc....are great sites to help inform their visitors of facts......and guess what.....IT REALLY WORKS !

As a Blacks4Barack Web Blaster we will simply email stories/articles to you that we want you to email (blast) out to every site that you feel appropriate. The more the facts get out....the more America knows the Truth. To join the Web Blaster Team simply send an e-mail to Blacks4Barack saying you'd like to be a Blacks4Barack Blaster. Give us your name, city and email address. Then we will start sending you stories/articles.....then START BLASTING ! Also, please email us any stories/articles that you feel should be blasted.

Together....We WILL Make A Difference....For The Re-Birth of America
Visit Blacks4Barack Official Site

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


We are asking everyone in America to contact the media to let them know WE WILL NOT SUPPORT SPONSORED RACISM. ANY news network who is promoting racism, divisiveness and hate mongoring should be contacted. Let them know that we are making a list of the advertisers who are sponsoring this media racism.....and we will NOT SUPPORT THESE ADVERTISERS ! The hate mongoring via the media MUST STOP ! Also please send your list of advertisers to Blacks4Barack. Together....we WILL Make A Difference....for the Re-Birth of America !

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Visit: Blacks4Barack Official Site (A Multi-Racial Organization)

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Blacks 4 Barack Announces:
Phone Campaign To DNC !

Out of desperation, the Clinton campaign is now stooping to extreme lows by having surrogate Geraldine Ferraro in the media making racist statements against Barack Obama. Also, it is a fact that even if Hillary wins Pennsylvania there is absolutely no way she can get enough delegate votes to defeat Obama. And her BIG ploy now is to have a 're-do' in Michigan and Florida, despite the fact that this would be a changing of the rules in the middle of the game which should not be allowed. She then hopes that, after stealing the nomination, she will offer Obama the V.P. slot....figuring that if he excepts, Obama supporters will vote for her....while if he does not....she would at least look like she offered the slot. THIS IS UNEXCEPTABLE !

Hillary Clinton's coniving tactics will end up extremely detrimental to the Democratic Party. Now is the time to let the DNC know that if Hillary wins through ANY methods deemed trickery (which is the only way she can win) WE....THE PEOPLE WILL NOT SUPPORT HER IN THE GENERAL ELECTION !

National radio talk show host Warren Ballentine is asking EVERYONE to call the DNC at 202-863-8000 to let them know 'We Will Not Support A Cheater !'We need 50 thousand Americans of all ages, races and creeds to FLOOD THE PHONES !!! So Call Today !!!! 202-863-8000. Say It Loud....WE WILL NOT SUPPORT A CHEATER.....PERIOD!!! Tell everyone you know to make this call. The Time Is NOW....for the Re-Birth of America !!!!

NOTE: The Media refuses to inform America that OBAMA WON TEXAS !!!!!

Visit: Blacks 4 Barack Official Site

Friday, February 29, 2008

Farrakhan: Stick With Obama

CHICAGO (AP) — Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan said Thursday that backers of Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama shouldn't be dissuaded by the senator's denunciation of Farrakhan during a Democratic debate.

His statement comes after Obama was asked during Tuesday's televised debate with Democratic presidential rival Hillary Rodham Clinton about Farrakhan's support for the Obama campaign. Obama said he denounces Farrakhan's past anti-Semitic remarks and rejects his support.
Farrakhan sent an unsolicited statement Thursday to The Associated Press that he said was meant to respond to "outrage expressed by many" over Obama's comments.

"Those who have been supporting Sen. Barack Obama should not allow what was said during the Feb. 26 presidential debate to lessen their support for his campaign. This is simply mischief making intended to hurt Mr. Obama politically."

Farrakhan, through a spokesman, later clarified that by "mischief making" he was referring to the questions posed by debate moderator Tim Russert, host of NBC's "Meet the Press."
The issue arose Sunday, when Farrakhan praised Obama before a large Nation of Islam gathering, even comparing him to the religion's founder, Wallace D. Fard Muhammad, who Farrakhan claims also had a white mother and black father.

"A black man with a white mother became a savior to us," Farrakhan said Sunday. "A black man with a white mother could turn out to be one who can lift America from her fall."
The Obama campaign moved quickly to distance itself from Farrakhan. Just hours after the address, the campaign said, "Senator Obama has been clear in his objections to Minister Farrakhan's past pronouncements and has not solicited the minister's support."
Farrakhan has drawn widespread attention in the past for making anti-Semitic remarks, including calling Judaism a "gutter religion." In recent years, officials with the Nation of Islam have said they favor unity and tolerance among religions, and Farrakhan now often quotes the texts of other religions in his speeches.

Officials with the Nation have long argued that Farrakhan's comments are often taken out of context.

During Tuesday's debate, Russert pressed Obama about whether he accepts Farrakhan's support. The senator responded that while both he and Farrakhan live in Chicago, that's where their ties end.

"I have been very clear in my denunciation of Minister Farrakhan's anti-Semitic comments. I think that they are unacceptable and reprehensible," Obama said. "I did not solicit this support."
Following an exchange with Clinton, he then added: "There's no formal offer of help from Minister Farrakhan that would involve me rejecting it. But if the word 'reject' Senator Clinton feels is stronger than the word 'denounce,' then I'm happy to concede the point, and I would reject and denounce."
Return: BLACKS 4 BARACK Official Site (A multi-racial organization)

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Blacks 4 Barack Launches:
Contact the DNC to let
Howard Dean know that we
feel that Hillary should step
down in a respectful manner
since she is obvously not going
to win the nomination.
This would be the right gesture
for her political future as well
as the right gesture for the
Democratic Party. Just


.....respectfully request
the DNC to ask Hillary to step-down.
She is totally just stalling the inevitable.
She had us all holding our breath for the
big 'Ohio Showdown'....which was a dud...
now she's claiming pre-victory in Texas
and Ohio which is a total joke. Then after
her March 4th spanking she'll claim to be
able to come from behind in Pennsylvania,
as if she doesn't see the polls that Obama is
already within 5 points in Pa. and by primary
day he'll probably be in the lead....and win there
as well. Wake Up Hill ! Smell the coffee.
The parties over. Give it up. Call Howard Now !
Then it will be time to concentrate
on the Re-Birth Of America....

Official Site

Rep. John Lewis Officially
Switches To Obama

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Published on: 02/27/08

WASHINGTON — Hoping to put an end to a month of confusion and dismay, Rep. John Lewis on Wednesday said he's switching his support from Sen. Hillary Clinton to Sen. Barack Obama in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination.

Lewis cited the overwhelming preference for Obama in his district as a reason for his change of heart, but he also talked about Obama's campaign as transformational for the nation.
"Something's happening in America, something some of us did not see coming," Lewis said. "Barack Obama has tapped into something that is extraordinary.
Lewis, an Atlanta Democrat and an elder of the civil rights movement, at first sparked outrage from Georgia's African American community by backing Clinton, a friend, over Obama, the nation's first viable African American candidate.

Then confusion struck about a week ago when Lewis told the New York Times that, as a super delegate to the Democratic National Convention, he would feel compelled to vote for Obama as the nominee because his district – and the state's African American population overall – so overwhelmingly for Obama in the state primary.

Lewis's office later charged that the story was inaccurate but did not clarify who Lewis was actually backing. In an interview in his congressional office, Lewis said the decision to switch his support was a difficult one, a choice between a longtime friend and a little-known black man.
"I did it because I felt I had to support Mrs. Clinton because of our friendship," Lewis said. "But also I thought she was ready to lead. Lewis had placed a called to Clinton's office Wednesday morning but hadn't heard back from her. He also had a Please-Return-The-Call message of his own from Obama. By midday, he still hadn't returned it.

"It's been a long, hard and difficult struggle to come to where I am now," Lewis said.

Return: BLACKS 4 BARACK Official Site (A multi-racial organization)

Monday, February 25, 2008

Barack Obama Has The Experience !

During Barack Obama's first 8 years of legislative experience as State Senator of Illinois he sponsored over 820 bills. The numbers given here come directly from a New York Times compilation.

233 regarding health care and public health,125 on poverty and public assistance,112 crime fighting bills,97 economic bills,62 education bills,60 human rights and anti-discrimination bills,21 ethics reform bills,20 environmental bills,6 military and veterans affairs, and many others.

In his first year in the U.S. Senate, Obama authored 152 bills and co-sponsored another 427. These included:
**Coburn-Obama Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006. A bill to require full disclosure of all entities and organizations receiving Federal funds, S.2590 Sen. Coburn said on the Senate floor he introduced the bill for himself and Sen. Obama. Became Public Law No: 109-282. Sen. Clinton eventually added her name as a cosponsor.

**Lugar-Obama Cooperative Proliferation Detection, Interdiction Assistance, and Conventional Threat Reduction Act of 2006, S.2566 The term “Lugar-Obama” is in the Senate record. The Lugar-Obama bill was included in the Department of State Authorities Act of 2006, Public Law No: 109-472, and was signed by President Bush in January 2007.
**Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2006 S.2611 Passed by Senate. While Sen. Obama was not a sponsor, he played a key role in the crafting of the immigration reform bill that the Senate passed before the 109th Congress adjourned; he offered three amendments that were included in the Senate bill.
In the 110th (current) Congress 2007:

**Lobbying and Ethics Reform Act of 2007, S.230 Obama’s Senate web site calls it “the Obama-Feingold bill.” These Senators introduced the bill to establish a “gold standard” for reform. This bill was sent to committee. The final bill that the Congress passed closely mirrored and drew key provisions from S 230, and Senator Obama helped author and lead the Senate to pass the Honest Leadership and Open Government Act of 2007, Public Law No: 110-81.

**Nuclear Weapons Threat Reduction Act of 2007, S.1977 Sponsor: Sen. Obama, Barack [IL] (introduced 8/2/2007) Cosponsors (2) Title: A bill to provide for sustained United States leadership in a cooperative global effort to prevent nuclear terrorism, reduce global nuclear arsenals, stop the spread of nuclear weapons and related material and technology, and support the responsible and peaceful use of nuclear technology. Latest Major Action: 8/2/2007 Read twice and referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations.

He has done much more of course. This gives only part of Obama's Senate accomplishments. Don't be mislead by the distortion of truth. Barack Obama has the experience needed....For The Re-Birth of America.

Return: BLACKS 4 BARACK (A multi-racial organization)

Obama News, Views, Issues, Photos, Volunteer Info and More !

Friday, February 22, 2008


ClintonDNC Patti Higgins (AK)DNC Joe Reed (AL)DNC Randy Kelley (AL)DNC Yvonne Kennedy (AL)Gov. Togiola Tulafono (AS)DNC Fagafaga Langkilde (AS)DNC Deanna Fuimaono (AS)DNC Nathaniel Savali (AS)Rep. Ed Pastor (AZ)DNC Joe Rios (AZ)DNC Janice C. Brunson (AZ)DNC Carolyn Warner (AZ)Gov. Mike Beebe (AR)Sen. Mark Pryor (AR)Sen. Blanche Lincoln (AR)Rep. Marion Berry (AR)Rep. Mike Ross (AR)Rep. Vic Snyder (AR)DNC Don Beavers (AR)DNC Martha Dixon (AR)DNC Karla Bradley (AR)DNC Bill Gwatney (AR)Sen. Diane Feinstein (CA)Rep. Maxine Waters (CA)Rep. Joe Baca (CA)Rep. Doris Matsui (CA)Rep. Mike Thompson (CA)Rep. Lynn Woolsey (CA)Rep. Dennis Cardoza (CA)Rep. Jane Harman (CA)Rep. Grace Napolitano (CA)Rep. Laura Richardson (CA)Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard (CA)Rep. Brad Sherman (CA)Rep. Hilda Solis (CA)Rep. Ellen Tauscher (CA)Rep. Diane Watson (CA)DNC Alice Huffman (CA)DNC Alicia Wang (CA)DNC Rosalind Wyman (CA)Rep. Loretta Sanchez (CA)DNC Charles Manatt (CA)DNC Kamil Hasan (CA)DNC Mona Pasquil (CA)DNC Mirian Saez (CA)DNC Garry Shay (CA)DNC Hon. Maria Echaveste (CA)DNC Rachel Binah (CA)Hon. Christopher Stampolis (CA)Rep. Diane DeGette (CO)DNC Manny Rodriguez (CO)DNC Maria Handley (CO)DNC Ramona Martinez (CO)DNC Ellen Camhi (CT)DNC Robert Bell (DA)*DNC Leo Perez Minaya (DA)*Gov. Ruth Ann Minner (DE)DNC Rhett Ruggerio (DE)DNC Karen Valentine (DE)DNC Mary Eva Candon (DC)DNC Yolanda Caraway (DC)DNC Hartina Flournoy (DC)DNC Harold Ickes (DC)DNC Ben Johnson (DC)DNC Eric Kleinfeld (DC)DNC Minyon Moore (DC)DNC Elizabeth Smith (DC)DNC Marilyn Tyler Brown (DC)Sen. Bill Nelson (FL)Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL)Rep. Alcee Hastings (FL)Rep. Corrine Brown (FL)Rep. Kendrick Meek (FL)DNC Raul Martinez (FL)DNC Chuck Mohlke (FL) Michael Thurmond (GA)Carole Dabbs (GA)Lonnie Plott (GA)Sen. Daniel Inouye (HI)DNC Richard Port (HI)Sen. Evan Bayh (IN)DNC Dan Parker (IN)DNC Phoebe Crane (IN)DNC Bob Pastrick (IN)Rep. Leonard Boswell (IA)DNC Sandy Opstvedt (IA)DNC Mike Gronstal (IA)DNC Teresa Krusor (KS)DNC Terry McBrayer (KY)DNC Jo Etta Wickliffe (KY)DNC Patsy Arcenaux (LA)Gov. John Baldacci (ME)DNC Ken Curtis (ME)Sen. Barbara Mikulski (MD)Gov. Martin O'Malley (MD)Rep. CA Dutch Ruppersberger (MD)DNC Nancy Kopp (MD)DNC Glenard Middleton (MD)DNC Alvaro Cifuentes (MD)DNC Richard Michalski (MD)DNC Michael Steed (MD)DNC Maria Cordone (MD)DNC Carol Pensky (MD)DNC Joe Andrew (MD)Rep. Richard Neal (MA)Rep. Jim McGovern (MA)Rep. Barney Frank (MA)Rep. Stephen Lynch (MA)DNC Steven Grossman (MA)DNC Debra DeLee (MA)DNC Gus Bickford (MA)DNC Dr. Elaine Kamarck (MA)DNC Diane Saxe (MA)Gov. Jennifer Granholm (MI)Hon. John Cherry (MI)Sen. Debbie Stabenow (MI)Rep. Sander Levin (MI)DNC Joel Ferguson (MI)Rep. Dale Kildee (MI)Rep. John Dingell (MI)VP Walter Mondale (MN)DNC Jackie Stevenson (MN)DNC Rick Stafford (MN)Rep. Emanuel Cleaver II (MO)Fmr. Rep. Dick Gephardt (MO)DNC Doug Brooks (MO)DNC Sandy Querry (MO)Rep. Shelley Berkley (NV)DNC Dina Titus (NV)
Clinton cont'dDNC Gaeten DiGangi (NH)DNC Anita Freedman (NH)Gov. Jon Corzine (NJ)Sen. Robert Menendez (NJ)Rep. Robert Andrews (NJ)Rep. Frank Pallone (NJ)Rep. Bill Pascrell (NJ)Rep. Albio Sires (NJ)Rep. Donald Payne (NJ)DNC Joseph DeCotiis (NJ)DNC Joe Cryan (NJ)DNC Tonio Burgos (NJ)DNC June Fisher (NJ)DNC Diane Denish (NM)DNC Martin Chavez (NM)DNC Mary Gail Gwaltney (NM)DNC Raymond Sanchez (NM)DNC Annadelle Sanchez (NM)DNC Christine Trujillo (NM)Gov. Eliot Spitzer (NY)President Bill Clinton (NY)Sen. Hillary Clinton (NY)Sen. Chuck Schumer (NY)Rep. Gary Ackerman (NY)Rep. Michael Arcuri (NY)Rep. Timothy Bishop (NY)Rep. Joseph Crowley (NY)Rep. Eliot Engel (NY)Rep. Kirsten Gillibrand (NY)Rep. John Hall (NY)Rep. Brian Higgins (NY)Rep. Maurice Hinchey (NY)Rep. Steve Israel (NY)Rep. Nita Lowey (NY)Rep. Carolyn Maloney (NY)Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (NY)Rep. Michael McNulty (NY)Rep. Gregory Meeks (NY)Rep. Jerrold Nadler (NY)Rep. Charles Rangel (NY)Richard Schaffer (NY)Rep. Jose Serrano (NY)Rep. Louise Slaughter (NY)Rep. Edolphus Towns (NY)Rep. Nydia Velazquez (NY)Rep. Anthony Weiner (NY)Rep. Yvette D. Clarke (NY)DNC June O'Neill (NY)DNC Dave Pollak (NY)DNC Randi Weingarten (NY)DNC Vivian Cook (NY)DNC Emily Giske (NY)DNC Judith Hope (NY)DNC Maria Luna (NY)DNC Sheldon Silver (NY)DNC Robert Zimmerman (NY)DNC Hon. David Paterson (NY)DNC Susan Burgess (NC)Gov. Ted Strickland (OH)Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones (OH)DNC Betty McElderry (OK)Gov. Ted Kulongoski (OR)Rep. Darlene Hooley (OR)Gov. Ed Rendell (PA)DNC Hon. TJ Rooney (PA)Rep. Joe Sestak (PA)Rep. Allyson Schwartz (PA)Rep. Paul Kanjorski (PA)DNC Rena Baumgartner (PA)DNC Marcel Groen (PA)DNC Jean Milko (PA)DNC Evelyn Richardson (PA) DNC Gerald McEntee (PA)DNC Ruth Rudy (PA)DNC Ian Murray (PA)DNC Roberto Prats Palerm (PR)DNC Kenneth McClintock (PR)DNC Francisco Domenec (PR)Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (RI)Rep. Jim Langevin (RI)DNC Grace Diaz (RI)DNC David Cicilline (RI)DNC William Lynch (RI)DNC Mark Weiner (RI)Edna O'Neill Matson (RI)Hon. Frank Montanaro (RI)DNC Don Fowler (SC)DNC Marva Smalls (SC)DNC Bill Owen (TN)DNC Elisa Parker (TN)DNC Hon. Myron Lowery (TN)DNC Jimmie Farris (TN)Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (TX)Rep. Henry Cuellar (TX)DNC Sue Lovell (TX)DNC Senfronia Thompson (TX)Rep. Ruben Hinojosa (TX)Rep. Silvestre Reyes (TX)Rep. Gene Green (TX)Rep. Solomon Ortiz (TX) Former Speaker Jim Wright (TX)DNC Norma Fisher Flores (TX)DNC David Holmes (TX)DNC David Hardt (TX)DNC Bob Slagle (TX)DNC Hon. Karen Hale (UT)DNC Helen Langan (UT)DNC Terry McAuliffe (VA)DNC Jennifer McClellan (VA)DNC Mame Reiley (VA)DNC Lionel Spruill Sr. (VA)DNC Susan Swecker (VA)Barbara Easterling (VA)Del. Donna M Christensen (VI)DNC Billi Gosh (VT)Sen. Maria Cantwell (WA)Sen. Patty Murray (WA)Rep. Jay Inslee (WA)Former Speaker Tom Foley (WA)DNC Ron Sims (WA)Rep. Norm Dicks (WA)Rep. Tammy Baldwin (WI)DNC Tim Sullivan (WI)Marie Prezioso (WV)
ObamaDNC John Davies (AK)Rep. Artur Davis (AL)Del. Eni FH Faleomavaga (AS)Theresa Hunkin (AS)Gov. Janet Napolitano (AZ)Rep. Raul Grijalva (AZ)Rep. Anna Eshoo (CA)Rep. Xavier Becerra (CA)Rep. Barbara Lee (CA)Rep. Adam Schiff (CA)Rep. George Miller (CA)Rep Zoe Lofgren (CA)Rep. Linda Sanchez (CA)DNC Hon. Eric Garcetti (CA)DNC Norma Torres (CA)DNC Jeremy Bernard (CA)DNC Mary Ellen Early (CA)Rep. Ed Perlmutter (CO)DNC Dan Slater (CO)Debbie Marquez (CO)DNC JW Postal (CO)Rep. Chris Murphy (CT)Rep. John Larson (CT)DNC Stephen Fontana (CT)DNC Martin Dunleavy (CT)Rep. Rosa DeLauro (CT)Anthony Avallone (CT)Toby Condliffe (DA)*DNC Liv Gibbons (DA)*DNC Brent O'Leary (DA)*Mayor Adrian Fenty (DC)Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton (DC)DNC Dr. James Zogby (DC)DNC Arrington Dixon (DC)DNC Jeffrey Richardson (DC)DNC Anna Burger (DC)Mike Panetta (DC)#Rep. Robert Wexler (FL)DNC Allan Katz (FL)DNC Joyce Cusack (FL)Rep. Kathy Castor (FL)Rep. Sanford Bishop (GA)Rep. Hank Johnson (GA)Rep. David Scott (GA)Rep. Neil Abercrombie (HI)DNC Hon. Gail Bray (ID)DNC Grant Burgoyne (ID)DNC Jeanne Buell (ID)Gov. Rod Blagojevich (IL)

Sen. Barack Obama (IL)Sen. Dick Durbin (IL)Rep. Melissa Bean (IL)Rep. Jerry Costello (IL)Rep. Danny Davis (IL)Rep. Luis Gutierrez (IL)Rep. Phil Hare (IL)Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. (IL)Rep. Bobby Rush (IL)Rep. Jan Schakowsky (IL)DNC Constance Howard (IL)DNC Margaret Blackshere (IL)DNC Hon. Emil Jones Jr. (IL)DNC Hon. Iris Martinez (IL)DNC Tom Hynes (IL)DNC Willie Barrow (IL)DNC Michael Madigan (IL)DNC John Rednour (IL)DNC Cordelia Lewis Burks (IN)Rep. Dave Loebsack (IA)Gov. Chet Culver (IA)DNC Michael Fitzgerald (IA)DNC Sarah Swisher (IA)Gov. Kathleen Sebelius (KS)DNC E. Lee Kinch (KS)DNC Randy Roy (KS)Rep. John Yarmuth (KY)John Knutson (ME)Rep. Albert Wynn (MD)Rep. Elijah Cummings (MD)DNC Karren Pope-Onwukwe (MD)Gov. Deval Patrick (MA)Sen. John Kerry (MA)Sen. Ted Kennedy (MA)Rep. William Delahunt (MA)Rep. Michael Capuano (MA)DNC John Walsh (MA)DNC Paul Kirk (MA)DNC Margaret Xifaras (MA)DNC Raymond Jordan (MA)DNC David O'Brien (MA)DNC Alan Solomont (MA)Rep. John Conyers (MI)Rep. Jim Oberstar (MN)Rep. Keith Ellison (MN)Rep. Tim Walz (MN)Rep. Betty McCollum (MN)Hon. Mee Moua (MN)Ken Foxworth (MN)Rep. Bennie Thompson (MS)DNC Johnnie Patton (MS)Sen. Claire McCaskill (MO)Rep. Russ Carnahan (MO)DNC Ed Tinsley (MT)Rep. Lacy Clay (MO)Mark Bryant (MO) Sen. Ben Nelson (NE)Vince Powers (NE)DNC Frank LaMere (NE)DNC Kathleen Fahey (NE)Rep. Steve Rothman (NJ)DNC Christine "Roz" Samuels (NJ)DNC Donald Norcross (NJ)DNC Dana Redd (NJ)DNC Steven Horsford (NV)Rep. Carol Shea-Porter (NH)Rep. Paul Hodes (NH)DNC Hon. Martha Fuller Clark (NH)Fmr DNC Chair Fred Harris (NM)DNC Marianne Spraggins (NY)Rep. G.K. Butterfield (NC)DNC Everett Ward (NC)DNC Dannie Montgomery (NC)Sen. Kent Conrad (ND)Rep. Earl Pomeroy (ND)DNC Jim Maxson (ND)DNC Mary Wakefield (ND)DNC David Wilhelm (OH)DNC Kitti Asbury - (OK)
Obama cont'dRep. Earl Blumenauer (OR)Rep. Patrick Murphy (PA)Rep. Chaka Fattah (PA)DNC Carol Ann Campbell (PA)Gov. Aníbal Acevedo Vilá (PR)Dr. Celita Arroyo de Roques (PR)Rep. Patrick Kennedy (RI)DNC Patrick Lynch (RI)DNC Waring Howe Jr. (SC)Sen. Tim Johnson (SD)Fmr Sen. Tom Daschle (SD)DNC Jack Billion (SD)DNC Sharon Stroschein (SD)DNC Nicholas Nemec (SD)Rep. Jim Cooper (TN)Rep. Steve Cohen (TN)DNC Lois DeBerry (TN)DNC Will Cheek (TN)DNC (Rep.) Eddie Bernice Johnson (TX)Rep. Chet Edwards (TX)Rep. Al Green (TX)Rep. Lloyd Doggett (TX)Rep. Charlie Gonzalez (TX)DNC Moses Mercado (TX)DNC Bill Orton (UT)Sen. Patrick Leahy (VT)Rep. Peter Welch (VT)DNC Ian Carleton (VT)Gov. Tim Kaine (VA)Rick Boucher (VA)Rep. Bobby Scott (VA)Rep. Jim Moran (VA)Gov. John P. deJongh, Jr. (VI)Cecil Benjamin (VI)Judy Bevans (VT)DNC Chuck Ross Jr. (VT)Rep. Adam Smith (WA)Rep. Brian Baird (WA)DNC Pat Notter (WA)Gov. Christine Gregoire (WA)Rep. Gwen Moore (WI)Gov. Jim Doyle (WI)Rep. David Obey (WI)Rep. Ron Kind (WI)Rep. Steve Kagen (WI)DNC Stan Gruszynski (WI)DNC Jason Rae (WI)DNC Peter Jorgenson (WY)DNC John Millin (WY)
* Superdelegates from Democrats Abroad only count as 1/2 of a vote.# Add-on SuperdelegatesNotes: (Previous notes can be found here)2-14-08 - Added DNC Will Cheek (TN) for Obama- Added DNC Jimmie Farris (TN) for Clinton- Added DNC Marcel Groen (PA) for Clinton- Added DNC Christine "Roz" Samuels (NJ) for Obama. Samuels switched from Clinton to uncommitted last week.- Added DNC Ed Tinsley (MT) for Obama- Switched Rep. David Scott (GA) from Clinton to Obama- Switched Rep. John Lewis (GA) from Clinton to Obama2-15-08 - Added DNC Ruth Rudy (PA) for Clinton- Added DNC Ian Murray (PA) for Clinton- The Atlanta Journal-Constitution is reporting that John Lewis' office is denying reports that he has switched to Obama. We will move him back to the non-endorse list until this is sorted out.- Added Rep. Brian Baird (WA) , Dr. Celita Arroyo de Roques (PR) for Obama- DNC Sarah Swisher (IA) switches endorsements again. This time going from Clinton to Obama.- Added DNC Jack Billion (SD) and DNC Sharon Stroschein (SD) for Obama- Added DNC Marianne Spraggins (NY) for Obama- Added DNC John Davies (AK) for Obama2-16-08 - Added Marie Prezioso (WV), Edna O'Neill Matson (RI). Hon. Frank Montanaro (RI) for ClintonAdded Mike Panetta (DC)# for Obama. Panetta, DC Statehood Representative, is an automatic add-on superdelegate from DC.Added Toby Condliffe (DA)* for Obama, DNC Robert Bell (DA)* for Clinton, both 1/2 vote.2-17-08 - Added DNC Anna Burger (DC) , DNC Liv Gibbons (DA)* and DNC Brent O'Leary (DA)* for ObamaAdded DNC Leo Perez Minaya (DA)* , DNC David Hardt (TX) , DNC Bob Slagle (TX) for ClintonRemove DNC Denise Johnson (TX) from Clinton to Uncommitted. No longer listed on Clinton TX Press Release that was original source.2-18-08 - Removed Christina Montague (MI) (Obama). Not a superdelegate.Added Rep. Chet Edwards (TX) for Obama.Moved Rep. Jay Inslee (WA) to the no-endorse list.2-19-08 Moved Rep. Jay Inslee (WA) back to Clinton after the Politico corrects yesterday's story.- Added DNC Grace Diaz (RI) for Clinton who was named as the new Vice Chair of the Rhode Island Democratic Party.- Added DNC Garry Shay (CA) for Clinton. - Added DNC Carol Ann Campbell (PA) for Obama2-20-08 - Moved DNC John Rednour (IL) to Obama from Clinton. His son, also John Rednour, is on Clinton's steering committee- Added DNC Donald Norcross (NJ) for Obama.- Switched DNC Dana Redd (NJ) from Clinton to Obama- Added Rep. Lloyd Doggett (TX) , Rep. Ron Kind (WI) , Rep. Kathy Castor (FL) for Obama2-21-08 - Added DNC Jason Rae (WI) for Obama.- Added DNC Margaret Xifaras (MA) for Obama- Added Rep. Steve Kagen (WI) for ObamaStay tuned... we'll update this list as we find out more.

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