Sunday, May 25, 2008

Just The WORD Assassination
Upsets Us...
and Hillary Knows This !
By Greg Jones

Black Americans, and many of all races are EXTREMELY disturbed by Hillary's insinuation of a possible assassination of Barack Obama. To imply that her reason for staying in the race is because anything can happen, then nonchalantly say that even Robert Kennedy was assassinated in June, meaning therefore she should stay in, is not only pitifully diobolical but incredibly dangerous.
As I read some of the comments, I sense that some do not understand the true impact of her deadly insinuation. Keep in mind, when it was first announced that Obama was running for President, the initial concern in Black America was his safety. "Would some nut sniper him"? Obama had to hire secret service security right out of the gate.....why? Because of the true possibilty of some nut doing harm to him or his family.
Also, during the last 50 years, the people who have been assassinated have ALL been leaders who were working toward equality for ALL. John F., Robert and of course Dr. King. So just the WORD assassination brings to us not only an extreme fear but is a reminder of the incredibly sad loss to America, particularly Blacks, at the hands of the sick and wicked. For Hillary Clinton, a so-called leader, to insinuate, for WHATEVER reason beyond disgusting. It subliminally sparks the hatred, bigotry and destruction that most Americans have worked so hard to overcome.

Greg Jones
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A Multi-Racial Org...Dedicated To Truth !
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Friday, May 23, 2008

From Blacks4Barack !

Demand To DNC: Kick Hillary Out NOW !
Insinuates (Or Hopes) That Obama Could Be ASSASSINATED !

Now, things have gone way too far. Friday, in an appearance in South Dakota, Hillary Clinton justified her reason for staying in the campaign by referring to the fact that presidential hopeful 'Robert Kennedy was assasinated in June'...implying that the same could occur to senator Obama. THIS IS SICK !!! Regardless of how the pundits try to spin this as just another misspeak, the statement speaks for itself and displays the diobolical mentality of Hillary Clinton.

It is unclear as to whether she is actually hoping that Obama would be killed, therefore giving her an open path to the Democratic nomination, or if she may be signaling her desire to some sick, warp minded homicidal maniac. Whichever be the case, her statement is automatic grounds for the Democratic National Committee headed by Howard Dean to demand that she remove herself from the race. If he does not, American Democratics should demand HIS stepping down !

This can not be tolerated !! Regardless of who you are a supporter of, Hillary, Obama or McCain, ANYONE who would wish the death of another human being in order to win a political position is sick, dangerous, maniacal, deranged and totally mentally and morally unfit for any political position, particularly President or V.P. of the United States.




CALL DNC: 202-863-8000

She is unfit to be in politics of any kind including New York Senate
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Would Hillary Kill
To Be President...literally ?
By Greg Jones

NOTE: (This article was originally written the day before Hillary Clinton's deadly assassination statement which puts a bit of a new light on this article)
As the Democratic primaries wind down and it becomes more apparent that Obama will win the nomination, the heat is being turned up regarding Hillary in the V.P. slot. Time Magazine just did an article that declares how it is actually Bill Clinton who is pushing for Hillary to take the slot. It has also been reported that a special group called VoteBoth (which is secretly run by Clinton staffers) has been formed to help push the media to talk up the 'dream ticket'. So, as she gets closer and closer to losing, the volume gets turned up to put her in the Vice spot.

There are a number of problems with this 'dream'. First of all, Hillary and Bill have said so many negative statements against Obama that they obviously just plain old don't like him. They can't stand that this black guy named Obama who has blocked them from what they just knew was theirs for the taking. They are mad as heck ! We all know this. So why would anyone think that if she was chosen to be Obama's Vice that she would be truly dedicated to making his presidency as effective and great as it could be. Plus, Bill would be hanging around doing little tricky things to sabotage Obama's success in the Oval Office. Not to mention, right now, the Clintons can't stand black folks. We all know it. They hate that we woke up to the Clinton 'con the blacks' tactic that will never work again.

Another fact, if Hillary is on the ticket, the GOP will be pulling out every Clinton scandal in history from Whitewater, Lewinsky, impeachment, Tora Bora just to name a few, which will inspire all Republicans to come out in record numbers not so much to vote FOR McCain, but for the pleasure of voting against The Clintons....who they hate. So Hillary being on the ticket could actually greatly hurt Obama's chances of defeating McCain.

And of course, Obama and Hillary don't see eye to eye on certain issues....Hillary voted for the Iraq war, Obama against. Hillary's health care plan is simply a law forcing all Americans to buy their own insurance or be punished, whether they can afford it or not...Obama's does not. Hillary wants to obliterate Iran, Obama wants to have organized discussion toward peace. Hillary is a huge liar, Obama is not. So it just wouldn't work.

But the MAIN reason that Hillary should never be Obama's V.P. is one that is NEVER mentioned in the MSM (main stream media), although it is brought up regularly in black discussions. Many are afraid that the Clintons are so power hungry that they would literally have Obama killed so that Hillary could fill his Presidential slot. They would probably have some black guy do it (or be framed) in an attempt to temper down the anticipated response of Black Americans. Now, before some of you say that I have just gone too far, I ask you all to simply Google: 'Clinton Body Count'. You'll find a list of close to 30 people who have all been involved with the Clintons who are now all DEAD ! This is a fact. The media knows about this 'body count' but you never hear any pundit mention it at all (although some do 'joke' that Obama would need a food taster....which is an incredible thing to say) But, it is an absolute fact, as power hungry as the Clintons are, the worse thing Obama could ever do is have Hillary next in line. That could just be absolutely suicidal !

'Nobody would do something like that', you may say, but who would think that anyone would invade another country under the fake pretense of 'weapons of mass destruction', blowing up the entire country, even giving it a name 'Shock & Awe'.....killing hundreds of thousands of Iraqis while over 4000 brave Americans are killed and thousands mamed for life like expendable pawns....and all of this ....for some OIL !

Just like we can not put anything past this Bush Regime, we can not put anything past the Clintons. Birds of a feather....destroy together. Now of course, we hope that the Clintons are really not this diabolical. And to the Hillary supporters who get angered by this sentiment, first do the Google check (Clinton Body Count)....then ask yourselves...Would YOU want Hillary (the Clintons) to be YOUR V.P. ? Better safe than sorry !

Disclaimer: We are not accusing the Clintons of anything.....but as Arsenio Hall used to say...this is just one of those 'things that make you go....hmmmmm'

Visit: Blacks4Barack OFFICIAL SITE !

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Where's The Media On
McCain's Drug Addicted Wife Cindy

Sorry Cindy McCain, It's Time to Take the Gloves Off
by Mr Populist
I really don't care if McCain's trophy wife is proud of her country. She is just another GOP Stepford Wife as vacant as the previous ones. Whoopie for anorexic-looking Cindy McCain in her red $5000 Yves St. Laurent power suit, with her triple string of cultured pearls, her bleached blond hair and her shiny new face-lift telling us she's proud of America. Prouder of America than--- hmmmm, let's say Michelle Obama.

John McCain follows the usual "family values" profile of Republican social climbers. He divorced first wife Carol in April 1980 and married Cindy one month later. Infidelity? Heck no!... they were just "friends."
Cindy who is 18 years younger than Gramps McCain and she paid for McCain's first campaign for Congress in 1982 with loans from her well endowed trust fund. Her father's business and political contacts helped gain her husband a foothold into Arizona politics.
Cindy's biggest claim to fame is in 1989 she developed an addiction to perocet and vicodin, two powerful morphine based pain killers. In 1993 she was caught stealing percocet from supply of the American Voluntary Medical Team, a charity she founded to provide health care and medications to war victims in underdeveloped nations. The DEA was investigated her and with the intervention of her well connected parents and McCain himself, Cindy got off the hook with the usual 90 day trip to the posh rehab. The American Voluntary Medical Team folded shortly after it ceased to be a supply point for Cindy's opiate habit.
The DEA agreed to keep Cindy's little misadventure in Lala Land from the public, but then Cindy went and terminated the guy who reported her to the DEA and the details of Cindy's sordid past as a suburban trophy wife junkie all came out when the fired guy filed a wrongful termination suit against Cindy.
A few weeks after Cindy came clean about her addiction the Variety Club cancelled her Humanitarian of the Year Award. Boo hoo!... Another respectable Republican mother of the Harper Valley PTA goes down. This is just a little Peyton Place of Republican family values and Cindy's a Harper Valley hypocrite.
John McCain kept Cindy under wraps during his bid for the presidency but now that she's out there telling us she's way prouder of America than Michelle Obama, So I'm doing America a service by telling the truth, and nothing but the whole truth about Cindy.
Michelle Obama is proud of America too, but she's not Republican, garden club, percocet munching ex-cheerleader like Cindy. And she doesn't steal drugs from charitable organizations.
Michelle never had a trust fund like Cindy and she grew up under humble circumstances on Chicago's South Side. Her father was a pump operator and she managed to overcome her disadvantages as a working class black woman and attend Princeton then she graduated from Harvard Law School and met Barak at a law office where they worked together, shortly after Barack receive his law degree from Harvard. Michelle has paid enough dues to be far more credible than dozen stoned out Republican trophy wives when she tells you she is proud of America. America should be proud of Michelle Obama.
The whole thing is a bunch of nonsense. Most people have the common sense to understand what this political posturing and xenophobic flag waving from the McCain camp is all about. Call me harsh, but I'm tired of Republicans wrapping themselves in the flag and smearing perfectly decent Americans. It's time to take off the gloves. (end)

The question we really want this kind of woman as America's First Lady....I DON'T THINK SO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MORE ON CINDY McCain's History
Of Theft & Drug Addiction:

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Obama Heightens V.P. Search :
Who Are The Frontrunners?
Will Thomas
Huffington Post

With the Democratic nomination now in its endgame, it's time to speculate on that question that makes politicos weak at the knees: who will be tapped to be vice president? Unlike the top job, there is no election here, and it's the first big choice that we get to see the candidate make about his cabinet.
So, who will Obama pick? Will he favor someone with experience like Joe Biden? A Western governor like Janet Napolitano? Or will he satisfy the media's desire for a dream team and try for the Obama/Clinton ticket?
We've identified 10 possible VP choices for Obama, as well as the general criteria that might guide his decision. Think we're missing someone? Let us know in the comments section. And be sure to register your favorite on HuffPost's Vice President poll.
Location, location, location: A VP who is popular at home can help land a win in a tossup state. It's one reason why someone like Sherrod Brown (OH) could be a good pick. Of course, location isn't everything; Cheney, after all, is from Wyoming.
Strong anti-war record: It's not a requirement that someone be against the war to run on an Obama ticket, but they will have to have a good track record explaining why they changed their mind. Otherwise, expect all those comments about Hillary Clinton to come up, as well as one word: "opportunist."
Post-partisan record: If you're running to overcome the divided state of politics, you probably won't inspire confidence by picking Sen. Russ Feingold as your running mate. Sen. Jim Webb (a former Republican) or Gov. Schweitzer (picked a Republican as his Lieutenant General) are good examples.
Complementing record: On the one hand, a VP can balance a candidate's weaknesses. On the other hand, they can magnify those shortcomings. Richardson and Biden, for example, have long resumes that let them go toe-to-toe with McCain, but it could remind voters of Obama's inexperience.
Jim WebbWebb is the closest thing to a frontrunner for Obama's VP these days. A former Republican, he served as Secretary of the Navy for Ronald Reagan. Webb defeated George "Macaca" Allen to become a junior senator in Virginia.
Pro: Webb is a good foil for Obama's post-partisan message, and he's got the military credentials to match up with John McCain. He's good at playing the attack dog, which will let Obama take the high road. And he's from trending-blue Virginia, which would be a great pickup in November for Democrats. He's also pro-guns.
Con: Webb can be a little out-of-control as attack dogs go.
Hillary ClintonThis ticket is either a dream or a nightmare. Some see it as the only way to reunite the Democrats in time for November. Other see it as the fastest way to destroy the Obama brand.
Pro: Strong appeal with working class voters and women.
Con: See Iraq War vote, 3AM phone call, Bill Clinton in South Carolina, and the month of March.
Bill RichardsonYou know him, you love him; he's the New Mexico governor with a heart of gold, a kickin' mustache, and -- thanks to James Carville -- a new nickname.
Pro: You've heard them all before. A foreign policy resume a mile long, executive experience, and a lock with Hispanic voters. And he picked Obama, despite his Clinton ties.
Con: Did you watch any of the debates?
Joe BidenHe is Mr. Foreign Policy. He also claims the best line of the primary season thus far. Too bad no one told Iowans he was running for President.
Pro: He trumps any foreign policy claims that McCain brings to the table. He can hit McCain hard.
Con: He tends to hit everyone hard. And he's a Washington figure, which could hurt a campaign running against Washington.
Brian SchwietzerNever heard of him? You should. Schweitzer has been Montana's governor since 2005, and is currently one of the most popular governors in the country.
Pro: In addition to his executive experience, Schweitzer has spent a good amount of time around the world (including the Middle East) in his former life as an irrigation developer. His popularity and his pro-gun stance could help Obama in the Mountain West area. He also refused PAC and special interest money during his 2004 campaign. He's also criticized the economic consequences of the Iraq War, an approach that Obama has recently adopted.
Con: Despite his travels, he has no official foreign policy experience. He also doesn't bring in any delegates from his own state (though that could be offset if he helps in places like North Dakota, Wyoming and Colorado).
Janet NapolitanoAnother popular Western governor, Napolitano has settled into a second term in McCain's very red home state. She also backed Obama early in the race.
Pros: She has proven her executive capacity in Republican territory, as well as the Southwest, which will help sway Obamicans. A female candidate could also help reunite the Democrats.
Con: Her stance on immigration could prove costly among Hispanic voters.
Sherrod BrownBrown is a favorite among progressives for his economic populism and outspoken criticism of the war.
Pro: Could help deliver an important swing state.
Con: Doesn't really satisfy the idea of a unity ticket.
Chuck HagelA Republican senator who has fought with Bush tooth and nail over the Iraq war, Hagel is one of three Republicans who voted with the Democrats over a withdrawal plan. He also has served on the Banking, Foreign Relations and Intelligence Committees. Hagel has also said he's considering endorsing Sen. Obama.
Pro: Broad Senate experience. A living embodiment of Obama's commitment to work with like-minded Republicans. Also is a veteran with experience in Reagan's administration
Con: He is still a Republican (especially on abortion and health care), which would not sit well with a lot of Democrats.
Wesley ClarkRhodes Scholar turned four-star general and once-presidential candidate. A star resource for Democrats on military affairs.
Pro: John McCain would have to salute him. And he has Southern appeal.
Con: Backed Clinton early and has been a very active surrogate. Not always the best politician on a national stage.
Kathleen SebeliusTalk about reaching across the aisle. This Kansas governor convinced a Republican to leave his party, become a Democrat, and run as her lieutenant governor. Kansas is rife with stories of Republicans undergoing conversions, and Sebelius gets a good amount of credit for this.
Pro: Another Red-state governor with an excellent post-partisan record. Having a female VP could be a strong ticket.
Con: Sebelius didn't wow anyone with her response to the State of the Union, which raises questions about how she would do on the national stage. And her location in Kansas doesn't add much that Obama doesn't already get from Illinois.
Tom DaschleThe former South Dakota senator, Daschle has been a strong supporter of Obama's campaign; he's a national co-chair and is rumored to play a big part in the campaign strategy.
Pro: Can bring in votes from his home state.
Con: Weak campaigner: he lost his Senate seat while he was the sitting Majority Leader.
Mike BloombergSure, most voters have never heard of him. And sure, he's never been a national player. But the current mayor of New York has been a darling of the media, as they spent months seeing if he would get into the Presidential race. Coupled with some private conversations with Obama that caused a tizzy in the fall, a Bloomberg candidacy could cause some media attention that would rival that of even John McCain.
Pros: Excellent economic record. Interested in policy minutiae. Post-partisan (former Republican switched to Independent). Media darling.
Cons: Unheard of outside his home state. It's tough not to seem like an elitist when the world 'billionaire' applies to you.
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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Money shocker!
Hillary Clinton's campaign debt soars to $31 million !
L.A. Times

No wonder Sen. Hillary Clinton was so late filing her required campaign financial reports Tuesday night. Her political team didn't want the shocking news in it to overshadow her lopsided thumping of Sen. Barack Obama in Kentucky.
But here's the morning after, pay-up time. Clinton's campaign debt has now soared to nearly $31 million, according to numbers crunched early this morning by The Times' campaign finance guru, Dan Morain.
She added another $9.5 million in unpaid bills to vendors this past month alone, pushing her total debt to vendors and herself to the new astronomical figure, about a 50% debt increase in one month.
According to a campaign release put out Tuesday evening as election returns revealed her big win in Kentucky and loss in Oregon, Clinton raised "approximately $22 million" from other people in April. The release also touted that $10 million had poured in within 48 hours of another lopsided Clinton victory over Obama, that one in Pennsylvania, and said it was the second best fundraising month of her entire campaign.
But the number collected is actually closer to $21 million and the release also neglected to mention that she spent $28.9 million, nearly $8 million more than she took in. She used personal loans to make up part of the difference. She also delayed payments to consultants. Including the $9.5 million in unpaid bills from April, she owes consultants and other vendors $19.5 million.
Not to mention the total $11.4 million she has loaned herself.
For other campaign finance figures, including surprising financial success by the Republican Party aided by the president, continue reading below the video.

The likely Democratic nominee Obama continues to vastly out-raise Sen. John McCain, but the presumed Republican nominee is closing the money gap with the significant help of his party, according to new campaign finance reports filed Tuesday.
McCain disclosed he had $21.7 million in the bank at the end of April, compared to....
...Obama’s $46.5 million. But the Republican National Committee is proving to be a real financial equalizer for the Arizona senator with the notorious disaste for fundraising.
With significant time and help from President George W. Bush, the RNC ended April with $40.6 million in the bank—10 times more than the Democratic National Committee, which had a modest $4.4 million in the bank.
The Democratic Party's fund-raising also was a fraction of the Republicans' in April--a mere $4.7 million, compared to $19.8 million for the RNC.
The DNC’s cash in the bank actually fell from its March total, which was $5.3 million. Democrats have tapped former Vice President Al Gore in an effort to draw donors to party fund-raisers.
Party money can be used to help the nominees in a variety of direct and indirect ways during the general election campaign. Parties can pay for voter registration, voter turn-out efforts and advertising.
McCain’s primary fight has long been over, which allowed him to limit spending to $6.4 million last month. Democratic front-runner Obama raised $31.9 million last month and spent $36.4 million, according to his report filed late Tuesday.
McCain disclosed he received $17.8 million in contributions in April, pushing his total receipts to $100.4 million for the whole campaign, less than half Obama's total of $266.6 million since January 2007.
The freshman Illinois Democrat scooped up $31.9 million last month, a 20% drop from the $40 million he raised in March. He collected $55 million back in February, which seems millions of dollars ago, doesn't it?.
--Andrew Malcolm
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Obama Aide May Take Over
For Howard Dean
At DNC !

WASHINGTON — Barack Obama is quietly planning to take over the Democratic National Committee and assemble a multistate team for the general election, the latest sign that he is putting rival Hillary Rodham Clinton and the nomination fight behind him.
Top Obama organizer Paul Tewes is in discussions to run the party, several Democratic officials said Tuesday.
Obama spokesman Bill Burton said no final decisions have been made on general election plans and that such decisions would be premature with Obama yet to clinch the nomination.
Tewes is one of the leading architects of Obama's success in the marathon Democratic primary race. He engineered Obama's critical victory in the Iowa caucuses on Jan. 3, which gave Obama the upper hand and Clinton was never able to fully overcome.
DNC executive director Tom McMahon and DNC political director Dave Boundy traveled to Chicago last week to meet with Tewes and other campaign officials to discuss merging efforts. The party officials have held similar meetings with Clinton campaign officials and last week got an agreement with both campaigns to start raising money that will benefit the eventual nominee.
The Obama campaign also is in discussions with staffers who will be dispatched to various swing states, but holding off on making announcements until Obama has won the nomination. Officials who spoke to The Associated Press about the discussions insisted on anonymity because the campaign wanted to keep the deliberations quiet.
Obama needs 2,026 delegates to clinch the nomination, and he moved within 100 of that goal after contests in Kentucky and Oregon Tuesday. Clinton was more than 250 delegates back.
The staffing decisions are a natural progression for Obama, who still is engaged in a primary campaign while Republican candidate John McCain has been free to prepare his general election team for months. Obama will have to hit the ground running to make up for lost time when, as expected, he dispatches Clinton.
Democratic and Republican nominees traditionally install loyalists at their party committees even though it is technically headed by its chairman _ in this case Howard Dean, the former Vermont governor and a presidential candidate four years ago.
McCain has put his own team at the Republican National Committee to operate a Victory Fund Committee that is corralling top GOP donors and plotting strategy for the general election. McCain took the steps shortly after locking up the nomination after primary wins on March 4.
But Obama can't afford to move too quickly toward the general election, or he will risk alienating Clinton supporters who are already emotional about the likelihood of their chosen candidate's closely fought defeat.
There have been other steps toward the Democratic nomination. Obama has been campaigning in general election battleground states. Fundraisers for the two campaigns have held quiet discussions on working together in the fall campaign. And Obama's campaign reached out to former Clinton campaign manager Patti Solis Doyle about joining forces for the general election, although several other top Clinton staffers said they have not been contacted.

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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Is Bush Planning to Attack Iran
To Scare Voters Toward McCain ?
Or Will He Have Israel Do It?

Many who have watched the tactics of this Bush Administration sense a plot to come up with something that will scare the American voters toward McCain, the step needed to continue the master plan of the Bush Regime. Some feel that the plot involves an attack of some kind on Iran, either by the U.S. or Israel. Keep in mind, there are a lot of people making bigggggg money on this 'war on terror' and they are going to go down swinging. But an attack on Iran would simply show that this Regime looks at our sons and daughters (soldiers) as expendable pawns. THIS CAN NOT BE TOLERATED !!! Below is an article from Huffington Post for everyone to read. It should also be noted, if Bush does attack Iran, ALL Americans will then know to what extreme this administration will go to continue their master plan....all the more reason why EVERYONE should vote for A True Change....BARACK OBAMA !


(From Huff Post)

"Do you think that the Bush administration will attack Iran before the general elections in November?" I asked Congressman Henry A. Waxman (D-Calif.) in his office in Washington. He said this is impossible, and explained that Congress will not support the administration due to the current situation in Iraq and Afghanistan.
He also mentioned that since the release of the National Intelligence Estimate, which clarified that the hardliner government in Tehran had halted Iran's nuclear weapon program in 2003, the possibility of going to war with Iran has decreased dramatically.
But I received differing and worrisome answers on the question from the other side of the political spectrum, indicating that the mood of majority Democrats in congress is not the dominant mood in Washington.
For example, one of the strongest scenarios among neo-conservatives is based on the hypothesis that in the case of any military attack against Iran -- even a limited air strike -- the greatest beneficiary among the three presidential candidates would be John McCain. The reason for this is that the American people's first priority would become national security instead of the economy, and since there might be a "perception" that McCain would deal with foreign policy issues better than economic ones, he would have a stronger chance of winning in November.
In addition to bolstering McCain, they believe that a strike would also bring the Islamic Republic of Iran to its knees for its defiance over the nuclear program, its alleged involvement in Iraq and meddling in the Middle East process by supporting groups like Hamas and Hezbollah.
If an attack occurs, democratic nominees will be framed as weaker potential commanders-in-chief -- Senator Obama is talking about engaging in dialogue with U.S. adversaries while the perception of having Sen. Clinton in the White House during wartime, seems unfavorable.
The Republicans have already paved the way for action against Iran by passing the Kyle/Lieberman bill, which labels Iran's Revolutionary Guard a terrorist organization for its involvement in supplying and arming the insurgents in Iraq (and consequently killing American troops). This bill, which Senator Clinton and Senator McCain have endorsed, is the first in recent history to label a faction of a sovereign government as a "terrorist organization."
Patrick Clawson, a senior scholar in a hawkish institute in Washington told me that the arrest of four Iranian diplomats in northern Iraq in January 2007 has been effective in deterring Iranians and that it is in the interest of the United States to pursue this path. He also argued that the UN Security Council's sanctions against Iran have been somewhat effective. However, he claimed there are still members of Al-Qaeda in Iran that hardliners in Tehran have refused to hand over to the Americans, hence making Iran an easy target.
No wonder President Bush called Iran the most dangerous threat against the United States along with Al-Qaeda earlier last month. The implication of his statement is clear: in the so-called war on terror, the United States is not only fighting with Al-Qaeda, a radical Sunni group, but also with Iran's Revolutionary Guard, which is basically a part of Iran's official army.
In fact the stage is set for an attack, more likely an air strike, on Iran. President Bush suffers from the lowest approval rate and some of his closest allies have left the White House. Additionally, military officials continuously complain about the role of Iran in Iraq as well as Tehran's defiance in stalling its nuclear program. President Bush can save the day for Republicans by ordering a military attack against Iran.
Only last month Adm. Michael Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the nation's top military officer, said that "the Pentagon is planning for potential military courses of action" against Iran.
Surprisingly, this is not something that terrifies hardliners in Tehran. Many believe that any kind of military attack by the United States will enhance Iran's position in the Muslim World, and that Iranians will rally behind the flag in support of the government.
Unlike the Republicans' perception that in case of an attack people will come to the streets and celebrate, as in Baghdad in 2003, radicals in Iran do not see a military attack on Iran as detrimental. Simply because such an attack will only mobilize patriotic Iranian people behind their government, even though many of them hate the government, and in the long term will only strengthen the hardliner's position in power.
Given this scenario, come November, there will be a Republican president in the White House, a continuing hardliner government in Iran, and a decimated region with no hopes for peace, human rights or democracy.
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Democrats Observe A
Fragile Cease-Fire
By Dan BalzWashington Post

Sen. Barack Obama will return to Iowa tonight to celebrate another milestone in his long and sometimes bitter battle against Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, who shows no signs of dropping her effort to convince party leaders that she would be a stronger Democratic nominee for president.
But the reality is that both sides have declared an effective cease-fire as they prepare to bring the party together for a general-election campaign against Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.).
Obama (Ill.) has moved rapidly in the past 10 days to shift away from daily sparring with Clinton (N.Y.) and to begin a general-election debate with McCain that presents a fresh set of tests for his candidacy. His aides insist that he is mindful of doing nothing to suggest impatience with Clinton or to signal that she should end her candidacy before she is ready.
Clinton is soldiering on toward June 3 and the end of the primary season, and perhaps beyond, realistic about the seemingly insurmountable odds but far from giving up. Her campaign indicated yesterday that she would travel to Florida, probably tomorrow, to continue making her argument that the invalidated primaries there and in Michigan must be included to give the nomination process legitimacy. Adding the Florida and Michigan results would also move her closer to her goal of being able to claim an edge in the overall popular vote in the primaries.
But while she presses forward, aides say she is determined neither to be pushed from the race prematurely nor to be seen as doing anything to damage Obama's prospects of winning in November if he emerges as the nominee. Her campaign team believes that is the best way to bring the party together as quickly as possible once the nomination contest is over.
Her advisers say that a major reason she does not want to be pressured out of the race is that she believes it will be easier to bring her supporters over to Obama once the primaries are over if they think she was able to finish the nomination battle on her own terms.
Obama is favored to win the Oregon primary today, and Clinton is an even stronger favorite to win the Kentucky contest. But Obama will not celebrate primary night in either of those states. Instead, he has chosen to be in Iowa, where his victory in the caucuses in January turned the Democratic race upside down. There, at a rally in Des Moines, he is expected to declare that he has secured a majority of the pledged delegates currently eligible to attend August's Democratic convention in Denver.
Obama and his advisers insist the event will stop short of a declaration that he has won the nomination. But it will be seen as another signal to superdelegates to climb aboard his bandwagon as quickly as possible.
The celebration, however, has rankled the Clinton campaign and the candidate herself. They see it as a highhanded effort to embarrass her and to generate renewed calls from others in the party for her to quit the race before anyone has achieved a genuine majority of pledged delegates and superdelegates.
In a signal of how fragile the detente between the two sides is, the Clinton campaign sent out a tart memo yesterday under the name of communications director Howard Wolfson calling the Obama rally in Iowa "a slap in the face of millions of voters in the remaining primary states and to Senator Clinton's 17 million supporters." Then, in language tying the Obama campaign to the Bush White House, the memo continues: "Premature victory laps and false declarations of victory are unwarranted. Declaring mission accomplished does not make it so."
Bill Burton, an Obama spokesman, insisted that the Iowa rally would not be a declaration of mission accomplished. "Are we declaring that we've won the nomination? No." he said. But he called the expectation that Obama will secure a majority of the pledged delegates today "an important moment" that deserves a celebration.
The Clinton campaign memo would have been seen as commonplace a few weeks ago, when Obama and Clinton were in heated and often negative competition. Instead, the memo stood out -- in part because it represented a departure from the tone and rhetoric of her campaign since votes were counted in Indiana and North Carolina.
Those contests dramatically changed perceptions of the Democratic race, even though Clinton won, narrowly, in Indiana. Since then, Clinton has made significant adjustments in her campaign, all designed to signal to Obama that she recognizes the reality of where the Democratic race is heading.
She has stopped running negative ads and, on the stump, has dramatically reduced her criticism of Obama. Last week, when President Bush made comments about appeasement that were seen as critical of Obama, she might have chimed in to say that she, too, disagreed with statements by the senator from Illinois that he was prepared to meet Iranian President Mahmou Ahmadinejad without conditions. Instead she, attacked the president and McCain.
A day after the Indiana and North Carolina primaries, she was quoted as saying that Obama was having trouble winning the votes of "hardworking Americans, white Americans." The comment was seen as an effort to inject race into the Democratic campaign, but she quickly backed away from it, and that was the last time she said something critical of her rival that captured much in the way of headlines.
Obama advisers were highly irritated by her original comment, fearing that it was a sign that she would continue to hammer him all the way to the end of the race. Since then, they, too, have seen a change in the rhetoric. One Obama adviser noted yesterday that she has stopped attacking Obama for opposing a suspension of the gasoline tax during the summer and that former president Bill Clinton, campaigning over the weekend, had talked more of party unity than the differences between his wife and Obama.
But from Hillary Clinton's perspective, the Obama campaign should return the favor by being as generous to her, and to her desire to keep going until someone has clearly gained the delegates needed to win the nomination.
She suffered a major blow yesterday when Sen. Robert C. Byrd (D-W.Va.) announced that he will support Obama, even though Clinton won his home state by 41 percentage points last Tuesday, has worked with him on a measure to de-authorize the Iraq war and has courted him repeatedly.
Clinton's desire to finish the campaign in a way she is comfortable with may explain the pique with which her aides responded to reports -- overblown, according to Obama advisers -- that tonight's rally will become a victory party for the Illinois senator. Although the Democratic race appears headed for a predictable outcome, the next few weeks could determine how rapidly and fully the party comes back together. Clinton and Obama both have to play their parts carefully.

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Monday, May 19, 2008

Obama Goes
Tells GOP
"Lay Off My Wife !"

Democrat Barack Obama has a message for Tennessee's Republican Party: "Lay off my wife."
Obama, his party's presidential front-runner, and his wife, Michelle, were asked in an interview aired Monday on ABC's "Good Morning America" about an online video last week by the state's GOP taking her to task for a comment some considered unpatriotic.
"The GOP, should I be the nominee, can say whatever they want to say about me, my track record," Obama said. "If they think that they're going to try to make Michelle an issue in this campaign, they should be careful because that I find unacceptable, the notion that you start attacking my wife or my family."
He called the strategy "low class."
The video, posted on YouTube, centered on remarks Michelle Obama made while campaigning in Wisconsin last February, when she said: "For the first time in my adult life, I am really proud of my country."
The four-minute video replayed the remark six times, interspersing it with commentary by Tennesseans on why they are proud of America. In a news release that included a link to the video, Tennessee's GOP said "the Tennessee Republican Party has always been proud of America." It urged radio stations to play "patriotic music" during Michelle Obama's visit to Nashville last Thursday.
Michelle Obama later clarified the remark, saying she meant she was proud of how Americans were engaging in the political process and that she had always been proud of her country.
"Whoever is in charge of the Tennessee GOP needs to think long and hard about the kind of campaign they want to run, and I think that's true for everybody, Democrat or Republican," Obama said in the ABC interview, adding: "These folks should lay off my wife."
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Former Hillary Campaign Chair
To Join Obama Team !

Hillary Rodham Clinton’s former campaign manager and confidante, Patti Solis Doyle, and Sen. Barack Obama’s top adviser have informally discussed the former Clintonite’s going to work for the Obama campaign in the general election. Solis Doyle’s possible hiring is a major breach not just in Clinton’s campaign but in the political universe known as “Hillaryland,” a term Solis Doyle reportedly coined after joining the Clintons in 1991 as the first lady's personal scheduler. She was forced out of Hillary Clinton’s campaign in February amid internal criticism about her spending practices and preparation for upcoming contests. “I’ve talked to Patti throughout. I know that she wants to be helpful in a general election campaign, and we appreciate that,” Obama’s chief strategist, David Axelrod told Politico, declining directly to answer the question of whether he and Solis Doyle had discussed her working for the campaign. Other Democrats familiar with their conversations said there had been informal discussions of Solis Doyle going to work for Obama after the primary formally draws to a close. “If Barack Obama’s the nominee, I’ll do everything I can to get him elected,” Solis Doyle told Politico. Solis Doyle, a Chicago native whose brother is an alderman there, has known Axelrod even longer than she’s known the Clintons. Both said they’d talked frequently through the course of the campaign. Solis Doyle said there had been “no real conversations” about a job, but didn’t deny the subject had been broached. Campaigns often draw from one another’s staff after a primary ends, a move driven both by the greater demands of a general election and by the desire to unite the party.

“I expect a lot of people from the losing campaign to go to the winning campaign, and I think that’s a good idea — it’s part of the process of healing,” said Bob Shrum, who was a key adviser to John Kerry in 2004. “The way the Obama campaign runs, I think people will be integrated fairly easily.” What’s notable about the suggestion that Solis Doyle could join Obama’s campaign is how early it comes. Clinton declared Monday that the campaign is “nowhere near over” and her loyal staff and supporters continue to reject the widespread assumption that her campaign has no chance of winning. That Solis Doyle is considering a job suggests otherwise.

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Warren Buffett,
World's Richest Man,
Endorses OBAMA !

Warren Buffett, the world's richest man, is backing Barak Obama for US president and thinks current US economic policy will push the dollar lower against other global currencies
Buffett told a press conference here Monday he had offered support to both Obama and Democratic rival Hillary Clinton but that since it appeared Obama would win the party's nomination, "I will be very happy if he is elected president.
"He is my choice," Buffett said.
Commenting on the US economy, the 77-year-old investor who is known as the "Sage of Omaha," stressed that fiscal, monetary and trade policies were of great importance.
"I think that the US has followed and is following policies which will cause the US dollar to weaken over a long period of time," he said.
After voicing support for Obama, Buffett nonetheless noted the US economy had managed to do "awfully well" despite a depression, two world wars and many financial crises.
"They say in the stock market ... buy stock in a business that's so good that an idiot can run it because sooner or later one will," he added.
"Well, the United States is a little like that. We can take a little mis-management from time to time," Buffett said.
The chief executive of Berkshire Hathaway, a holding company with 76 businesses, also said he was ready to add one or two more, on condition they were well-run and had annual pre-tax earnings on the order of 50 million euros (78 million dollars), he added.
"The bigger the better," Buffett said.
Almost all of his companies are in the United States but after investing in the Israeli industrial group Iscar, he was visiting Germany, Switzerland, Spain and Italy to spread the word that European groups were also welcome to give him a call.
"I kind of go the the office everyday and wait for the phone to ring and hope it isn't a wrong number," he quipped to describe his strategy of letting companies come to him rather than searching them out.
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Obama Requests Everyone to
“Be Nice to Clinton Supporters”
by Bonney Kapp

At a fundraiser last night in Portland that raked in an estimated $350,000 to his campaign coffers, Barack Obama predicted a victory in Oregon, and said he believed the resulting delegate haul would “put us over the top.”
“We will be able to say we have won a majority,” he said. “But we have a lot of work to do ahead of us.”
For Dems to win in November, he said, it will require a unified Party, adding: “That means all of you have to be nice to Clinton supporters.”
After Tuesday there are three more contests.
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Sunday, May 18, 2008

Obama Draws Record Crowd
In Oregon...75,000 !!!

By Matthew MoskPORTLAND, Ore. -
- Sen. Barack Obama has seen his share of large crowds over the last 15 months, but his campaign said they have not approached the numbers gathered along the waterfront here right now.
The campaign, citing figures from Duane Bray, battalion chief of Portland Fire & Rescue, estimated that 75,000 people are watching him speak.
The scene suggests this is not an exaggeration. The sea of heads stretches for half a mile along the grassy embankment, while others watch from kayaks and power boats bobbing on the Willamette River. More hug the rails of the steel bridge that stretches across the water and crowds are even watching from jetties on the opposite shore.
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Saturday, May 17, 2008

Pray For Sen. Ted Kennedy
Kennedy stricken on Cape Cod,
rushed to Boston hospital
By MARTIN KADY II 5/17/08 Sen.

Kennedy was rushed to the hospital after suffering two seizures

Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, scion of one of America’s most enduring political dynasties, was rushed to the hospital Saturday after suffering what his staff called a "seizure."
The 76-year-old senator was airlifted to Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston after falling ill at his home on Cape Cod.
And "after discussion with his doctors in Boston,” spokeswoman Melissa Wagoner said, “Senator Kennedy was sent to Massachusetts General Hospital for further examination. He is currently under evaluation, and information will be released as it becomes available."
Several hours later, his staff released a more optimistic assessment after CNN reported that the senator had telephoned family from the hospital.

"It appears that Senator Kennedy experienced a seizure this morning. He is undergoing a battery of tests at Massachusetts General Hospital to determine the cause of the seizure,’’ Wagoner said. “Senator Kennedy is resting comfortably, and it is unlikely we will know anything more for the next 48 hours."
Kennedy's wife, Victoria, was reported at his side in the hospital. Massachusetts’ other senator, John F. Kerry, the unsuccessful Democratic presidential nominee in 2004, also visited the hospital briefly, but did not stop to talk to reporters. News that Kennedy had been stricken dominated the cable networks throughout the day, with commentators reviewing his enduring public career. Ted Sorenson and other former aides to Kennedy’s brother, the late President John F. Kennedy, offered overviews of Kennedy family history, and friends in the political world told stories from throughout his political career, spanning nearly five decades. In the Senate since 1962, Kennedy has become one of the leading surrogates for Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) in his bid for the Democratic presidential nomination. A liberal lion of the Senate, Kennedy is chairman of the Senate Education and Labor Committee and one of the most skilled legislators in the chamber. He has had health problems, and his current condition was serious enough for him to be airlifted to Boston. Senate sources, though, were being very careful about discussing the senator’s condition, given the potential seriousness of the "stroke-like symptoms" that were first reported.

Last October, at Massachusetts General, Kennedy had surgery to relieve major blockage in one of his carotid arteries – an often-used procedure to prevent a stroke. He recovered quickly and has been very active, back in the Senate and on the campaign trail for Obama in his tight race against Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.)

Kennedy is America's last living link to the romanticized "Camelot" era of John F. Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy of the 1960s. The Cape Cod Times reported that local rescue crews responded to an emergency call from the Kennedy compound at 8:30 this morning. The newspaper has also posted a picture of Kennedy being carried to a helicopter on Cape Cod. The Kennedys were in Hyannisport, Mass., this weekend to host the annual “Best Buddies Challenge” event — a charity for people with disabilities. “We are putting in a call to Vicki Kennedy,” Obama told reporters. “And we are going to try to find out as quickly as possible what is going on. Obviously my thoughts and prayers are with Teddy. He is one of my favorite people. Hopefully he is going to be OK.” Carrie Budoff Brown contributed to this story.

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Our Prayers Are With The Kennedy Family.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Obama Memo: 17 Pledged Delegates
Away From Winning Primaries

In a sign that they are likely to declare victory in the presidential primary very soon, the Obama campaign is now boasting in a memo to reporters that they are on the cusp of winning the pledged-delegate majority, thanks to the endorsement from John Edwards and a group of his delegates.
By the Obama campaign's math, they are only 17 elected delegates away from the pledged-del majority, a number that they are guaranteed to pull off next week in Oregon and Kentucky. Expect them to court super-delegates to break their way en masse after that happens, on the basis that Obama has the popular mandate to be the nominee.
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We Must Always Honor
Shirley Chisholm !
The 1st Black & 1st Woman
To Run For President !

As we, as Blacks, all work together, along with our friends of all races toward the nomination of America's first Black President, we must always honor and revere the trailblazers who have set the path making this historic occurence possible. The Rev. Jesse Jackson and Rev. Al Sharpton are two people who we recognize aptly as pacesetters toward a black presidency and we are thankful for all they, and many others have done. But one name inparticular should be highlighted and given the honor of a true Black American Hero. That name, which should be a name taught to every black child forever, is Shirley Chisholm !

Shirley St. Hill Chisholm was born on November 30, 1924 in Brooklyn, New York to Charles and Ruby St. Hill. Her father was from British Guiana and her mother was from Barbados. In 1927, Shirley was sent to Barbados to live with her maternal grandmother. She received a good education from the British school system, which she later credited with providing her with a strong academic background.
In 1934, she rejoined her parents in New York. Shirley excelled in academics at Girls High School in Brooklyn from which she graduated in 1942. After graduation she enrolled in Brooklyn College where she majored in sociology. Shirley encountered racism at Brooklyn College and fought against it. When the black students at Brooklyn College were denied admittance to a social club, Shirley formed an alternative one. She graduated in 1946 with honors. During this time, it was difficult for black college graduates to obtain employment commensurate to their education. After being rejected by many companies, she obtained a job at the Mt. Calvary Childcare Center in Harlem.
In 1949, she married Conrad Chisholm, a Jamaican who worked as a private investigator. Shirley and her husband participated in local politics, helping form the Bedford-Stuyvesant political League. In addition to participating in politics, Chisholm worked in the field of day care until 1959. In 1960, she started the Unity Democratic Club. The Unity Club was instrumental in mobilizing black and Hispanic voters.
In 1964 Chisholm ran for a state assembly seat. She won and served in the New York General Assembly from 1964 to 1968. During her tenure in the legislature, she proposed a bill to provide state aid to day-care centers and voted to increase funding for schools on a per-pupil basis. In 1968, After finishing her term in the legislature, Chisholm campaigned to represent New York's Twelfth Congressional District. Her campaign slogan was "Fighting Shirley Chisholm--Unbought and Unbossed." She won the election and became the first African American woman elected to Congress.
During her first term in Congress, Chisholm hired an all-female staff and spoke out for civil rights, women's rights, the poor and against the Vietnam War. In 1970, she was elected to a second term. She was a sought-after public speaker and cofounder of the National Organization for Women (NOW). She remarked that, "Women in this country must become revolutionaries. We must refuse to accept the old, the traditional roles and stereotypes."
On January 25, 1972, Chisholm announced her candidacy for president. She stood before the cameras and in the beginning of her speech she said,
"I stand before you today as a candidate for the Democratic nomination for the Presidency of the United States. I am not the candidate of black America, although I am black and proud. I am not the candidate of the women's movement of this country, although I am a woman, and I am equally proud of that. I am not the candidate of any political bosses or special interests. I am the candidate of the people."
The 1972 Democratic National Convention in Miami was the first major convention in which any woman was considered for the presidential nomination. Although she did not win the nomination, she received 151 of the delegates' votes. She continued to serve in the House of Representatives until 1982. She retired from politics after her last term in office. She has received many honorary degrees, and her awards include Alumna of the Year, Brooklyn College; Key Woman of the Year; Outstanding Work in the Field of Child Welfare; and Woman of Achievement. Shirley Chisholm passed away on January 1, 2005.

NOTE: Very interesting that Hillary NEVER mentioned the trailblazing of Shirley Chisholm as the first female presidential candidate. Could it be because Ms. Chisholm is black ? Hmmmm.

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Thursday, May 15, 2008

Curious George publisher may sue over Racist Obama T-shirt

Cobb bar selling shirts combining book character's picture, Obama's name

The Atlanta Journal-ConstitutionPublished on: 05/13/08
The publishing company that owns the Curious George image says it is considering legal action to stop the sale of a T-shirt depicting Barack Obama as the monkey from children's books.
The T-shirts are being peddled by Marietta bar owner Mike Norman at his Mulligan's Bar and Grill in Cobb County. They show a picture of Curious Georgie peeling a banana, with the words "Obama '08" underneath.

Pam Lindley of Marietta holds up the T-shirt in question as about a dozen people protested outside Mulligan's bar in Marietta Tuesday. They object to the establishment selling a Curious George t-shirt that says 'Obama in '08.' The bar has caused controversy in the past with its billboard messages.

Rick Blake, a spokesman for publisher Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, which owns Curious George, said Wednesday that the company didn't authorize the use of the character's image, but hasn't been in touch with anybody selling or manufacturing the shirts.
"We find it offensive and obviously utterly out of keeping with the value Curious George represents," Blake said. "We're monitoring the situation and weighing our options with respect to legal action."
Norman has said he got the T-shirts from someone in Arkansas. He started selling them at his bar -- known for the provocative, ultra-conservative political slogans often posted on signs out front -- in April but said he has no plans to mass market them.
The sales came to light this week when a loose coalition of local groups called a protest of the T-shirts.
About a dozen protestors rallied against the shirts Tuesday afternoon, condemning them as racist and asking Norman to stop selling them.
Norman acknowledged the imagery's Jim Crow roots but said he sees nothing wrong with depicting a prominent African-American as a monkey.
"We're not living in the (19)40's," he said. "Look at him . . . the hairline, the ears -- he looks just like Curious George."
Marietta native Pam Lindley, 47, joined Tuesday's protest after reading about the controversy.
"I don't want people to think this is what Marietta is all about," she added, motioning towards the tavern. "This is what some people think the South is still like. Marietta's come a long way but I guess it's still got a little ways to go."
She said she'd like to see the city ban Norman's provocative musings regularly posted on a sign out front of the bar, which is near Marietta's downtown square. Those who gathered Tuesday say they will continue their campaign against Norman's "hate speech."
But his defenders are just as resolute. Mulligan's is a refuge, they say, in an otherwise hypersensitive world. Smoking isn't only allowed at the bar, it's expected.
"This place is a diamond in the rough," said Gene McKinley, a Woodstock engineer among the patrons Tuesday. "People here are genuine and honest. It's the one place I can go without having to worry if I'm offending someone."
Norman said he fielded calls throughout Tuesday about his T-shirts. An story about the controversy was picked up on the Drudge Report. "One guy in New Jersey wanted me to send him 100 shirts," said Norman, 63.
He said he noted physical similarities between the Democratic frontrunner and the cartoon monkey while watching a Curious George movie with his grandchildren.
Someone -- "probably a customer, I don't know" -- from Arkansas sent him the shirts, Norman said.
The Tennessee native said he's providing a public service of sorts, reminding people they have a right to offend.
"This is my marketing tool," he said. (end)

NOTE: National radio talk show host Attorney Warren Ballentine and other civic leaders are scheduling a rally against these racist tactics and invite people of all races to speak out. Listen to The Warren Ballentine Show for updates at

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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

John Edwards Endorses Obama !

ABC News confirms that John Edwards will endorse Barack Obama at an event tonight in Michigan:
Former Sen. John Edwards is endorsing Sen. Barack Obama's presidential candidate Wednesday evening, in a dramatic attempt by the Obama campaign to answer concerns regarding Obama's appeal to working-class voters, several senior Democratic sources tell ABC News.
Edwards, who ran for president on a platform of eradicating poverty, plans to appear alongside Obama in Grand Rapids, Mich., Wednesday evening. The event comes one day after Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton defeated Obama by 41 points in the West Virginia primary, and Edwards' endorsement will give Obama a key establishment stamp of approval as he attempts to close out the nominating process. ...
A source close to the Clinton campaign said the Edwards camp gave the Clinton folks a head's up.
"Clearly it's upsetting" the source tells ABC. "He brings the workers" to Obama.
Time's Mark Halperin says a source reports that Edwards was on Obama's campaign plane today.
NBC News notes the impact this could have on the delegate count:
Edwards has 18 pledged delegates.
Even if all of those people voted for Obama, and there's no guarantee they would, it wouldn't quite give Obama a majority in pledged delegates, but it would get him close. Edwards' people are really loyal and might not vote for Obama or Hillary or whoever -- even if Edwards tells them to.
Original Post: The Obama campaign has announced a "major national endorsement" for a rally tonight at 7pm in Michigan, and the rumor mill is swirling that it is none other than Sen. John Edwards. Time's Mark Halperin is teasing as much at his Web site, with a photo of Edwards and the text, "Ready to choose? Ready to hope?"
Edwards has certainly dropped some hints in recent days. He's chided Hillary Clinton over her comments about race, said he can't figure out how Clinton could ever win the nomination, and even said he planned to endorse the person he voted for in North Carolina's primary, using (it seems) the word "him." (From Huff Post)
NOTE: The medias plan following Hillary's W. Virginia win has been to declare how Obama does not have the white vote....which is absolutely ignorant considering in the very next sentence, they state that Obama is expected to win all white state ! Now the Edwards endorsement will not only smack her victory in the face, but further exemplifies that she's toast. Don't forget, Edwards had 47 SuperDelegates on his side who may all go to Obama. Not to mention the very whites that the media claims are Hillary's base looooooove Edwards. IT'S ALL GOOD !
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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Carville: Obama likely
to win nomination

James Carville is supporting Hillary Clinton's White House bid.
(CNN) — James Carville has been one of Hillary Clinton's most energetic defenders, but on Monday he all but declared Barack Obama will become the Democratic nominee for president.
Speaking to students at Furman University in Greenville, South Carolina, Carville argued Clinton should stay in through the final nominating contest in early June, but said the Democratic tide appears to be moving in Obama's direction.
"I still hear some dogs barking," Carville said, according to The State newspaper. "I'm for Senator Clinton, but I think the great likelihood is that Obama will be the nominee."
"As soon as I determine when that is, I'll send him a check," he added.
Asked about who might share a ticket with Obama, Carville floated Clinton's name, as well as that of Clinton ally Gen. Wesley Clark. Carville also mentioned Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius and New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg as possible running mates, according the Greenville News.
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Monday, May 12, 2008

Jenna Bush Wed by
Obama Backer
(A Black Man !)
The New York Times reports:

On Saturday afternoon, the Hager family hosted wedding guests at a barbecue in Salado. The wedding, which began at 7:30 p.m., took place on the Bush ranch, before a white limestone altar erected next to a man-made lake. The Rev. Kirbyjon Caldwell of Windsor Village United Methodist Church in Houston officiated at the ceremony. Mr. Caldwell, a longtime religious adviser to Mr. Bush, has endorsed Senator Barack Obama.
Here's the AP write-up of Caldwell's endorsement:
Houston minister Kirbyjon Caldwell endorses Obama
HOUSTON - An influential Houston minister who has long been a spiritual adviser to President George W. Bush says he will endorse Barack Obama's bid for the presidency.
The Rev. Kirbyjon Caldwell, senior pastor of Windsor Village United Methodist Church, said Saturday that he's backing the Illinois senator because of Obama's "character, confidence and courage."
Obama, a Democrat, is electable and "would do a wonderful job to bring people together to pursue a common vision we all have," said Caldwell, who said his support is personal and not connected to his role as pastor of the 14,000-member church.
However, Caldwell told his congregation that Obama may pay a visit to his church.
Caldwell, whose relationship with the president began when Bush was governor of Texas, introduced Bush at the 2000 Republican National Convention and gave the benediction at both of his inaugurations.
Caldwell said he called Bush to inform him of his decision to support Obama and that the president was "OK" with it, adding that the minister's presidential choice would not affect their relationship.
NOTE: In an appearance on The Larry King Show with her mom Laura Bush, Jenna implied that she was not necessarily voting for a Republican. Could she actually be pro-Obama ? Now, THAT would be very cool !
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Sunday, May 11, 2008

Group pushing Clinton as VP choice secretly
tied to her campaign
By Margaret Talev McClatchy Newspapers
Posted on Sunday, May 11, 2008

WASHINGTON — A group called VoteBoth has been leading the charge for Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama to team up on the Democratic ticket.
But the people behind it come from just one of those camps — Clinton's — and one of their goals may be keeping Clinton's White House prospects alive.
The group's founder, Adam Parkhomenko, until recently worked as an assistant to Patti Solis Doyle, who was Clinton's campaign manager until February. Parkhomenko in 2003 founded the Draft Hillary for President Committee.
VoteBoth's spokesman is Sam Arora. He's a law school student who in recent years worked for Clinton and for former Democratic National Committee chairman Terry McAuliffe, Clinton's presidential campaign chairman.
VoteBoth's Facebook page lists three others as administrators, all with Clinton connections.
One is a Richmond-based Democratic technology consultant, who was quoted in a New York Times story about the Iowa Democratic Party's 2006 Jefferson-Jackson dinner, where he was passing out "Hillary for President" stickers. Another appears online in a photo with Hillary Clinton and others at a summer leadership program from 2006.
A third is a history professor and campaign contributor whom Clinton named earlier this year in a press release of prominent Virginians to endorse her. wrote When VoteBoth
On Friday, when word went out that Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-Mass., didn't see Clinton as Obama's pick for a running mate, VoteBoth released a statement offering respect for Kennedy. But it added, "We think that the millions of Democrats who have voted for Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have something to say, too. Why stop at having a nominee who has the support of 51 percent of Democrats when we could have a 'Dream Team' ticket that has won 100 percent?"
VoteBoth first filed with the Federal Election Commission on April 8, two weeks before the Pennsylvania primary that Clinton won and that was considered a crucial window for her comeback. The group's original mission promoted the idea of Clinton as the nominee, with Obama as her running mate.
On May 1, days after the Rev. Jeremiah Wright's latest divisive remarks and Obama's renouncement of his former pastor, VoteBoth amended its mission. It now would support a joint ticket in either order, so long as Clinton's name was on the ballot.
Last week, as Obama's strong showing made him all but certain to clinch the nomination, VoteBoth leaders began putting themselves in the spotlight, sending regular press releases, posting blogs and appearing in interviews.
Parkhomenko wrote a widely circulated piece on The Huffington Post on Tuesday as voters went to the polls in North Carolina and Indiana primaries. "VoteBoth does not aim to pick who leads the ticket," he said. He wrote of friends who "believe in Barack as strongly as I believe in Hillary" and wanting to be inclusive "as a matter of fairness, practicality, experience and hope."
On Friday, when word went out that Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-Mass., didn't see Clinton as Obama's pick for a running mate, VoteBoth released a statement offering respect for Kennedy. But it added, "We think that the millions of Democrats who have voted for Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have something to say, too. Why stop at having a nominee who has the support of 51 percent of Democrats when we could have a 'Dream Team' ticket that has won 100 percent?"
On Friday, Parkhomenko said through a spokesman that his decision to change the mission came after talking to an Obama supporter. He also said he gave neither the Clinton nor Obama campaigns a heads-up about his group.
In an interview Friday, Arora said VoteBoth is not coordinated with Clinton's campaign, and is "just a bunch of us volunteering our time because we think this is a good idea." Despite the lopsided Clinton connections, he said it isn't just about supporting Clinton but about bringing together the rivals' historic turnout and fund-raising machines and constituencies.
"There's been a lot of talk about a unity ticket and we think that's where the conversation should be," said Arora, choosing a word — conversation — that Clinton used to frame her campaign appearances. "If we've been able to help the discussion forward, that's what we're focused on."
"If Barack Obama is the nominee and he takes Senator Clinton as his vice president, you've got a ticket that's already won 100 percent of the Democratic vote, that's turned out a record number of Democratic voters and that has shattered fundraising records. A unity ticket is the way Democrats win in November."
Obama's campaign declined comment on VoteBoth. The Clinton campaign did not respond to a request for comment.
McClatchy Newspapers 2008

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