Friday, January 8, 2010

RNC Chairman Michael Steele

Steele Lashes Out: Critics Should " Get a Life",
" Shut Up ", " Fire Me" or " Get Out Of The Way "

ABC News’ Aaron Katersky and Rick Klein report: RNC Chairman Michael Steele is lashing out his critics, with a series of blunt messages for prominent Republicans who have blasted him over his leadership for the Republican Party.

“I tell them to get a life. That’s old Washington, that’s old ways, and I don’t represent that, and that kills them,” Steele told ABC News Radio in an interview today.

“I’m telling them and I’m looking them in the eye and say I’ve had enough of it. If you don’t want me in the job, fire me. But until then, shut up. Get with the program or get out of the way.”

Steele was responding to a series of reports -- most recently in today’s Washington Times -- where prominent GOP operatives and fund-raisers have criticized Steele for seeming to focus more on his own image (and pocketbook) rather than the good of the party.
HEAR STEELE'S COMMENTS/Read rest of article
* * *

Is Michael Steele Getting Fired ?
Steele Abruptly Cancels Appearance;
Cites ' Emergency ' RNC Meeting


Yesterday, a defiant RNC Chairman Michael Steele shot back at his critical colleagues by saying, "I'm telling them and I'm looking them in the eye and say I've had enough of it. If you don't want me in the job, fire me. But until then, shut up. Get with the program or get out of the way."

Is the RNC taking Steele up on the whole "fire me" offer? All eyes on Rick Klein's Twitter feed, where he reports today that Steele abruptly canceled a scheduled appearance on ABC's "Top Line", thirty minutes before air time: Read rest of article

* * *

Newt Gingrich:

" Michael Steele's Race

Scares Some GOPers ! "


ATLANTA — Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich is praising Michael Steele in his first year as chairman of the Republican National Committee.

Gingrich, who served as speaker from 1995 to 1999, says Steele is off to a good start, citing successes in fundraising and GOP victories in governor's races in Virginia and New Jersey.

"I'm a fan of Steele's," Gingrich said on Thursday in a meeting with reporters about healthcare reform. "I think he is learning, he is smart and he will be an important part of where we're going."

Steele came under fire earlier this week for saying he thinks Republicans have "screwed up" in the years since Ronald Reagan was president and for raising doubt that the GOP can win back the U.S. House in the fall elections.

Gingrich said the party should "relax and focus on winning elections and not on inside-the-party cannibalism."

"Michael Steele makes a number of old-time Republicans very nervous," Gingrich said. "He comes out of a different background. He went to seminary ... he's African-American ... But I think he's pretty close to what we need. He's different, he's gutsy and he's going to make a number of Republicans mad." Read rest of article

* * *

B4B NOTE: This should be headline news ! Imagine if Howard Dean proclaimed that Democrats don't like the Jews...or Hispanics or fill in the blank. Newt Gingrich's admission that many in the GOP are against an entire race of Americans is astounding ! May also answer the question of why the GOP has become simply The Party of NO. Hope Black Republicans are paying attention.

So the Republicans (not just Bush) don't care about Black People !

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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

What Has President Obama Done
In Just ONE YEAR ?

A LOT !!!


1. Ordered all federal agencies to undertake a study and make recommendations for ways to cut spending

2. Ordered a review of all federal operations to identify and cut wasteful spending and practices

3. Instituted enforcement for equal pay for women

4. Beginning the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq

5. Families of fallen soldiers have expenses covered to be on hand when the body arrives at Dover AFB

6. Ended media blackout on war casualties; reporting full information

7. Ended media blackout on covering the return of fallen soldiers to Dover AFB; the media is now permitted to do so pending adherence to respectful rules and approval of fallen soldier's family

8. The White House and federal government are respecting the Freedom of Information Act

9. Instructed all federal agencies to promote openness and transparency as much as possible

10. Limits on lobbyist's access to the White House

11. Limits on White House aides working for lobbyists after their tenure in the administration

12. Ended the previous stop-loss policy that kept soldiers in Iraq/Afghanistan longer than their enlistment date

13. Phasing out the expensive F-22 war plane and other outdated weapons systems, which weren't even used or needed in Iraq/Afghanistan

14. Removed restrictions on embryonic stem-cell research

15. Federal support for stem-cell and new biomedical research

16. New federal funding for science and research labs

17. States are permitted to enact federal fuel efficiency standards above federal standards

18. Increased infrastructure spending (roads, bridges, power plants) after years of neglect

19. Funds for high-speed, broadband Internet access to K-12 schools

20. New funds for school construction

21. The prison at Guantanamo Bay is being phased out

22. US Auto industry rescue plan

23. Housing rescue plan

24. $789 billion economic stimulus plan

25. The public can meet with federal housing insurers to refinance (the new plan can be completed in one day) a mortgage if they are having trouble paying

26. US financial and banking rescue plan

27. The secret detention facilities in Eastern Europe and elsewhere are being closed

28. Ended the previous policy; the US now has a no torture policy and is in compliance with the Geneva Convention standards

29. Better body armor is now being provided to our troops

30. The missile defense program is being cut by $1.4 billion in 2010

31. Restarted the nuclear nonproliferation talks and building back up the nuclear inspection infrastructure/protocols

32. Reengaged in the treaties/agreements to protect the Antarctic

33. Reengaged in the agreements/talks on global warming and greenhouse gas emissions

34. Visited more countries and met with more world leaders than any president in his first six months in office

35. Successful release of US captain held by Somali pirates; authorized the SEALS to do their job

36. US Navy increasing patrols off Somali coast

37. Attractive tax write-offs for those who buy hybrid automobiles

38. Cash for clunkers program offers vouchers to trade in fuel inefficient, polluting old cars for new cars; stimulated auto sales

39. Announced plans to purchase fuel efficient American-made fleet for the federal government

40. Expanded the SCHIP program to cover health care for 4 million more children

41. Signed national service legislation; expanded national youth service program

42. Instituted a new policy on Cuba, allowing Cuban families to return home to visit loved ones

43. Ended the previous policy of not regulating and labeling carbon dioxide emissions

44. Expanding vaccination programs

45. Immediate and efficient response to the floods in North Dakota and other natural disasters

46. Closed offshore tax safe havens

47. Negotiated deal with Swiss banks to permit US government to gain access to records of tax evaders and criminals

48. Ended the previous policy of offering tax benefits to corporations who outsource American jobs; the new policy is to promote in-sourcing to bring jobs back

49. Ended the previous practice of protecting credit card companies; in place of it are new consumer protections from credit card industry's predatory practices

50. Energy producing plants must begin preparing to produce 15% of their energy from renewable sources

51. Lower drug costs for seniors

52. Ended the previous practice of forbidding Medicare from negotiating with drug manufacturers for cheaper drugs; the federal government is now realizing hundreds of millions in savings

53. Increasing pay and benefits for military personnel

54. Improved housing for military personnel

55. Initiating a new policy to promote federal hiring of military spouses

56. Improved conditions at Walter Reed Military Hospital and other military hospitals

57. Increasing student loans

58. Increasing opportunities in AmeriCorps program

59. Sent envoys to Middle East and other parts of the world that had been neglected for years; reengaging in multilateral and bilateral talks and diplomacy

60. Established a new cyber security office

61. Beginning the process of reforming and restructuring the military 20 years after the Cold War to a more modern fighting force; this includes new procurement policies, increasing size of military, new technology and cyber units and operations, etc.

62. Ended previous policy of awarding no-bid defense contracts

63. Ordered a review of hurricane and natural disaster preparedness

64. Established a National Performance Officer charged with saving the federal government money and making federal operations more efficient

65. Students struggling to make college loan payments can have their loans refinanced

66. Improving benefits for veterans

67. Many more press conferences and town halls and much more media access than previous administration

68. Instituted a new focus on mortgage fraud

69. The FDA is now regulating tobacco

70. Ended previous policy of cutting the FDA and circumventing FDA rules

71. Ended previous practice of having White House aides rewrite scientific and environmental rules, regulations, and reports

72. Authorized discussions with North Korea and private mission by Pres. Bill Clinton to secure the release of two Americans held in prisons

73. Authorized discussions with Myanmar and mission by Sen. Jim Web to secure the release of an American held captive

74. Making more loans available to small businesses

75. Established independent commission to make recommendations on slowing the costs of Medicare

76. Appointment of first Latina to the Supreme Court

77. Authorized construction/opening of additional health centers to care for veterans

78. Limited salaries of senior White House aides; cut to $100,000

79. Renewed loan guarantees for Israel

80. Changed the failing/status quo military command in Afghanistan

81. Deployed additional troops to Afghanistan

82. New Afghan War policy that limits aerial bombing and prioritizes aid, development of infrastructure, diplomacy, and good government practices by Afghans

83. Announced the long-term development of a national energy grid with renewable sources and cleaner, efficient energy production

84. Returned money authorized for refurbishment of White House offices and private living quarters

85. Paid for redecoration of White House living quarters out of his own pocket

86. Held first Seder in White House

87. Attempting to reform the nation's healthcare system which is the most expensive in the world yet leaves almost 50 million without health insurance and millions more under insured

88. Has put the ball in play for comprehensive immigration reform

89. Has announced his intention to push for energy reform

90. Has announced his intention to push for education reform

Oh, and he built a swing set for the girls outside the Oval Office!

Please Share Everywhere !

Credit: Original list compiled by Prof. Robert P. Watson,
Ph.D.Coordinator of American Studies
Lynn University

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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

WATCH: President Obama
U.S. " failed to connect the dots " in airline terror plot

He's On It !

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Monday, January 4, 2010

Next Step for Health Care Reform ?
As I had reported a while back (and many disputed)
Get Ready for some PING-PONG !

Dems Will Bypass Conference Committee
To Get Health Care Passed

Article by Sam Stein

Both chambers of Congress will skip a formal "conference committee" and instead negotiate informally on their respective health care bills, confirm Congressional aides and sources outside of government.

In what one health care reform activist calls a "quasi ping-pong" strategy, House and Senate leaders will each have a set of negotiators bounce variations of health care legislation back and forth until the disagreements between the two chambers are hammered out.

"Absent a stunning turn of events, it's true," said one Senate aide. "All of the motions that we need to go into conference with the House are amendable and debatable."

The basis for negotiations will be the Senate bill (which lacks a public option for insurance coverage and contains a tax on expensive health care plans), to which the House can add amendments.

"It doesn't preclude us from making major changes," explained one House Democratic aide. "We would basically be voting on the 'amendment'. But the amendment wouldn't be a two-page bill. It could be the entire bill itself." The House will hold a caucus meeting this week (with out-of-town members calling in over the phone) to begin discussing priorities for these negotiations.

The decision to skip formal conference negotiations -- which was first reported by The New Republic's Jonathan Cohn -- is not, it should be noted, the rarest of parliamentary maneuvers. Hill aides say it often happens with major or contentious pieces of legislation (though not apparently in this current Congress). "This is what we normally do," said one Hill aide, "it is pretty standard."

The goal, in the end, is to expedite the congressional process by keeping it removed from Republican procedural shenanigans. By skipping a formal conference committee, for example, Democrats can avoid dealing with motions to recommit on contentious issues (whether they be Medicare cuts, late-life consultation, abortion or anything else). This, in turn, provides a narrower window for the GOP to turn the bill into a series of wedge issues and means that there is less of a potential for moderate and conservative Democrats to grow skittish about supporting the legislation.

There are ample opportunities for Republican leadership to draw out the legislative process if it goes to conference committee. The Congressional Research Service, in a report published in April 2003, identified three steps that the Congress has to take simply to send a bill to conference.


Getting It Done !

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Friday, January 1, 2010


A worker vacuums pine needles after a Christmas tree was removed
from the Oval Office, December 30, 2009.
(Official White House Photo by Chuck Kennedy)

President Obama's New Year Message

There's Much Work Ahead.
Through Unity...Yes We WILL !

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Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas
To All B4B Warriors !

President and 1st Lady's
Holiday Weekly Address

For the first time in a weekly address, the President is joined by the First Lady as they celebrate Christmas. They both honor those serving overseas, those who have sacrificed for their country, and the families that stand by them.

WATCH: Holiday Weekly Address

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Thursday, December 24, 2009

Senate Passes The Holiday Gift
of Health Care Reform Bill

WATCH President's R

Although it's Christmas Eve, I wanted to share some exciting news: The Senate just passed a historic health reform bill.

In all the back and forth, it's easy to lose sight of what this incredible breakthrough really means. But consider this: This Christmas, there are millions of Americans without health insurance who risk losing everything if they get sick.

There are mothers and fathers who wonder how they'll provide for their children because an illness has wiped out their savings. There are small business owners who worry that they'll have to lay off a long-time employee because the cost of insurance is rapidly rising.

If we finish the job, all this can change. We will have beaten back the special interests who have for so long perpetuated the status quo. We will have enacted the most important piece of social policy since the Social Security Act in the 1930s, and the most important health reform since Medicare in the 1960s.

In Decembers to come, millions more will have access to affordable coverage. Parents will have the security and stability of knowing their insurance can't be revoked at a moment's notice. And the skyrocketing costs plaguing our small businesses will be brought under control.

When you make calls, write letters, organize, this is the change you're making -- a better life for your family and for men and women in every state.

There is still more to do before I can sign reform into law -- a last round of negotiations and final votes in the Senate and the House -- and I'm counting on your help every step of the way. But for now, I hope that as you celebrate this holiday season, you remember that the work you are doing is making our union more perfect, one step at a time. For that, I am grateful to you.

Merry Christmas and happy holidays,

President Barack Obama

President's Response
to Historic Landmark

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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Health Care Reform-
" Progressives who argue for killing the Senate bill
and starting over should explain their position to the
30 million Americans without health insurance "...

Pulitzer Prize Winner
Washington Post

When all is said and done—and, yes, there is a bit more saying and doing to endure, which means that anything can happen—the health care reform legislation that President Barack Obama now seems likely to sign into law, while an unlovely mess, will be remembered as a landmark accomplishment.

The bill making its way through the Senate by the slimmest of margins is imperfect, to say the least. But before listing its many flaws, let’s consider the measure’s one great virtue: For the first time, we will enshrine the principle that all Americans deserve access to medical care regardless of their ability to pay. No longer will it be the policy and practice of our nation to ration health according to wealth.

When you blow away all the smoke, that’s what this fight is about. The Senate bill lacks a public health insurance option, the House bill is burdened by gratuitous abortion restrictions, and the final product of a House-Senate conference will probably have both those failings. But once the idea of universal health care is signed into law, it will be all but impossible to erase. Over time, that idea will be made into reality.

The loose ends are so many and varied, in fact, that it will probably be necessary to revisit the health care issue sooner rather than later. Even if it takes years to get it right, eventually is better than never. History suggests that major new social initiatives have to be perfected over time—and that basic entitlements, once established, are rarely taken away.

Progressives who argue for killing the Senate bill and starting over should explain their position to the 30 million Americans without health insurance who would be covered under this insufficiently progressive legislation. They should recall that when Obama and the Democratic leadership in Congress began this crusade, public opinion was solidly in favor of reform. With polls now showing widespread wariness, with Republicans having confused and frightened many voters who already have adequate health insurance, why would anyone think that beginning from scratch is likely to produce a more progressive result?

It surely wouldn’t. For anyone who believes it is shameful that the richest, most powerful nation in the world cares so little about the health and welfare of its citizens, this is the moment. It should be seized, not squandered.

Is it ridiculous that the Senate bill essentially bribes Sen. Ben Nelson with special Medicaid reimbursements for Nebraska alone? Yes. Is it galling that the public option and the idea of a Medicare buy-in fell victim to Sen. Joe Lieberman’s whims? Supremely so. But our eyes should be kept on the prize.

The bill has been described as a gift to the health insurance companies since it provides them with 30 million new customers and no competition from a public plan. I don’t believe it’s a coincidence that the stock prices of health insurers are soaring. But I also don’t believe the main point of this exercise was to stick it to the insurance companies, however satisfying that might be.

Someday, perhaps, we will deal with the perversity of having for-profit health insurance companies. Executives of those firms have a duty to maximize value for shareholders, which gives them the incentive to behave badly—rejecting those who are most in need of health care, denying reasonable claims, raising premiums whenever possible. If health care is a fundamental right and a societal good, then why should its allocation be mediated by the private sector? But this is not the debate we’ve just had.

Eventually, we probably will ask that question. While the reform package nearing completion bends the curve of rising health care costs, more bending is going to be needed. Ultimately, we’re going to have to take a more fundamental look at how the health industry is structured.

So this isn’t the end of a process that leads to a rational, sustainable, more efficient health care system. It’s the beginning. But when a reform bill passes, as now seems likely, Obama and congressional leaders will have achieved a goal that progressives have sought for decades. They will have established that quality health care should be for all, not just for those who can afford it.

We have a system now in which Americans go bankrupt trying to pay doctors and hospitals to keep them alive. When you have the opportunity to change this, you take it—even if it means winning ugly.

Greg Jones' B4BNOTE: I'm reminded of the imperfection of previous, now historic bills/laws that have been passed throughout our country's history. The Civil Rights Act, Womens Rights, Child Labor Laws, Fair Housing, Voters Rights Act just to name a few, all of which are still being 'tweaked' toward perfection to this day. But despite their flaws, in these monumental cases, Americans are thankful that the opposition was unable to Kill The Bill.

Although Imperfect...
Now is the time for health care reform.

Monday, December 21, 2009

My Health Care Reform FLIP-FLOP

Greg Jones
National Director

I, as many of you, have worked for months toward health care reform and lately some have been surprised by my lack of automatic enthusiasm of the bill as being proposed by the Senate. I have had a number of concerns since my primary objective has always been to see that the needs of the 47 million hard-working Americans who are struggling through life without the basic right to access quality health care are met. I have been very vocal about the vital urgency of affordability and how, without it there should be no mandate. I have voiced my disappointment of the secrecy of the Senate's process as well as the reports stating that the bill may not go into a full conference for amendments or changes to be made to the Senate's version, resulting in the bill being signed off basically as-is by Speaker Nancy Pelosi , then sent directly to The President for final signing.

But call it an EPIPHANY. Call it a flip-flop. Call it what you want but the more I see about what this health care reform bill will do for those in need, the more I LOVE IT ! Now don't get me wrong, there are a number of components of the bill that will need to be worked on or improved in the future, but I now truly feel that this is in fact an incredibly historic bill that will save the lives of many. One thing that prompted my transformation and makes me feel very good about the bill is certain things that I heard during last nights debate before the 1AM cloture vote. When I wrote my original draft of this piece I spelled it all out, word for word. Then, after listening to some right-wing radio today, and their declaration to ratchet up any and all obstruction they can muster to block the bill's passing, I deleted my 'breakdown' of what I feel is ahead to make certain of not supplying their much needed ammunition. And forgive my evasiveness but let's just say that I now have a clearer understanding of what Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Ia) meant when he said that the passing of the bill is "like buying the starter home; we're not done". In fact, he is now openly saying " we're going to revisit the public year we can revisit it. There are other ways to get it ". (hope he's not being TOO open)

So I now see the strategy. An incredibly effective move on the part of the Democrats. They're going to push this bill through, possibly having Speaker Pelosi sign-off on the bill with minimal changes to get it to The President's desk as quickly and untouched as possible, and once signed into law, during the formulation period, they plan to slide in some of the changes reflective of what we all want. All hoopla free. Absolutely BRILLIANT.

So yes, I now see the true greatness of what is transpiring here. For the first time in seven Presidencies a health reform bill will be passed that no longer allows insurance companies to refuse coverage to someone because of having a pre-existing condition. For the first time millions of Americans will have access to truly affordable coverage erasing the embarrassing need for traveling, make-shift free clinics like a third-world country. Now, more people who fall in the lower economic bracket will be covered through Medicaid while seniors will have less burden with the so-called doughnut hole they have been forced to deal with. This bill will limit big-buck executive compensation and administrative costs of the insurance profiteers while creating an exchange that will give care seekers various options.

Through the passing of this bill , and thanks to Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) there will be a $10 BILLION investment in community health centers. Sanders has stated that this investment will "help bring about a revolution in primary health care in America and create new or expanded health centers in an additional 10,000 communities. The provision would also work toward creating an additional 20,000 primary care doctors, dentists, nurse practitioners, physician assistants and mental health professionals for expanded mental health counseling". It is also anticipated that the community centers will save Medicaid billions of dollars by providing primary care to those in need. Sanders is also giving a significant hint of future improvements to the bill by saying, "the day after this bill passes we can improve it'.

While those are but a few of the incredible benefits of this historic health care bill, there are still elements of concern. Although many of the pre-existing clauses kick-in immediately (which is great) the start date for the majority of the plan is 2014, longer than I would like to have seen. The Medicaid costs to states could pose a future problem as states struggle financially. Here in Ohio they have just decided to stop giving prisoners coffee as a way to save money. Due to the fact that the Senate bill allows the insurance companies to charge up to 3 times the normal rate for older aged people and those with pre-existings, there will be a need for stern monitoring of this aspect to assure affordability, something that I feel The President will stay on top of due to his mother's personal experience with this issue.

One of the other issues that has been of great concern of mine has been the mandate/law which requires all individuals to purchase coverage or be penalized. My concern had always been the thought of penalizing someone for being guilty of not earning enough money. But we are now getting reports, although unconfirmed, that there is what they're calling a 'hardship clause' in the bill which will make those who truly can not afford coverage exempt from the mandate, a component of the bill that I find to be absolutely great.

One thing for sure is the fact that our current health care system has been terrible. I live in Cleveland, Ohio, home of The Cleveland Clinic, one of the finest medical facilities in all the world. But up until now, due to the lack of health care coverage, a large majority of Clevelanders could only hope for the day that they may be able to access such a fine facility. This bill creates that opportunity and serves as evidence of the Democratic idea that, as Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid stating during the cloture debate, "health care is a right" proven by the filibuster proof 60 votes last night which included every Democratic Senator, even those originally labeled as obstructionists like Senators Lieberman, Baucus, Lincoln, Landrieu and even the Blue Dogs, all under the powerful leadership of Senator Harry Reid; all of which-in my opinion-actually deserve a sincere hat-tip.

In my own defense, although I have been a strong supporter of President Obama since 2004, which lead me to create Blacks4Barack in February of 2007 to invigorate and stimulate support toward The Presidency, I will always study the issues to determine what is best for our country and the American people before automatically signing-on. That's just the way I am. And when it comes to this health care bill...I Feel Good !

Throughout the entire campaign and since day one in office, "Yes We Can" has been the driving motto promoted by President Barack Obama. In just 11 months in office he has achieved more than most Presidents have done in 8 years with much more yet ahead. The passing of this historic health care reform bill will not only illustrate the tenacity, vision and determination of a great Leader, but also displays 'The Power of WE'...those who have fought the good fight and will continue to do so, working together in Unity, for The Recovery of America. Very special thanks to all of The Warriors....and Thank You Mr. President. Now, it may not be perfect (yet) but let's get the bill passed !

Greg Jones

Saturday, December 19, 2009

So they'll 'FIX IT'


Greg Jones

As Democratic Majority Leader Harry Reid gears up for the big spin, representing the Senate's supposed 'historic' health care reform bill as if it were great, giving affordable health care to 31 million, people nationwide can't help but be concerned about both the actual ineffectiveness of the bill combined with the new law/mandate that will force millions of struggling Americans to buy the already unaffordably high-priced coverage from the very insurance companies who created the need for health care reform. The massive disapproval of the inclusion of the mandate has triggered a drumbeat of protest calling for the removal of the mandate with chants such as "Just Say NO to Mandates"..."NO MANDATE or KILL THE BILL" and many others.

The problem is that since the bill does not include a method that would create truly affordable coverage like a Public Option or Medicare Buy-In, now that they have been stripped from the Senate version of the bill, most Americans are very concerned that the 47 million Americans struggling through life without health care will still be unable to afford coverage through this bill. But now, there is the mandate or law demanding that if you don't buy the insurance you will be PENALIZED, labeled as a lawbreaker and treated as such, all because of not earning enough money. That is the biggest flaw in this bill; the penalizing of those in need.

Many of the still hopeful are anticipating that once the bill passes in the Senate, positive changes/amendments will be made to the bill such as the insertion of a public option or the omission of the mandate when the bill goes into Conference; the process by which representatives from the Congress meet with Senate reps to fine tune, tweak and strengthen the bill. In fact, many Democratic politicians are stating that we need to get this bill passed in the Senate, as flawed as it is, and then it will be 'corrected' in the Conference process with almost a 'they would never pass THIS' spirit.

BUT, I have been trying to warn people for weeks now that they are NOT, I repeat NOT going to allow significant changes in Conference/Congress, stating that the bill is 'too fragile' and that they need to push it through for the sake of time.


Here is a statement from the article we have attached below from Salon:
" But Nelson also says he isn't necessarily on board for the long haul. "This cloture vote is based on a FULL UNDERSTANDING that there will be a LIMITED CONFERENCE between the Senate and House," he told reporters Saturday morning."

So as promised to Senator Nelson by Majority Leader Harry Reid, there will be a 'limited conference' which is the process known as Ping-Ponging. Through this process Speaker Nancy Pelosi will simply sign off on the Senate version of the bill as-is (maybe a weak change or two to make it look like they did something)...then the bill will go straight to the President for MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.

It is of vital importance that all Americans be aware of exactly what is taking place. On Monday at 1:00AM (actually Tuesday early morning) the Senate will vote to close the debate (cloture) allowing the bill to go to the next phase toward their rushed, and frankly fake, Christmas eve deadline. So it is ACTION TIME ! This week we MUST contact our Senators/Congresspeople and The White House to demand that: 1) a full conference be allowed 2) That a truly affordable alternative to the high-priced insurance plans that currently exist such as a strong Public Option or Medicare Buy-In be implemented 3) If not, then they MUST remove the mandate or Kill The 'Unaffordable' Bill and start over creating a bill that does create true affordability.

The next few days are the key to the future of 47 million hard-working Americans, many of whom are forced to stand in long lines for as long as 8 hours while sick, at traveling, make-shift free clinics for the simple, basic right to be seen by a doctor, just like a third-world country. THEY are whom health care reform is SUPPOSED to be for...not the benefit of the insurance profiteers.


The time is NOW to...

Call...Fight...DEMAND !!!



Thursday, December 17, 2009

MUST SEE/Share !
Keith Olbermann's
Powerful Special Comment


Olbermann: " I call on all those whose conscience urges them to fight, to use the only weapon that will be left to us if this bill becomes law. WE MUST NOT BUY FEDERALLY MANDATED INSURANCE if this cheesy counterfeit of reform is all we can buy. No single payer? No sale. No public option? No sale. No Medicare buy-in ? No sale....I hereby pledge that I will not buy this perversion of health care reform. Pass this at your peril, Senators, and sign it at yours, Mr. President. I will not buy this insurance. Brand me a lawbreaker if you choose. Fine me if you will. Jail me if you must. "

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

B4B NOTE: This MANDATE combined with unaffordability will simply create millions of uninsured LAWBREAKERS who will be PENALIZED. People with pre-existing conditions will be FORCED BY LAW, with no choice, to pay up to 3 TIMES the already high rates for coverage (which of course, they can't afford) ! ALSO: (as a further example of the Health Care Hoodwinking of America) this bill reportedly may NOT go into Conference/Congress for amendments/changes using a process called 'ping-ponging' saying that the bill is 'too fragile' to make any changes to and that we need to 'get it done fast'. Congress will sign-off as-is...then this terrible bill goes straight to The President for quick signing. Contact The White House...Contact Your Senator...

No Mandate...

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Tuesday, December 15, 2009


By Greg Jones

As the health care reform debate continues we are witnessing a watering-down to such a degree that the end result could actually be worse than what we have now. This has transformed from a vision of affordable health care coverage for the 47 million hard-working Americans currently struggling throughout life without the basic right to quality health care, to simply a bailout to the insurance profiteers through the mandate/law which will force all Americans to buy the expensive coverage or be PENALIZED.

Either through a well orchestrated plot or in a move to appease the obstructionists, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has gotten rid of ALL of the mechanisms that would have been enacted to create affordable health care coverage for all. First, the public option plan was taken out; and now we hear that the plan to allow people ages 55 to 64 to 'buy-in' to Medicare has been scrapped as well. In all fairness the one element of this reform debate that has remained constant throughout the debate (which could be passed as a single law/bill) is the banning of insurance company discrimination against people with pre-existing conditions, who will through this plan, be allowed to buy coverage, only if they can afford it (interestingly a problem President Obama's mother was faced with making it an issue most dear to The President's heart).

But EVERYTHING else about this plan is absolutely PATHETIC ! The majority of the 47 million struggling uncovered are doing so, not because they can't find coverage, but because they simply can not AFFORD the current high rates of coverage-which continue to rise. And this potentially 'historic' plan does absolutely nothing to make coverage even $1 cheaper. Worse yet, the Democratic politicians are now claiming what a great plan this will be because it " will give coverage to 31 million Americans". Sorry, but that's a lie. This plan isn't GIVING anything. This plan will FORCE the struggling uninsured to buy the unaffordable coverage from the insurance cartel or be PENALIZED by way of huge fines for being unable to afford it, like a penalty for being too poor ! When you combine the threat and fear of becoming labeled a lawbreaker, due to not having enough money, with the fact that the millions struggling will STILL be uncovered, STILL need to stand in long free-clinic lines while sick like a third-world country, the fact is it will actually be WORSE for millions of Americans if this 'historic' plan is passed.

You call THIS reform ? How does this plan help in any way the 47 million struggling, uncovered, hoping to NOT become one of the 44,000 that DIE each year due to the lack of access to quality health care ? Or the millions 'under-covered' like my younger sister Karen who just dropped dead on her bedroom floor a couple of months ago ? How will this plan help the thousands and thousands currently forced to stand in long lines for as long as 8 hours, while sick, at make-shift free clinics just to be seen by a doctor ? How does this plan solve the embarrassing health care needs of Americans in the richest country in the world. Not only does this plan NOT solve the true needs, but it doesn't even come close.

The ONLY thing this plan is is a blatantly obvious, stipulation-free, mandated gift to the insurance profiteers on the backs of the struggling.
As evidence, if the politicians weren't so well bribed/lobbied they would have at least told the cartel they must reduce their rates 10-20-30% or so for The People in exchange for the new 30 million people being forced to buy their product or be penalized, but instead it is exactly like the stipulation-free bank bailouts which is why we say....


This Plan is NOT for The People therefore
The People should NOT be for this Plan !

ANYONE who says that this plan should be accepted is ONLY thinking politically (and probably HAS coverage) or on behalf of the cartel. Health Care should not be a political issue but rather a matter of life or death !

Dr. Howard Dean Says KILL THE BILL


Monday, December 14, 2009

We MUST Fight for

Greg Jones


As the health reform debate continues, we are hearing of the continuous watering-down of the bill for the purpose of appeasing various Democrats including Senators Joe Lieberman, Mary Landreiu, Blanche Lincoln and Ben Nelson. But there is a process available to be used by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid which would make these obstructionists absolutely meaningless.

RECONCILIATION is the process by which a bill can be passed with 51 votes instead of 60. THIS is what we must DEMAND Reid uses to pass a bill with a strong, robust, national, competitive Public Option...the ONLY way to create affordable, competitive premiums for the 47 million Americans struggling throughout life without the basic right to be seen by a doctor. It is absolutely PATHETIC that hard-working Americans are forced to stand in long lines while sick, for as long as 8 hours, at make-shift free clinics just to be seen by a doctor, as recently occurred in Kansas City; a scene reminiscent of a third-world country.

This is a 2 part FIGHT....

FIRST...we must FIGHT for a STRONG, Competitive Public Option. In the same call or email we must DEMAND that Harry Reid uses the RECONCILIATION process. As The President has said

The Time is NOW....

44,000 Americans DIE each year due to the lack of affordable health care. This must end NOW...and it can...through RECONCILIATION !!!!

Please help spread the word as if your life depended on it.

One just might !!!

Contact Sen. Harry Reid/YOUR Senator/THE MEDIA...Rachel Maddow, Ed Schultz, Keith Olbermann etc. to say




Saturday, December 12, 2009

Picture of the Week !

President Obama !


Friday, December 11, 2009

We Are SO Proud of
Our 1st Family !

Article by Lynn Sweet
From Chicago to Oslo:
Michelle Obama's First Year

(click to read)


Thousands, sick in line at make-shift free clinic...
like a third-world country !

B4B NOTE: This so-called 'reform' is getting worse everyday !
Article from New York Times

High Premiums in
Senate Democrats' Health Plan !

WASHINGTON — Senate Democrats have provided few details about their latest health care proposal, but this much seems clear: Anyone who wants to buy the same health benefits as members of Congress, or to buy coverage through Medicare, should be prepared to fork over a large chunk of cash.

According to the Congressional Budget Office, a family of four earning $54,000 in 2016, when the health legislation is fully in effect, would be eligible for a subsidy of $10,100 to help defray the cost of insurance under the health legislation being debated by the Senate. By then, one of the most popular federal plans, a nationwide Blue Cross and Blue Shield policy, is projected to cost more than $20,000.

That could leave the family earning $54,000, slightly more than the current median household income, with monthly premium costs of more than $825.

The Democrats’ proposal would also allow some people ages 55 to 64 to “buy in” to Medicare, starting in 2011. That could cost about $7,600 a year per person or $15,200 for a couple, according to a budget office analysis of an earlier version of the concept. No subsidies would be available until 2014.

Senate Democrats have been careful to say that their proposal is not intended to offer exactly the same benefits that members of Congress have. In many cases, federal subsidies would cover a smaller share of the premium than what the government contributes to the cost of health insurance for federal employees.

The Medicare buy-in proposal is intended to fill a gap in the social safety net for millions of people nearing retirement who are unable to obtain or afford insurance. In general, the new Medicare option would be available only to people who are uninsured. People 55 to 64 who have employer-sponsored insurance would be expected to keep it.

Preliminary back-of-the-envelope calculations reflect the steep challenges that Senate Democrats face as they await a new cost analysis of their plan. The numbers also reflect potential pitfalls in the politically appealing message to constituents that they might get benefits similar to those of federal lawmakers.

Affordability for individuals and families, however, is hardly the only challenge facing Senate Democrats as they struggle to put together a proposal that can win the 60 votes needed for passage of the broader health care bill.
(Read rest of article)

Related Article: Health care stocks RISE after Dems drop Public Option

The Time is NOW to
Call...Shout...DEMAND !!!



Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Public Option OUT !


Democrats Agree to Tentatively
Trade Opt-Out for Trigger,
Medicare 'Buy-In' and More !

(TPM) An aide briefed on the negotiations among the gang of 10 offers up the rundown of the most important aspects of the public option compromise being sent to CBO.

If this trade-off carries the day, the opt out public option is gone.

In its place will be many of the alternatives we've been hearing about, including a Medicare expansion and a triggered, federally-based public option, the aide said.

As has been widely reported, one of the trade-offs will be to extend a version of the Federal Employees Health Benefits Plan to consumers in the exchanges. Insurance companies will have the option of creating nationally-based non-profit insurance plans that would offered on the exchanges in every state. However, according to the aide, if insurance companies don't step up to the plate to offer such plans, that will trigger a national public option.

Beyond that, the group agreed--contingent upon CBO analysis--to a Medicare buy in.

That buy-in option would initially be made available to some uninsured people aged 55-64 in 2011, three years before the exchanges open. For the period between 2011 and 2014, when the exchanges do open, the Medicare option will not be subsidized--people will have to pay in without federal premium assistance--and so will likely be quite expensive, the aide noted. However, after the exchanges launch, the Medicare option would be offered in the exchanges, where people could pay into it with their subsidies.

It appears as if liberals lost out on a Medicaid expansion that would have opened the program up to everybody under 150 percent of the poverty line. That ceiling will likely remain at 133 percent, as is called for in the current bill.
(Read rest of Article)

B4B NOTE: HEALTH REFORM UPDATE: This article contains a good summary of where things stand with health care reform. Note that Public Option is OUT and may be TRIGGERED in 'later' if insurance profiteers don't 'do the right thing' (yea right). Unfortunately, looks like everything about the plan points to continued UNAFFORDABLE health coverage...but now with a LAW/MANDATE stating that if you don't buy it (can't afford) you'll be PENALIZED !...left still struggling WITHOUT the basic right to quality health care. Also note aides' statement that Medicare 'buy-in' 'could be expensive', while asking yourselves 'what about the millions struggling under age 55' ??? Without affordability, this in no way answers the needs of the 47 million care seeking Americans, many of whom stand in long lines while sick at make-shift free clinics just to see a doctor, like a third-world hopes of NOT becoming one of the 44,000 who DIE per year due to the lack of health care. America is being hoodwinked and bamboozled ! The time is NOW to call...Fight...DEMAND...truly affordable health coverage for ALL.

Anything short is simply a mandated gift to the profiteers !

Call...Fight...DEMAND !!!
Time Is Running Out !!


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Opt-In, Opt-Out, Co-Op, Trigger,
Medicare 'Buy-In'..with NO Public Option
Beware of the Health Reform

By Greg Jones
National Director

As the Senate health care reform debate enters it's ninth day, one can't help but to stop...take a pause for the ask oneself...what is the cause ? Why exactly are we in need of health care reform ? Then I'm reminded that reform is needed so that the 47 million hard-working Americans will finally have access to quality health care; something that should be a basic right, but in America is not. I'm reminded that the 47 million are struggling throughout life without the right to see a doctor for health care, not because they don't want to be able to get health care when sick, but in most cases it comes down to the simple fact that they can not afford it. That is why, during the past number of months, thousands of sick Americans have been forced to visit make-shift traveling free clinics for the rare opportunity to be seen by a doctor, a vision usually reserved to third-world countries. But, if they are not turned away due to overcrowding, sick Americans stand in the long lines for hours for the basic right to health care, in hopes of not becoming one of the 44,000 who die each year due to the lack of health care access.

From day one, this is whom health care reform is supposed to be for. Reform is supposed to create an affordable means of health care for the 47 million struggling without. But as we watch the reform debate unfold one can't help but notice that the supposed purpose of reform is becoming more and more watered down each day. With intentional 'plans' being proposed specifically for the purpose of not truly serving the needs of the struggling, we hear of new catch phrases like opt-in, opt-out, co-op, trigger, now there's even a new hammer...all designed to not meet the health care needs of the millions.

It has become obvious to all that the health insurance industry basically bribes our politicians through 'lobbying' (legalized bribery) and that most of our politicians, our 'servants of the people', are really in fact servants for the insurance cartel, which is why it is of vital importance that We The People stay focused on the true health care needs of our Country while not allowing ourselves to be hoodwinked and bamboozled throughout the process.

During the entire debate, one component of health care reform that has remained constant is the fact that there will be a mandate/law forcing all Americans to have or buy health care insurance or be penalized; absolutely fantastic news to the insurance profiteers. This would not be a terrible idea if a truly affordable alternative to the existing high priced insurance coverage was created. Keep in mind, the 47 million want coverage...they simply can not afford it ! It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that if a mandate/law is put into affect, but the rates are still unaffordable, the end result will still remain millions of Americans uncovered, still struggling without health care; but now they'll be under added stress because they'd also be labeled 'lawbreakers' for not earning enough money. And when they get so severely sick that they are forced to go to the emergency room for care will they refrain in fear of getting 'caught' ?

We're hearing about 'subsidies' (government covering part of the premium cost) which will be initiated to help insurance premiums become more 'affordable' for the struggling, but no one has discussed exactly how theses subsidies will work. If the government is going to pay the greatest portion of the monthly premium then that's one thing. But if the government wants and expects the struggling to pay the high monthly premiums out-of-pocket only to be subsidized through a tax deduction or tax credit come tax time in April, that would be disastrous, considering the fact that struggling Americans simply do no not have 5, 6, 7 hundred or more extra dollars a month to make the monthly high-priced premium payments. So they're bound to be forced to go without, still sick, struggling without health care, but now a lawbreaker. And without the alternative lower-costing plan in affect such as a strong, competitive public option, who knows how high the monthly payments could end up. So the key question that must be answered is how the subsidies will be administered.

As a new twist, we are now hearing this brilliant concept of allowing individuals, possibly as young as age 55 to 'buy-in' to Medicare; a plan being proposed instead of a strong, competitive public option which would drive down costs through competition. The key phrase here (which the politicians and the media seem to leave out) is 'buy-in'. As I listened to callers on CSPAN this morning saying what a great idea that more people will be able to 'get' Medicare, it was obvious that they were unaware that more people aren't going to 'get' it...but now a certain group of people (estimated to be approximately 3 million) will have the opportunity to 'buy it'. Before we jump up and down with glee over this new proposal we must ask but one simple question: How much will it cost ? If the cost is not significantly cheaper than what exists now through the cartel, what's so great about it it ? It would still be unaffordable.

And common sense should lead us to another question: What about everyone else...the care seeking struggling people who are under the age of 55 ? What...just no reform for them at all ? So if you're between the ages of 27 and 54 you're supposed to just be forced to pay-since there would not be a strong public option under this brilliant plan-the current high cartel rates, which are increasing rapidly, or continue to struggle, sick without health care access while, again, becoming labeled a lawbreaker. And to our politicians I ask, "You call this reform ?"

Mark my words, a health care reform bill is going to pass because our politicians are going to do everything they can to make sure the mandate goes into affect. (evident by the fact that not one Democrat NOR Republican is speaking out against the mandate) But we must ask ourselves, if there is no 'truly affordable' health care plan developed...should there be a mandate ? We must not be fooled into thinking that our objective is to simply 'get something passed' for political purposes, as we are hearing, but rather get something passed that truly addresses the health care needs of the struggling. In other words...true reform !

If we don't ask the right DEMAND answers and true, affordable access to quality health care for all, then one day we could look up, and after everyone comes from under the ether from all of the bragging about the historic passing of the health care bill, we could actually find ourselves in worse shape than we are in now. Don't be hoodwinked. Ask the questions...get the answers as if your life depended on it. One day, it just might.

Greg Jones

Call...Fight...DEMAND !!!
STRONG Public Option ONLY !!!


Saturday, December 5, 2009

President Obama's Weekly Address:
Pushing Forward On Jobs

PLUS: President Takes Jobs Message to Allentown, Pa.

(From THE WHITE HOUSE) Following the best jobs numbers since 2007, the President recognizes that such trends are cold comfort to those who are struggling and pledges to continue pushing forward towards positive job growth. He looks back at the Jobs Forum he hosted days before and looks ahead to further action. He emphatically restates why he ran for President in the first place: to fight for a country where responsibility is still rewarded, and hard-working people can get ahead.

President Obama Addresses Jobs
in Allentown, Pa.

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