Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Office of the Press Secretary



January 27, 2010


We face big and difficult challenges. And what the American people hope – what they deserve – is for all of us, Democrats and Republicans, to work through our differences; to overcome the numbing weight of our politics. For while the people who sent us here have different backgrounds and different stories and different beliefs, the anxieties they face are the same. The aspirations they hold are shared. A job that pays the bill. A chance to get ahead. Most of all, the ability to give their children a better life.

You know what else they share? They share a stubborn resilience in the face of adversity. After one of the most difficult years in our history, they remain busy building cars and teaching kids; starting businesses and going back to school. They are coaching little league and helping their neighbors. As one woman wrote to me, “We are strained but hopeful, struggling but encouraged.”

It is because of this spirit – this great decency and great strength – that I have never been more hopeful about America’s future than I am tonight. Despite our hardships, our union is strong. We do not give up. We do not quit. We don’t allow fear or division to break our spirit. In this new decade, it’s time the American people get a government that matches their decency; that embodies their strength. And tonight, I’d like to talk about how together, we can deliver on that promise.

By the time I’m finished speaking tonight, more Americans will have lost their health insurance. Millions will lose it this year. Our deficit will grow. Premiums will go up. Co-pays will go up. Patients will be denied the care they need. Small business owners will continue to drop coverage altogether. I will not walk away from these Americans. And neither should the people in this chamber.

Rather than fight the same tired battles that have dominated Washington for decades, it’s time for something new. Let’s try common sense. Let’s invest in our people without leaving them a mountain of debt. Let’s meet our responsibility to the people who sent us here.

To do that, we have to recognize that we face more than a deficit of dollars right now. We face a deficit of trust – deep and corrosive doubts about how Washington works that have been growing for years. To close that credibility gap we must take action on both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue to end the outsized influence of lobbyists; to do our work openly; and to give our people the government they deserve.

That’s what I came to Washington to do. That’s why – for the first time in history – my Administration posts our White House visitors online. And that’s why we’ve excluded lobbyists from policy-making jobs or seats on federal boards and commissions.

But we cannot stop there. It’s time to require lobbyists to disclose each contact they make on behalf of a client with my Administration or Congress. And it’s time to put strict limits on the contributions that lobbyists give to candidates for federal office. Last week, the Supreme Court reversed a century of law to open the floodgates for special interests – including foreign companies – to spend without limit in our elections. Well I don’t think American elections should be bankrolled by America’s most powerful interests, and worse, by foreign entities. They should be decided by the American people, and that’s why I’m urging Democrats and Republicans to pass a bill that helps to right this wrong.

I’m also calling on Congress to continue down the path of earmark reform. You have trimmed some of this spending and embraced some meaningful change. But restoring the public trust demands more. For example, some members of Congress post some earmark requests online. Tonight, I’m calling on Congress to publish all earmark requests on a single website before there’s a vote so that the American people can see how their money is being spent.


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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

B4B News SpotLight !

Teabagger 'Convention' Plans
on Verge of Collapse.
Baggers Upset that ticket price set at $549.
PLUS Also hate that Sarah Palin was paid $100,000 to attend.
They're falling apart ! I Love It !

Click to read


President Obama Rather Be Really Good One-Term President Than Mediocre Two-Term Pres

President Obama: "There's a tendency in Washington to think that our job description, of elected officials, is to get reelected. That's not our job description," Finally...a Servant of the People committed to DOING THE JOB...not just KEEPING the job ! Quite refreshing.
Click to read/Watch interview with ABC's Diane Sawyer


House and Senate Discussing Passing Health Care Through Reconciliation

We reported this yesterday on our Greg Jones Facebook page-looks like it is materializing: Reports are eeking out that the House will pass the Senate version of the health care reform bill AS IS under the agreement that the bill will be fine-tuned/tweeked after PASSAGE through Reconciliation-needing only 51 votes in the Senate to pass. To convince the House that the Senate will comply, 52 Senators have reportedly signed a pledge that they will vote yes for the Recon version.
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Fox News Hero,
Anti-ACORN, Fake Pimp Filmmaker

Arrested by FBI
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President To Urge Partial Spending Freeze'

This plan is designed to actually allow the President to boost spending in certain categories while 'freezing' or reducing spending in categories declared wasteful. Plan will save $250B over 10 years. We were part of a White House conference call with Chief Economist and Economic Policy Advisor to the Vice President Jared Bernstein Monday in which he discussed a number of programs to be initiated in the Feb. 1st budget which will be revealed in the State of the Union speech Wednesday...and they sound good. Now, watch the right-wing start complaining about how terrible it is that The President wants to CONTROL SPENDING !
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Sunday, January 24, 2010

President Recruits Former Campaign Manager
David Plouffe to Head White House ' Department of FIGHT '

David Plouffe To Democrats: Time to..

" FIGHT LIKE HELL...And Do What the American People
sent us to Washington to do ! "

From: OFA

In today's Washington Post, Obama for America campaign manager David Plouffe penned an op-ed in which he admits that the Democratic Party received a resounding "wake-up call" from the Massachusetts special election on Tuesday, but he argues that the way forward is to continue to fight, and to show American people that they are capable of doing the hard things that voters sent them to Washington to do.

[The 2010 midterms] will be a tough election for our party and for many Republican incumbents as well. Instead of fearing what may happen, let's prove that we have more than just the brains to govern -- that we have the guts to govern. Let's fight like hell, not because we want to preserve our status, but because we sincerely believe too many everyday Americans will continue to lose if Republicans and special interests win.

Plouffe also outlines a few key principles the Democrats can use to be successful in this November, the first of which is passing a meaningful health insurance reform package without delay. He also urges Democrats to focus on job creation, and to do a better job articulating the positive impact American Recovery and Reinvestment Act on the economy.

Finally, Plouffe urges Democratic candidates to "run great campaigns," citing many of the same core organizing principles that proved to be so effective during the Obama campaign:

Our campaigns can leave no stone unturned, from believing in the power of grass-roots volunteers and voter registration, to using technology and data innovatively, to raising money -- especially with big corporate interests now freed up to dump hundreds of millions of dollars to elect those who will do their bidding. Democratic candidates must do everything well. Each one must make sure that the first-time voters from 2008 living in your state or district -- more than 15 million nationwide -- are in their sights. Build a relationship with those voters, organize them and educate them. On Nov. 3, many races are sure to be decided by just a few thousand if not a few hundred votes. These voters can make the difference. We have to show them that their 2008 votes mattered, and passing health insurance reform is one way to start.

...If Democrats will show the country we can lead when it's hard, we may not have perfect election results, but November will be nothing like the nightmare that talking heads have forecast.

Read the full op-ed...

B4B NOTE: Despite right-wing/media spinning otherwise (actually bold face lies)...since day one President Obama has tried to keep a campaign promise to govern in a bi-partisan manner with what has been determined to be The Party of No. Many feel that The President tried for too long...but now...

It's A New Day...Again !

The Time Is NOW...


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Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi Work Over Weekend

to Save HCR


By: Chris Frates


Struggling to salvage health reform, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi have begun considering a list of changes to the Senate bill in hopes of making it acceptable to liberal House members, according to sources familiar with the situation.

The changes could be included in separate legislation that, if passed, would pave the way for House approval of the Senate bill — a move that would preserve President Barack Obama's vision of a sweeping health reform plan.

But the move comes with political risk, because it would open Democrats up to charges that they pressed ahead with roughly the same health care bill that voters appeared to reject in the Massachusetts Senate race Tuesday. Republican Scott Brown won on a pledge to try to block Obama-style health reform.

The effort also puts Reid and Pelosi on the side of giving a sweeping reform bill one more try, instead of adopting a course being floated by some Democrats in Congress and at the White House of adopting a scaled-back bill including popular reform provisions.

The changes are being worked on this weekend with plans for Pelosi to present them to her caucus next week, according to sources familiar with the situation. But, sources stressed, neither Reid nor Pelosi know if this strategy can win the support of their members, but they are attempting it because it is the quickest path to passage.

Earlier this week, Pelosi said she did not have the votes to pass the Senate bill unchanged through the House. And Reid, who lost his 60-vote majority Tuesday, does not have the votes to make wholesale changes to legislation his chamber passed last month.

So, leaders are considering making limited changes that can be passed using a budget process called reconciliation, which only requires 51 votes in the Senate.

The changes being considered track closely with the agreements House and Senate leaders made in White House meetings last week, according to a source. They include the deal with labor unions to ease the tax on high-end insurance plans, additional Medicare cuts and taxes, the elimination of a special Medicaid funding deal for Nebraska and a move to help cover the gap in seniors' prescription-drug coverage. Pelosi is also working to change the Senate provision that sets up state insurance exchanges. The House prefers a single, national exchange.

Reid spokesman Jim Manley declined to comment on whether a list of changes was being drawn up.

"We have still not decided what we are going to do," Manley said. "We remain confident we will pass health reform this year. We are working with the White House and the House to identify our options for doing so. We anticipate further conversations with the administration, the House and our caucus."

Pelosi spokesman Nadeam Elshami said, "Discussions are ongoing, and options are being examined on the best way to move ahead on health insurance reform, but no final decisions have been made. It is premature to conclude anything except that staff is continuing to work on various options."

There is great uncertainty around both the politics and policy of the reconciliation strategy. Under the budget reconciliation process, the bill's changes would have to be germane to the budget, so there is a real question about how many of the proposed tweaks could be included.

Politically, Democrats, shell-shocked from Tuesday's election, may be wary of using procedural maneuvers to pass the bill in place before Brown's election, which cost Democrats their 60-seat majority.

Some Democrats have viewed the election results as a sign that their party should change direction and scale back its ambitions, not move ahead on the same course.

But progressive groups and leading labor unions are pushing their Democratic allies not to shy from the fight, but to push ahead with the bill that was just days from possible passage before Brown's election. These groups have rejected the idea of passing a scaled-back bill.

Also, a Democratic source defended reconciliation as a legitimate legislative tool used in the past by both Democrats and Republicans. For instance, President George W. Bush's 2003 tax cuts were passed with 51 votes.

Carrie Budoff Brown and Patrick O'Connor contributed to this report.

B4B NOTE: Great to hear that Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are in meetings right now (this weekend) working on a Plan to pass HCR through RECONCILIATION (which we have been screaming for for months) ! Also encouraging to hear that Pelosi is pushing for a single, NATIONAL EXCHANGE (that's a strong Public Option !!!) Things to keep in mind: First of all...The "We Need 60-Votes" was ALWAYS A LIE !!!! Also, keep in mind that the insurance cartel wants/needs some kind of health care plan PASSED...they WANT THE MANDATE !!! Stocks had SERIOUS drop this past week. Now they'll be lobbying (bribing) FOR HCR to PASS ! WE MUST FIGHT and steer for a good, strong, affordable, accessible Plan. Get ready for a good, productive FIGHT !

Be Inspired...Be Informed...
Be Involved...BE STRONG !!!

51 Votes...Get It Done !

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Saturday, January 23, 2010

President Obama's Weekly Address

President SLAMS Supreme Court Decision
Legalizing Corporate Take-Over of U.S. Politics

(Excerpt from Address) " This ruling opens the floodgates for an unlimited amount of special interest money into our democracy. It gives the special interest lobbyists new leverage to spend millions on advertising to persuade elected officials to vote their way – or to punish those who don’t. That means that any public servant who has the courage to stand up to the special interests and stand up for the American people can find himself or herself under assault come election time. Even foreign corporations may now get into the act.

I can’t think of anything more devastating to the public interest. The last thing we need to do is hand more influence to the lobbyists in Washington, or more power to the special interests to tip the outcome of elections.

All of us, regardless of party, should be worried that it will be that much harder to get fair, common-sense financial reforms, or close unwarranted tax loopholes that reward corporations from sheltering their income or shipping American jobs off-shore.

It will make it more difficult to pass commonsense laws to promote energy independence because even foreign entities would be allowed to mix in our elections.

It would give the health insurance industry even more leverage to fend off reforms that would protect patients.

We don’t need to give any more voice to the powerful interests that already drown out the voices of everyday Americans.

And we don’t intend to. When this ruling came down, I instructed my administration to get to work immediately with Members of Congress willing to fight for the American people to develop a forceful, bipartisan response to this decision. We have begun that work, and it will be a priority for us until we repair the damage that has been done.

A hundred years ago, one of the great Republican Presidents, Teddy Roosevelt, fought to limit special interest spending and influence over American political campaigns and warned of the impact of unbridled, corporate spending. His message rings as true as ever today, in this age of mass communications, when the decks are too often stacked against ordinary Americans. And as long as I’m your President, I’ll never stop fighting to make sure that the most powerful voice in Washington belongs to you."


B4B NOTE: If ever there was a time for ALL Americans, Democrats, Republicans and Independents to rise up in Unity to FIGHT for that which is right for Democracy,

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Thursday, January 21, 2010


Supreme Court Removes Limits on

Corporate Campaign Spending !

PATHETIC ! Supreme Court just overturned a 100-year law by handing down a 5-4 decision to remove limits on corporate political spending. NOW a corporation can literally spend millions for ads either for or against a politician(s) starting with the 2010 midterm elections. The corporations have just LITERALLY taken control over our entire political system ! If we thought lobbying has been bad up until now...we haven't seen anything yet ! The Supreme Court has basically approved the buying of elections !

"Unlimited corporate spending on campaigns means that the government is up for sale to the highest bidder, and that the law itself will be bought and sold. It would be political bribery on the largest scale imaginable." -Rep. Alan Grayson



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B4B Special:
Historic Quote of the Week !

“If the Democrats run for cover, if we become pale carbon copies of the opposition, we will lose — and deserve to lose.
The last thing this country needs is two Republican parties.”
Teddy Kennedy, 1980

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Wednesday, January 20, 2010



January 20, 2010

United States Government

Haiti Earthquake Disaster Response Update

On January 12, a massive earthquake struck the nation of Haiti, causing catastrophic damage inside and around the capital city of Port-au-Prince. President Obama has said, “at this moment, we are moving forward with one of the largest relief efforts in our history -- to save lives and to deliver relief that averts an even larger catastrophe. In these difficult hours, America stands united. We stand united with the people of Haiti, who have shown such incredible resilience, and we will help them to recover and to rebuild.”

The United States Government has mobilized resources and people to aid in the relief effort. At the direction of President Obama, this is a whole-of-government effort, and USAID has the lead in this swift, aggressive and coordinated response. Military personnel are playing an indispensable role in supporting this humanitarian effort, including making the logistics chain possible and distributing life-saving assistance. Aid workers are working around the clock to deliver more aid more quickly and more effectively to more people in need.

Below, please find some key facts and examples of government actions to date. All numbers below are accurate as of 2 p.m., Wednesday, January 20.


At the request of the Haitian government, the U.S. continues to coordinate America’s relief efforts with the United Nations and the international community. We are coordinating closely with more than 30 nations and hundreds of NGOs to deliver food and water quickly throughout the country.

· Tuesday evening, the President’s National Security Advisor convened a Principals Committee meeting with the Vice President, Secretaries of State, Defense, Homeland Security, Health and Human Services, our Ambassador to the UN, the Administrators of USAID and FEMA, and the Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs to discuss ongoing efforts and coordination.

· Afterwards, Dr. Shah said the meeting was an opportunity “to take stock of the performance and to make sure we were doing everything we possibly could to accelerate our efforts and do even better by reaching more people in Haiti with needed and critical supplies of food, water, shelter, and other critically needed items like medical kids and access to medical services.”

· Secretary Clinton spoke with Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) President Moreno on January 19 about ongoing relief efforts.


· The USNS Comfort arrived in Haiti today. The Comfort brings a hospital with a capacity for over 1,000 beds on board and has already started to receive patients by helicopter.

· Department of Defense personnel have treated over 200 patients and supported the movement of more than 29,000 lbs of medical supplies to date.

· As of January 20, more than 5,000 patients have been treated by Disaster Medical Assistance Teams (DMATs) from the Department of Health and Human Services. .


· The airfield is open for 24/7 operations – 153 flights were expected for today. The U.S. was using 38 of those slots.

o U.S. Transportation Command reports that since commencing air operations, a total of 136 missions have been flown that have carried more than 2,400 tons of equipment and more than 1,900 passengers into Haiti.

· U.S. Army/Navy dive teams with underwater construction teams continued to assess port structural damage with the goal of reopening as quickly as possible.

· As of today, there are 20 U.S. Navy and U.S. Coast Guard vessels and 51 helicopters deployed.

· The San Isidro airfield in the Dominican Republic is now open for C-130 operations to assist in the Haiti relief effort.


· The major focus of military efforts is establishing water distribution sites, and delivering fuel, food, and medicine.

· As of January 20, approximately 11,500 military personnel (2,000 ashore and 9,500 afloat) are a part of the relief effort.

o The BATAAN Amphibious Readiness Group (ARG)/22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit with 1,960 Marines and Sailors arrived and began moving forces ashore yesterday. The Marines began relief operations in the vicinity of Leogane.

· The Coast Guard has approximately 516 service members on site assisting with the Haiti recovery effort (24 ashore, 422 afloat, and 70 aircrew). On January 19, Secretary Napolitano authorized the activation of up to 900 reserve U.S. Coast Guard service men and women in to (mission: replace those deployed on the Comfort? And to assist with port security?) .


· Evacuations: The U.S. is conducting evacuations 24 hours a day. 88 American evacuees departed Port-Au-Prince this morning (1/20). On January 19, 1328 were evacuated. To date, more than 6,174 Americans have been evacuated.

· Search and Rescue: On January 19, Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) teams from Virginia Beach and New York rescued two children. And a USAR team from Fairfax worked with locals as well a French USAR team to rescue a female Haitian who had been trapped for seven days without food or water in a supermarket in the Bois Verna neighborhood of Port-au-Prince.

· Currently, 43 international USAR teams, comprised of 1,739 rescue workers, with 161 dogs, are working in Haiti. 6 of those teams are from the United States – with 511 rescue workers from Fairfax County, Los Angeles County, Miami, Miami-Dade, Virginia Beach, and New York.

o To date, U.S. USAR teams have rescued 43 people from collapsed buildings, while international and U.S. USAR teams together have rescued a total of 122 people.


· U.S. military aircraft, helicopters, and vessels are giving the highest priority to the shipment of water.

o 152,000 liters bulk water and more than 165,000 water bottles were delivered yesterday (1/19).

o The USS Carl Vinson is producing 100,000 gallons of potable water daily – 2,000 gallons were distributed yesterday.

o Water tanks are being installed in each zone of the city. Potable water is now available at 45 distribution points.

· There are currently four established food and water distribution hubs and 190 distribution sites active and serving 96,000 people.

· The U.S. Coast Guard has distributed a total of 38.5 tons of water (62,880 bottles ) to date.

· Over the past several days, JTF-Haiti has distributed more than 400,000 meals/humanitarian rations and more than 600,000 bottles of water.

· C-17 air delivery of food and water will resume Thursday (1/21) -- approximately 15,000 water bottles and 14,500 MREs/Humanitarian Rations are slated for delivery.

o The first C-17 air delivery was conducted Monday, consisting of 14,000 1-liter bottles and 14,000 packages of daily rations.

· The vessel Americas departed Port Everglades today with 500,000 MREs, 290,000 liters of drinking water, 8,400 cots, 19,500 blankets, 41,800 tarps, 560 rolls of sheeting, and 70,000 comfort kits provided by FEMA, as well as medical supplies provided by USAID.

· On January 19, two USAID/OFDA funded flights carrying emergency relief supplies arrived in Port-au-Prince. Commodities included:

o 40,200 water containers that provide water for 80,400 people,

o 13,056 hygiene kits, which will serve 65,280 people,

o 200 rolls of plastic sheeting that will provide shelter for 10,000 people,

o 5 U.N. World Health Organization medical kits,

o 8 water bladders,

o 6 water purification units – each unit produces 100,000 liters of water per day and will provide water to a total of 60,000 people,

o 3 industrial air-conditioning units, and

o 1 generator.

· As of January 19, total USAID/OFDA commodities delivered to Port-au-Prince included:

o 9 water treatment units to provide 900,000 liters of safe drinking water for 90,000 individuals per day;

o 71,000 ten-liter water containers to benefit 142,000 people;

o nearly 24,500 hygiene kits to serve more than 121,000 beneficiaries;

o 700 rolls of plastic sheeting to support the shelter needs of approximately 35,000 people;

o 18 water bladders, each with a capacity of 10,000 liters, and

o five U.N. World Health Organization (WHO) medical kits capable of supplying medical supplies for up to 10,000 individuals for a two-month period.


· As Secretary Clinton said today at the State Department, “We are coordinating closely with the Haitian government, the United Nations, our other international partners, and NGOs on the ground to ensure that aid reaches Haiti’s orphanages and that newly orphaned children are accounted for and cared for…We will also do everything we can to reunite the many children and families who have become separated in the aftermath of the earthquake. And this is a crucial point: we have to be very careful not to exacerbate this difficult situation by removing children from Haiti who might have surviving family members. We will not let red tape stand in the way of helping those in need, but we will ensure that international adoption procedures to protect children and families are followed.”

· The State Department is heading up a joint task force with the Departments of Homeland Security and Health and Human Services to streamline this process and ensure that these families are united as quickly as possible while still ensuring that proper safeguards are in place to protect children in our care.

· An interagency working group has been established to focus on the humanitarian needs of highly vulnerable children. And the Administration is also working closely with the many Members of Congress who are understandably very concerned about this process.


· As of today, in FY 2010, the U.S. Government has provided nearly $171 million in humanitarian assistance for the Haiti earthquake:

o Secretary of Defense Gates signed the Haiti Disaster Relief Execution Order authorizing up to $20 million in humanitarian, disaster and civic aids funds,

o USAID’s Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA) contribution of nearly $82 million,

o USAID’s Office of Food for Peace (USAID/FFP) assistance valued at $68 million, and

o USAID Dominican Republic (USAID/DR) health assistance valued at $1 million.


We are all deeply affected by the devastation in Haiti. Our common humanity demands that we act, as does America’s leadership and deep ties with Haiti. At the request of President Obama, former Presidents Bush and Clinton are coordinating private assistance and urging Americans to help at

· Funding raised through Text Message Program (keyword "Haiti", and short code number "90999"): $25 million from over 2.5 million people.

· You can also contribute online through

o Text “QUAKE” to 20222 to charge a $10 donation to the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund (the donation will be added to your cell phone bill).

· Find more ways to help through the Center for International Disaster Information (

Get Information about Friends or Family

· The State Department has set up a web page that will serve as a clearinghouse for information on Haiti:, including a new tool, the “Person Finder,” to allow people to find and share information on missing loved ones in Haiti.

· The State Department Operations Center has set up the following phone number for Americans seeking information about family members in Haiti: 1-888-407-4747 (due to heavy volume, some callers may receive a recording). You can also send an email to the State Department. Please be aware that communications within Haiti are very difficult at this time.

· The State Department has also partnered with the tech community to launch a free SMS relief information service to help people in Haiti. The text message program allows people with service from Digetel and Voila to text their location and needs to a free short code: "4636." Since the initiative was launched on January 18, NGO partners have received over 2,000 messages, including on food distribution, missing persons, water.

· — The White House website continues to serve as a focal point for information for about the relief effort, including accounting for family and friends in Haiti and contributing to the relief effort.

B4B NOTE: Although the UN coordination has been less than sufficient, President Obama has certainly been busy working toward saving the victims of the horrific catastrophe. It was also reported that The Obamas donated $15,000 of personal money to aid Haiti.

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Happy Inaugural Anniversary

Thank You for rescuing Our Country from near collapse !
I can't begin to imagine where we would be
today if McPalin had won.

Thank You

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Monday, January 18, 2010

“An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow
confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all

~ Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

To Our First Lady !



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Friday, January 15, 2010


Sen. Ted Kennedy's Wife Victoria

Makes Last Minute Plea to Mass. Voters


The widow of former Massachusetts Senator Ted Kennedy appears in a new campaign ad for Attorney General Martha Coakley, the Democratic candidate locked in an increasingly tight Senate race.

"It's not the Kennedy seat, It's the people's seat," Vicki Kennedy says, using a phrase repeated by Scott Brown, her GOP opponent. "The mother struggling to make ends meet, the father trying to find a job. My husband fought for them, and so does Martha Coakley. Cracking down on Wall Street and insurance company abuses. Fighting for working families. That's what Martha Coakley stands for, and I'm proud to stand with her."

In the past few days, outside groups have poured millions of dollars into the race, the outcome of which will have huge implications for the future of health care reform.



RELATED ARTICLE: President Obama to Campaign in Mass. on Sunday

Visit: Martha Coakley Site



" Make Calls From Home " for Martha Coakley

B4B NOTE: Scott Brown has Promised to KILL HEALTH CARE REFORM

(Kennedy's Dream) If He Wins...




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if video did not appear through email server.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

How You Can Help Haiti



Diplomatic Reception Room

10:20 A.M. EST

THE PRESIDENT: Good morning, everybody. This morning I want to extend to the people of Haiti the deep condolences and unwavering support of t
he American people following yesterday's terrible earthquake.

We are just now beginning to learn the extent of the devastation, but the reports and images that we've seen of collapsed hospitals, crumbled homes, and men and women carrying their injured neighbors through the streets are truly heart-wrenching. Indeed, for a country and a people who are no strangers to hardship and suffering, this tragedy seems especially cruel and incomprehensible. Our thoughts and prayers are also with the many Haitian Americans around our country who do not yet know the fate of their families and loved ones back home.

I have directed my administration to respond with a swift, coordinated, and aggressive effort to save lives. The people of Haiti will have the full support of the United States in the urgent effort to rescue those trapped beneath the rubble, and to deliver the humanitarian relief -- the food, water and medicine -- that Haitians will need in the coming days. In that effort, our government, especially USAID and the Departments of State and Defense are working closely together and with our partners in Haiti, the region, and around the world.

Right now our efforts are focused on several urgent priorities. First, we're working quickly to account for U.S. embassy personnel and their families in Port-au-Prince, as well as the many American citizens who live and work in Haiti. Americans trying to locate family members in Haiti are encouraged to contact the State Department at 888/407-4747. I'm going to repeat that – 888/407-4747.

Second, we've mobilized resources to help rescue efforts. Military overflights have assessed the damage, and by early afternoon our civilian disaster assistance team
are beginning to arrive. Search and rescue teams from Florida, Virginia and California will arrive throughout today and tomorrow, and more rescue and medical equipment and emergency personnel are being prepared.

Because in disasters such as this the first hours and days are absolutely critical to saving lives and avoiding even greater tragedy, I have directed my teams to be as forward-leaning as possible in getting the help on the ground
and coordinating with our international partners as well.

Third, given the many different resources that are needed, we are taking steps to ensure that our government acts in a unified way. My national security team has led an interagency effort overnight. And to ensure that we coordinate our effort, going forward, I've designated the administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development, Dr. Rajiv Shah, to be our government's unified disaster coordinator.

Now, this rescue and recovery effort will be complex and challenging. As we move resources into Haiti, we will be working closely with partners on the ground,
including the many NGOs from Haiti and across Haiti, the United Nations Stabilization Mission, which appears to have suffered its own losses, and our partners in the region and around the world. This must truly be an international effort.

Finally, let me just say that this is a time when we are reminded of the common humanity that we all share. With just a few hundred miles of ocean between us and a long history that binds us together, Haitians are neighbors of the Americas and here at home. So we have to be there for them in their hour of need.

Despite the fact that we are experiencing tough times here at home, I would encourage those Americans who want to support the urgent humanitarian efforts to go to where you can learn how to contribute. We must be prepared for difficult hours and days ahead as we learn about the scope of the tragedy. We will keep the victims and their families in our prayers. We will be resolute in our response, and I pledge to the people of Haiti that you will have a friend and partner in the United States of America today and going forward.

May God bless the people of Haiti and those working on their behalf.

Thank you very much. (end)

You can also help immediately by donating to the Red
Cross to assist the relief effort. Contribute online here, or donate
$10 to be charged to your cell phone bill by texting "HAITI" to "90999."

Anyone searching for American family members in Haiti can call 888-407-4747.

“My thoughts and prayers go out to those who have been affected by this earthquake. We are closely monitoring the situation and we stand ready to assist the people of Haiti.”
President Barack Obama

Quake Stunned Haitians Pile Bodies by Fallen Homes

Wyclef Jean

Donations are also being coordinated by Hip-Hop recording artist Wyclef Jean-a native son of Haiti-who is urging people to donate $5 to his Haitian charity, Yele Haiti, by texting "Yele" to 501501. The $5 donation will automatically be charged to your phone. To follow Wyclef Jean LIVE! from Haiti on Twitter CLICK HERE.

Please Help in Anyway You Can

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Tuesday, January 12, 2010


President Obama Pushing For

NATIONAL Health Insurance Exchange !

( Shhhh...THAT's a Strong Public Option !!)

From HuffPo

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama has indicated support for a national clearinghouse where consumers could shop for health coverage and an end to the decades-old antitrust exemption enjoyed by insurance companies, Democratic officials said Tuesday.

In signaling his preferences, Obama is siding with House Democrats over their Senate counterparts on issues crucial to negotiations on his health care overhaul.

House Democrats are pressing for both provisions to be included in the final measure, now that their proposal for a government-run insurance option appears dead due to opposition from key Senate moderates. Obama has sided with the Senate to support a new tax on high-value insurance plans opposed in the House.

Obama met with House Democratic leaders last week as they sought support from the president on other priorities. He is now indicating support for creation of a national exchange rather than the state-based structure in the Senate bill, and for revoking the antitrust exemption, which the Senate bill does not do, the officials said.

The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because the negotiations were private.

The maneuvering came as House Democrats returned Tuesday from their holiday break prepared to step up negotiations with the Senate to get a final health overhaul bill to Obama's desk in time for his State of the Union address sometime early next month.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., planned to meet with Obama at the White House on Wednesday as the pace of negotiations quickened, officials said.

The legislation passed by both chambers before Christmas is similar in many respects, including expanding the federal-state Medicaid insurance program for the poor and imposing a first-time requirement for almost everyone to purchase insurance. Both bills would extend health coverage to more than 30 million uninsured Americans over the next decade. (Read rest of article)

B4B Note: The anticipation of the future development of a National Exchange (which is equivalent to a strong public option) is exactly would prompted me to write the piece entitled "My Health Care Flip-Flop...I Feel Good ! "

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Monday, January 11, 2010

B4B's Response
To the Senator Harry Reid (non)-Issue

The first thing I noticed about, then, Senator Barack Obama, was that he had the look and articulate speech which would enable him (combined with his capabilities) to become the first Black President of the United States...thus, I started an organization in February 2007 to help stimulate and invigorate others to agree.

Greg Jones
National Director

Although 'inartfully' expressed...there was absolutely NOTHING wrong with Senator Reid's assessment....which is evident by the historic outcome.

BUT NOW...Despite this new, extremely weak right-wing 'strategy' designed to upset/dissuade Black Dem support...the media/GOP are not only making the fake issue out of Reid's statement...but more importantly...they are literally HIDING what SHOULD be the major headline. Where's the 'expert analysis' on this recent (truly pathetic) admission ?

" Newt Gingrich: Michael Steele's Race Scares Some GOPers ".

Imagine if this had been Howard Dean admitting this as the Dem's sentiment toward an entire group/race of Americans....the Jews...or Hispanics...or Blacks...or fill-in the blank. Would be non-stop news. Where's the coverage ? That's the REAL news story !

P.s. We thank the supporters of ALL walks
who worked in Unity toward the historic election of
President Barack Obama.

Click to read:
Newt Gingrich's 'Shocking' Admission

Senator Chris Dodd
" Health Care Reform
Hanging By A Thread "

There is STILL Much Work Ahead !

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Saturday, January 9, 2010

President Obama's Weekly Address

Discusses health reform benefits that kick-in in 2010,
the unemployment numbers and more.

From THE WHITE HOUSE – In his weekly address, President Barack Obama discussed the benefits of health reform that Americans will receive in the first year, and how reform will help build a new foundation for American families. After reform becomes law, uninsured Americans with a pre-existing condition will be able to purchase affordable coverage, insurance companies will be prohibited from imposing lifetime and annual limits on care, small business will receive tax credits to purchase coverage for their employees, along with many other changes. In short, patients and doctors will have more control over health care decisions, and insurance company bureaucrats will have less.

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