Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Right-Wing Rage Machine

Unloads a Frenzy of Race-Baiting

Media Matters

The summer months are typically when the quality of political discourse in this country reaches its yearly nadir. Washington tends to slow down from June to August, and people who hold moderate interest in the political process instead turn to barbecues and baseball games. As a consequence, the people who remain engaged are those who are more, let's say, passionate in their beliefs, and aren't going to let a little thing like "other things to do" get in the way of their political activism. Summer is also tough for political journalists who still have deadlines to meet, but much less material with which to work. As a consequence, we see stories that would ordinarily merit passing or no mention earn disproportionate coverage. Minor gaffes become "scandals," non-issues become "controversial," and the end result is that pretty much everyone gets angrier.

It's in this environment that the right-wing media thrive, practiced as they are in ginning up stories based on manufactured outrage and utter nonsense. And lately, they've all had one topic on their minds: race. Specifically the racism of black political figures, which they claim is nothing short of institutional policy in the Obama administration, and the racism of white tea partiers, which they claim doesn't exist.

And where else can one begin except with the ever-evolving, increasingly ridiculous New Black Panther Party "scandal," which revolves around the allegation -- and it's hard to believe that right-wingers actually profess to believe this -- that the Obama Justice Department dropped voter intimidation charges against members of this fringe hate group due to the administration's official policy of not pursuing cases in which the defendant is black and the victim is white. Is there evidence for any of this? No. Does the partisan GOP hack/former DOJ attorney making this allegation have any facts to support it? Not so much. But that's the story they're sticking to, and it has sparked a frenzy of race-baiting more explicit than any we've seen thus far during the Obama administration.

Fox News has, of course, been leading the charge, embarking on what Jonathan Chait calls "the most widespread and mainstream right-wing effort to exploit racial fears against Obama." Glenn Beck nonsensically claimed that the New Black Panthers "have ties to the White House" and flat-out accused the administration of tacitly endorsing the "race war" he sees coming down the pike. Perpetually outraged Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly, the "straight news" driving force behind the bogus story, has been corrected on the facts more times than should be necessary, but continues to hype the story with wide-eyed indignation.

In some ways, that's to be expected from Fox News. The danger is that, with not much else going on and the right-wing rage machine operating at high speed, the bogus story starts bleeding into the mainstream press. Kelly herself boasted that Fox News "dragged the media kicking and screaming" to the New Black Panther story, and already there have been overly credulous treatments of the non-scandal on CNN and in the pages of The Washington Post.

The obverse to the right-wing media's fact-free claims of racism at the Justice Department are their assurances, contrary to the facts, that there exists no racism in the tea party movement. After the NAACP signaled its intention to pass a resolution condemning the "racist elements" within the tea party, conservatives went ballistic, claiming that the many, many, many, many, many examples of tea party racism and bigotry simply don't exist. And nothing will convince them otherwise -- not the many photographs of racist placards at tea party rallies (if Sean Hannity couldn't find them, they must not exist!), nor the word of civil rights legend Rep. John Lewis (he's a liar!).

Bigoted, racial attacks from conservatives against Obama aren't anything new. Hell, not even a week after he announced his intention to run for the presidency, they were excitedly spreading false rumors that he spent his childhood in a madrassa. But this past month has been something different. Gone are the code words, the winks and nods, and the dog whistles -- the conservative media are openly and aggressively trying to turn Obama's race into something threatening. You can chalk it up to the heat, the summer doldrums, or whatever. The fact is that they're going down roads from which there is no coming back, and it's only going to get worse as the summer rolls on.

RELATED ARTICLE: Bush ally: Black Panther story a 'fantasy' to 'topple Obama'

B4B Note: Media misinformation and manipulation is actually becoming more and more dangerous for America and should be viewed accordingly. It is of vital importance that media lies be fought through the sharing of facts/truth. Since it's bound to get worse, we ask all Warriors to sign-up for our instant emails (scroll down left side of our home page). In days/months ahead you will receive emails/articles of Truth that we will ask that you heavily share. Join the Truth Squad TODAY !

Together...We WILL Make The Difference.

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Saturday, July 17, 2010

President's Weekly Address

SLAMS Republicans !

The President BLASTS Republicans in the Senate who are disgustingly blocking unemployment checks for MILLIONS of American families, forcing them to literally STARVE...and also small business tax breaks to create jobs -- even as they push for permanent, massive tax cuts for the richest Americans . What a pathetic group !


B4B Note: While the Repubs pathetically voted in lock-step to block unemployment checks for struggling Americans, it is important that we always keep in mind that Nebraska Senator Ben Nelson (D) was the lone Dem vote siding WITH the Repubs...and the measure lost by one vote....BEN NELSON'S. And THAT is just as PATHETIC as the Repubs.

Disappointing that Harry Reid, and ALL The Dems
have been absolutely silent on this fact.

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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Senate Passes Wall Street Reform:

Another Incredible Accomplishment/First


President Barack Obama !

A broad financial reform bill, designed to remedy the mistakes that led to the economic meltdown of 2008, officially passed the Senate Thursday by a vote of 60-39.

A 60-38 vote earlier in the day on Thursday allowed the bill to clear the Senate's last procedural hurdle, though support was split sharply along partisan lines.

Only three Republicans -- Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe of Maine and Scott Brown of Massachusetts -- voted with Democrats in the initial vote to end the debate, reported The Associated Press. Democrat Russ Feingold of Wisconsin, who has blasted the bill for not being strong enough, voted against it along with most Republicans.

The bill is now making its way to President Barack Obama, who has publicly demanded sweeping financial reform.

Even before the vote, Democrats acknowledged that the bill in its current state is not a cure-all.

"It is not a perfect bill," Sen. Chris Dodd (D-Conn.), chair of the Banking Committee, said. "But we believe we've done the best we could under the circumstances to see to it that we never have another bailout of a major financial institution at taxpayer expense." Read rest of article:

Getting LOTS Done and

Just in His 18th MONTH !!!

(and they'll STILL minimize his accomplishments)

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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I Like This One...

Hip Hop Recording Artist
Jasiri X

" What If The Tea Party Was BLACK " !

From Jasiri X:

A few months ago, Tim Wise wrote a widely circulated article called, "Imagine if the Tea Party Was Black " which challenged America to take a close look at the hypocrisy of the Right Wing. Now, a Pittsburgh rapper is accepting his challenge in true Hip Hop form. Jasiri X has released a video called "What if the Tea Party was Black." The Hip Hop artist says that he got the idea when Paradise,a member of the pro-black rap group X-Clan, forwarded him a copy of Wise's article. "I saw the article and I liked the concept," says the rapper. So Jasiri hit the studio with producer Cynik Lethal while Paradise grabbed his video camera and they went on their mission to defeat the Right Wing propaganda machine.


I luv seeing our young Brothers and Sisters getting involved and spreading knowledge. Great job Jasiri X !

(and hat-tip to Jack & Jill Politics)

SPECIAL THANKS to ALL Warriors...Black, White, Red, Brown, Young & Old...who are working in UNITY...toward The Recovery of America. There's MUCH Work Ahead...Together....Yes We WILL ! again and again...(while overcoming the multiple obstacles along the way)
There's POWER in Unity....
and THAT'S what they are most afraid of.

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Monday, July 12, 2010

Our Lovely 1st Lady at
NAACP Convention

Michelle Obama delivered remarks during the 101st annual NAACP convention in Kansas City, Missouri on Monday. For the occasion, she wore a gray and white dotted dress just right for the weather, cinched at the waist with a belt.

Discusses inequalities which still exist in America,
ending child obesity and more.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

So Proud of Our 1st Lady !

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Sunday, July 11, 2010


TIME FOR TRUTH ! Here is a list of AMERICAN companies who manufacture in CHINA ! Like Avon, GE, AT&T, and MANY MORE ! For
ALL who think it's 'those mexicans' who are taking jobs or responsible
for high U.S. unemployment levels...these AMERICAN companies (BKA greedy traitors) manufacture their products in CHINA...and then...export them from China back to us...creating the high trade deficit...not to mention the extremely high unemployment rate which would not exist if these products were truly
Made In America.

THIS (unreported) fact SHOULD be the emphasis but won't be reported by our corporate controlled/manipulative media. Check the list.....REALLY SAD ! (and long)

(pass it on)

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Saturday, July 10, 2010

President's Weekly Address
Help for Vets with Post Traumatic
Stress Disorder

President Obama announces that the Department of Veterans Affairs, led by Secretary Shinseki, will begin making it easier for veterans with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder to receive the benefits and treatment they need.


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Wednesday, July 7, 2010



The lone Dem vote blocking unemployment checks for 1.7 million American families...forcing them to STARVE !

Greg Jones (B4B)

Prior to their July 4th week long break, for the third time in three weeks, Republicans disgustingly united in blocking a vote on providing unemployment checks to millions of people across the country.

The measure failed by a SINGLE VOTE, with two Republicans – Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe, both of Maine – joining 57 Democrats in trying to advance a bill that would extend unemployment checks. Senator Ben Nelson of Nebraska was the only Democrat who voted against the bill !!! That's Right (!)'s a fellow DEM who is actually blocking life-sustaining unemployment checks for struggling families.

The Senate is expected to vote again on extending the federal unemployment benefit program when it returns to Washington D.C. next week. The standalone bill would re-establish eligibility for federal unemployment benefits through the end of November for those who have been out of work longer than 26 weeks.

The Senate won't have much time to get it done. It leaves on ANOTHER vacation...this time a MONTH-LONG recess Aug. 1. Which is why it is now ACTION TIME against Ben Nelson. We must bombard his phones and offices to scream out loudly (politely) that he MUST vote to pass the unemployment benefits extension and STOP forcing millions of American families to STARVE ! (By the end of July the number will rise to 3 MILLION !) Below is the contact information for Senator Ben Nelson. This week it is best to direct calls to his 2 main Nebraska offices. Then beginning Monday ALSO bombard his Washington D.C. office with calls.


Washington, D.C Office (202) 224-6551

* Omaha Office (402) 391-3411

* Lincoln Office (402) 441-4600

Scottsbluff Office (308) 631-7614

Kearney Office (308) 293-5818

South Sioux City Office (402) 209-3595

Senator Ben Nelson's Offices:

Omaha Office
7602 Pacific St.
Ste 205
Omaha, NE 68114
Tel: (402) 391-3411
Fax: (402) 391-4725

Lincoln Office
440 North 8th Street
Suite 120
Lincoln, NE 68508
Tel: (402) 441-4600
Fax: (402) 476-8753

Washington, D.C. Office
720 Hart Senate Office Building
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510
Tel: (202) 224-6551
Fax: (202) 228-0012

The Time Is Now to UNITE

(Please pass this on....People Power WORKS !)

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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Obama Administration Sues Arizona
Over Immigration Law


The Obama administration on Tuesday sued Arizona over the state's strict new immigration law, attempting to wrestle back control over the issue but infuriating Republicans who said the border required more security. The Republican-controlled Arizona legislature passed the controversial law to try to stem the flood of thousands of illegal immigrants who cross its border from Mexico and to cut down on drug trafficking and other crimes in the area.

The lawsuit is part of a broader approach by President Barack Obama to deal with the 10.8 million illegal immigrants believed to be in the country, arguing that immigration is the responsibility of the federal government not each state.

"Seeking to address the issue through a patchwork of state laws will only create more problems than it solves," U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, said in a statement.

The legal action, filed while Congress was on a week-long break, is a political gamble by the administration as a Pew Research Center poll showed 59 percent of people approve of the Arizona crackdown.

And the legal fight also comes at a critical juncture, four months ahead of the mid-term congressional elections, and the Hispanic community has been a major voting bloc that typically has sided with Democrats but Republicans have tried to woo.

The Justice Department filed the lawsuit in federal court in Arizona and asked for an injunction to prevent the law from taking effect on July 29.

Republicans condemned the lawsuit, saying the challenge was premature because the law had not taken effect and that the law was needed because the federal government had failed to deal with the issue.

"The Obama administration has not done everything it can do to protect the people of Arizona from the violence and crime illegal immigration brings to our state," Arizona's two Republican senators, John McCain and Jon Kyl, said in a statement.


The Justice Department acknowledged that Arizona legislators had "legitimate concerns" about illegal immigration but noted that the U.S. Constitution gave the federal government sole authority over immigration matters.

The Arizona law would also divert critical law enforcement resources and would cause the "detention and harassment of authorized visitors, immigrants and citizens" who do not have to carry identification papers, the department said.

Some immigration provisions provide exceptions to illegal immigrants on humanitarian grounds, whether the individuals were fleeing natural disasters or political persecution, the Justice Department added.

The Obama administration warned in the lawsuit that other states were considering similar immigration measures which would result in "further and significant damage" to U.S. foreign relations with countries like Mexico, which has criticized the Arizona law.

The lawsuit drew fierce criticism from Russell Pearce, the Arizona state legislator who authored the law. "Shame on them. This is malfeasance and they are in violation of their oaths of office," he told Reuters after the lawsuit was filed.

A Justice Department official said that if the court refused an injunction, the federal government would closely monitor enforcement of the Arizona law for possible illegal racial profiling or other civil rights violations.

Obama has warned that the Arizona law could lead to a patchwork of different laws passed by the various U.S. states and said that the matter should be resolved at the federal level by Congress.

The U.S. leader last week gave his first major speech on immigration reform since taking office, calling for both parties to join together to pass a comprehensive measure, but the issue has largely been overshadowed by the economic crisis and the Gulf of Mexico oil spill.

Obama has backed allowing undocumented immigrants in good standing to pay a fine, learn English and become citizens. He also has supported tightening border security and clamping down on employers that hire undocumented workers.

But opposing Republicans have said that border security must be significantly improved before dealing with the millions of illegal immigrants, many of them Hispanics, in the country.

Obama has pledged to spend an extra $600 million and send up to 1,200 National Guard troops to the U.S.-Mexican border to tighten security, however the initial steps to do so have been criticized by Republicans as too little to address the matter.

The suit came after the U.S. Supreme Court said last week that it would decide whether another Arizona law that punishes employers who knowingly hire illegal immigrants infringed on federal immigration powers.

The case is United States of America v. State of Arizona et al; Case No. 10-cv-1413 in U.S. District Court for the District of Arizona.

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Monday, July 5, 2010

Poll Finds President Obama Is
World's Most Respected Leader

By David Knowles

President Barack Obama is still the world's most respected leader, according to a new six-country poll.

Released today by France 24 and Radio France Internationale, the Harris Interactive Poll asked 6,135 adults between the ages of 16 and 64 who live in the United States, Britain, France, Italy, Germany or Spain to name their favorite world leaders.

Seventy-seven percent of those surveyed chose Obama, which is one percentage point higher than when Harris Interactive asked the same question in November.

Close on his heels is the Dalai Lama, Tibet's spiritual leader, who was mentioned by 75 percent of those polled. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton came in third at 62 percent, and German Chancellor Angela Merkel was mentioned by 54 percent of respondents, good enough for fourth place.

Taken between March 31 and April 12, the poll found that Pope Benedict XVI still ranked as the seventh most popular leader, despite the ongoing revelations about sexual abuse in the Catholic Church.

On the flip side of the coin, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Libya's Moammar Gadhafi and Chinese President Hu Jintao earned a collective thumbs-down as the world's least popular leaders.

B4B Note: Since the media loves polls so much, wondering why THIS poll hasn't been all over the news ? Could it be that they only report polls which can be most harmful...most of which THEY are the pollsters ? Just another pathetic example of the media manipulation we are forced to live a third-world country. And they call it 'liberal media'. (yea right !)
Just pathetic !

Which is why WE must FIGHT
manipulation with TRUTH !

Sunday, July 4, 2010

From the days of our Founding Fathers to...

America's First
Black President !

Through UNITY...We Have...
Come A Long Way !
But there's still much work ahead !

Thursday, July 1, 2010

The New Official Site

NOW...for the first time, thanks to the historic passing of Health Care Reform, Americans who have had pre-existing health conditions can have access to quality health care. The new official site contains a wide array of helpful information and the important thing is that the site contains a link to the application process for the New Pre-existing Conditions Insurance Plan (PCIP) !

That's can NOW be COVERED !!!

Click Here to visit site.

It IS...A New Day !
Thanks ALL who fought !

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President Obama Declares:
The Time is Now for
Comprehensive Immigration Reform

Says this country was built by immigrants. Get ready for the pro racial profiling, anti-anything brown (or Black including The President), right-wing hater brigade to come out in full force.
The battle for that which is right...
(and against Arizona's unjust law) has officially begun.

(complete speech)

Always Willing To Take On
What All Others Were Afraid To...

President Barack Obama !

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Wednesday, June 30, 2010


First time since the 1950's that unemployment benefits have been allowed to expire when the national unemployment rate is 7.2 percent or above. Take a anti-American...anti-family...anti-children...anti-life REPUBLICANS. Thanks to you...1.6 MILLION (and rising) American families are being FORCED to STARVE ! And they say the Taliban is America's biggest enemy....

(yea right).

Unemployment: Congress Has NEVER

Dropped Extended Benefits

With Jobless Rate So HIGH !

Huffpo-Arthur Delaney

Though the jobs crisis shows few signs of abating and the unemployment rate

continues to hover near 10 percent, Congress allowed extended unemployment benefits to expire at the beginning of June, causing so far more than 1.2 million long-term unemployed to miss checks.

During normal times, state provide 26 weeks of unemployment benefits for workers laid off through no fault of their own. Federally-funded extended benefits have given the unemployed additional weeks during eight recessions since the 1950s. If Congress fails to

reauthorize the current round of extra jobless aid, it will be the first time since then that extended benefits have been allowed to expire when the national unemployment rate is above 7.2 percent.

"This is both unfair to the unemployed, who face a historically difficult situation through no fault of their own, and economically unwise as it threatens the prospect of a strong and sustainable recovery," says a new report from the National Employment Law Project and the Center for American Progress. "The consequences are obviously dire for those Ameri

cans out of work, and could be equally devastating for employed Americans who are counting on a sustained economic recovery to keep their jobs and boost their earnings."

The report shows that in previous recessions -- in 1973, for example -- extended benefits have been left in place until unemployment dropped to as low as 5 percent.

The stimulus bill and subsequent extensions gave the unemployed up to 99 weeks of benefits in some states -- an unprecedented amount of help. When it came time to reauthorize the extended benefits in May, conservative Democrats in the House and Senate had lost their appetites for stimulating the economy with deficit spending. Despite authoritative reports to the contrary, many members of Congress suspect the extended benefits discourage people from looking for work.

Both chambers of Congress are currently scrambling to pass standalone unemployment bills after a broader domestic bill that included a reauthorization of extended benefits stalled in the Senate. If Congress manages to reauthorize the benefits, people who prematurely exhausted will be paid retroactively.


Time for ACTION....NOW !

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Monday, June 28, 2010

RIP Senator Robert Byrd


Office of the Press Secretary



June 28, 2010

Statement of the President

on the Passing of Senator Byrd

I was saddened to hear this morning that the people of West Virginia have lost a true champion, the United States Senate has lost a venerable institution, and America has lost a voice of principle and reason with the passing of Robert C. Byrd.

Senator Byrd’s story was uniquely American. He was born into wrenching poverty, but educated himself to become an authoritative scholar, respected leader, and unparalleled champion of our Constitution. He scaled the summit of power, but his mind never strayed from the people of his beloved West Virginia. He had the courage to stand firm in his principles, but also the courage to change over time.

He was as much a part of the Senate as the marble busts that line its chamber and its corridors. His profound passion for that body and its role and responsibilities was as evident behind closed doors as it was in the stemwinders he peppered with history. He held the deepest respect of members of both parties, and he was generous with his time and advice, something I appreciated greatly as a young senator.

We take solace in the fact that he is reunited with his wife of nearly 69 years, Erma; and our thoughts and prayers are with their daughters, their grandchildren and great grandchildren, and all the people of West Virginia who loved Robert C. Byrd.


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Sunday, June 27, 2010

B4B Photo of the Week !

President Obama at the G-20 summit in Toronto

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Saturday, June 26, 2010

WATCH: President's Weekly Address
Finishing The Job on Wall Street Reform

With Congress having finalized a strong Wall Street reform bill to avert another crisis and end bailouts, the President urges Congress to finish the job and send the bill to his desk.

“We’ll put in place the strongest consumer financial protections in American history, and create an independent agency with an independent director and an independent budget to enforce them. Credit card companies will no longer be able to mislead you with pages and pages of fine print. You will no longer be subject to all kinds of hidden fees and penalties, or the predatory practices of unscrupulous lenders.”


Although there's much work ahead due to the inherited collapsing state of our country, President Obama has done more in just 17 months than most have done in
2 terms !

(that our 'great' media NEVER reports)

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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

We Salute our
Commander In Chief

President Barack Obama !

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President Gives McChrystal The Boot,
Replaces With General Petraeus

WATCH: The dignified, Presidential booting of The Insubordinate General.

B4B Note: As everyone knows, the replacement of McChrystal was due to the insubordinate, disrespectful remarks he and his staff made toward The Commander in Chief, our V.P. calling him 'Joe...Bite Me' and another General James Jones who was referred to as 'a clown' in the recent issue of Rolling Stone Magazine.

CLICK HERE to read the Rolling Stone interview/article by Michael Hastings entitled The Runaway General in which General McChrystal says he's never taking his eye off the real enemy: The...White House ! Sounds pretty TREASONOUS to me.

NOW....Who's The Boss !



Office of the Press Secretary


June 23, 2010

Readout of President Obama’s Call with President Karzai

In a call earlier today, President Obama informed President Karzai of his decision to accept General Stanley McChrystal’s resignation and his intent to nominate General David Petraeus to assume command of the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan. Both leaders expressed admiration and praise for General McChrystal’s leadership and service over the past year. President Obama underscored that this personnel change in no way impacts United States policy in Afghanistan or the level of our commitment to Afghanistan’s future. The President also emphasized that the United States and Afghanistan must continue to work together to sustain the momentum against the Taliban building on the constructive VTC that the two leaders held yesterday. President Karzai welcomed the nomination of General Petraeus and assured President Obama that he would take all steps necessary to support a successful transition.


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Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Obama Family distributing free food this past Thanksgiving

President Obama's Father's Day Messag

Announces new Fatherhoo
d and Mentoring Initiative

Good afternoon,

As the father of two young daughters, I know that being a father is one of the most important jobs any man can have.

My own father left my family when I was two years old. I was raised by a heroic mother and wonderful grandparents who provided the support, discipline and love that helped me get to where I am today, but I still felt the weight of that absence throughout my childhood. It's something that leaves a hole no government can fill. Studies show that children who grow up without their fathers around are more likely to drop out of high school, go to jail, or become teen fathers themselves.

And while no government program can fill the role that fathers play for our children, what we can do is try to support fathers who are willing to step up and fulfill their responsibilities as parents, partners and providers. That's why last year I started a nationwide dialogue on fatherhood to tackle the challenge of father absence head on.

In Chicago, the Department of Health and Human Services held a forum with community leaders, fatherhood experts and everyday dads to discuss the importance of responsible fatherhood support programs. In New Hampshire, Secretary of Education Duncan explored the linkages between father absence and educational attainment in children. In Atlanta, Attorney General Holder spoke with fathers in the criminal justice system about ways local reentry organizations, domestic violence groups and fatherhood programs can join together to support ex-offenders and incarcerated individuals who want to be closer to their families and children.

Now we're taking this to the next level. Tomorrow, I'll make an announcement about the next phase of our efforts to help fathers fulfill their responsibilities as parents -- The President's Fatherhood and Mentoring Initiative. You can learn more at

This Father's Day -- I'm thankful for the opportunity to be a dad to two wonderful daughters. And I'm thankful for all the wonderful fathers, grandfathers, uncles, brothers and friends who are doing their best to make a difference in the lives of a child.

Happy Father's Day.

President Barack Obama

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Statement by The President on the

Observance of Juneteenth

THE WHITE HOUSE Press Secretary

On this day 145 years ago, the people of Galveston, Texas, received word from members of the Union Army that those slaves who remained captive were now indeed free. More than two years after President Lincoln had signed the Emancipation Proclamation, the order read by Major General Gordon Granger made plain that the relationship between “former masters and slaves” would now be one of “employer and free laborer.”

General Granger’s pronouncement was one step in our continuing effort to perfect our union and live out the ideals of our Founders. While we know it would be many years before African descendants in America achieved the full rights offered through Lincoln’s proclamation, that day in Texas, former slaves were offered the hope of embracing the American Dream as their own.

This occasion, which became known as Juneteenth, is now celebrated here in America and around the world and is a time not only to celebrate the rich heritage and many accomplishments of African Americans in our country, but also a time to reflect on the common values and ideals that we share as Americans.

Our nation is stronger because of the generations of struggles for equal rights and social justice, and our culture is richer because of the contributions of African Americans throughout our history. This is why Juneteenth, while rooted in the history of a people, can be celebrated by all Americans.

Learn: What is Juneteenth

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WATCH: President's Weekly Address
Scolds Republicans for Blocking Unemployment Checks
For 1 Million Americans (and rising)

Says, " Teachers and firefighters will lose their jobs.
Families will pay more for their first home."



B4B Note: The Republican Party is actually working in lockstep toward one common DESTROY AMERICA ! ANY politician who would vote toward the starvation of American families or toward increasing unemployment should be seriously considered for IMPEACHMENT. The Republicans have become America's domestic terrorists...wreaking havoc against We The People at every opportunity as 'payback' for their monumental defeat. Now, their strategy is to TRY to regain power by forcing Americans to literally suffer, hoping to falsely place the blame on The President. THIS IS EXTREMELY DANGEROUS ! As Repubs play sick political games...under the false pretense of concern of U.S. FUTURE debt...while simultaneously fighting for MORE tax cuts...American families STARVE TODAY ! The Time is NOW to label the Republican Party as they truly have become...


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Friday, June 18, 2010

P A T H E T I C !!!

While the media has become "all BP...all the time" there are NO REPORTS of the fact that close to 1,000,000 American families are currently STARVING due to the Repubs, Ben Nelson (D) and Joe Lieberman's repeated votes which have STOPPED life-sustaining unemployment benefits/checks.

1,000,000 Americans (and rising)...
This is MAJOR !!!

Here's Article:
" No Clear Path Forward After
Jobs Bill FAILS Again In Senate "


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Thursday, June 17, 2010

B4B Note: Roland's article lines up with EXACTLY what I have been saying. Following The President's speech, I heard from so many people who amazingly said 'he didn't say anything !'....when, in many OTHERS know...he said PLENTY. Problem was...he said it in such an articulately smooth, intellectual manner that a number of folks couldn't UNDERSTAND what he was saying....therefore developing the idea that he said 'nothing'. When people don't understand the words...then they rely on 'feeling good' about what they heard....and since they didn't 'feel good' (like a good church sermon or a I Have A Dream speech) people felt 'disappointed'....I'm afraid the dumbing down of WORKING ! One of the things The President DID SAY was that BP WILL PAY ! day...the $20 billion fund was set up.
Now, THAT'S sayin' something !

Obama Speech " Too Difficult ' For Audience

By Roland Martin

President Obama’s speech on the gulf oil disaster may have gone over the heads of many in his audience, according to an analysis of the 18-minute talk released Wednesday.

Tuesday night’s speech from the Oval Office of the White House was written to a 9.8 grade level, said Paul J.J. Payack, president of Global Language Monitor. The Austin, Texas-based company analyzes and catalogues trends in word usage and word choice and their impact on culture.

Though the president used slightly less than four sentences per paragraph, his 19.8 words per sentence “added some difficulty for his target audience,” Payack said.

He singled out this sentence from Obama as unfortunate: “That is why just after the rig sank, I assembled a team of our nation’s best scientists and engineers to tackle this challenge — a team led by Dr. Steven Chu, a Nobel Prize-winning physicist and our nation’s secretary of energy.”

To read this article in its entirety visit CNN.

B4B Note: To those referred to in this piece: Next time...if you don't understand...don't just get mad.....get a DICTIONARY !

(or ask somebody)

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