Tuesday, November 30, 2010

B4B Hot Links

WATCH: President Calls Meeting with
Party of No " Productive "


Unemployment Benefits Expire

Unemployment benefits will expire November 30, 2010 for 2,000,000 American workers, according to Unemployment Extensions.org. These are workers who have exhausted their state unemployment benefits. It is uncertain whether the Democrats and Republicans will reach an agreement on the unemployment benefits extension. History indicates that the Democrats would pass the benefits extension without hesitation. The Republicans are currently demanding cuts in other programs to pay for the unemployment benefits extension and may not pass it without the cuts. The Republicans are feeling pressure from the newly elected tea party members, whose mantra is no new spending and lower taxes plus a balanced budget. These terms are contradictory. It is impossible to lower taxes and balance the budget at the same time. There are so many governmental expenses that are of a fixed nature and cannot be reduced enough to balance the budget, especially when you cut taxes at the same time. The Teabaggers are living in a fantasy world.

The Republicans won control of the House of Representatives in the recent election, but the new members will not be seated until January. The Democrats still have a comfortable majority in the house, so they should have no difficulty passing the extension. The senate is a different story. (read rest of article)

President Proposes 2-Year
Pay Freeze for Federal Workers

Bowing to growing budget concerns and months of Republican political pressure on federal pay and benefits, President Obama today announced he would stop pay increases for most of the two million people who work for the federal government.

The freeze applies to all Executive Branch workers -- including civilian employees of the Defense Department, but does not apply to military personnel, government contractors, postal workers, members of Congress, Congressional staffers, or federal court judges and workers.

"Getting this deficit under control is going to require some broad sacrifices and that sacrifice must be shared by the employees of the federal government," Obama said in a speech Monday afternoon explaining the decision. He added, "I did not reach this decision easily, this is not a line item on a federal ledger, these are people's lives."(read rest of article)

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Friday, November 26, 2010

President Gets 12 Stitches in Lip
After Basketball Injury

President Obama received 12 stitches after suffering an injury during a basketball game, according to a White House statement:

"After being inadvertently hit with an opposing player's elbow in the lip while playing basketball with friends and family, the President received 12 stitches today administered by the White House Medical Unit. They were done in the doctor's office located on the ground floor of the White House."

According to reports, The President received a special type of fiber that should leave a smaller scar:

The medical unit that treated Obama used a smaller filament than typically used, which increases the number of stitches but makes a tighter stitch and results in a smaller scar. Obama was given a local anesthetic while receiving the stitches.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

President's Thanksgiving Day Message

" Giving Thanks

for Those Who Serve "

(HP) On Wednesday, the Obama family passed out turkeys, stuffing and other Thanksgiving staples at Martha's Table in downtown Washington. The first family also worked at the pantry during last year's holiday.

The president, his daughters, Malia and Sasha, first lady Michelle Obama and her mother, Marian Robinson, volunteered alongside friends and family.

WATCH: President's Thanksgiving Day Message
" Giving Thanks "

Continuing a decades old tradition President Obama pardons
the National Thanksgiving Turkey named " Apple " and it's alternate
" Cider " accompanied by his lovely daughters Sasha and Malia.

" In all we do, we must all be Thankful
that we have the power to help those who don't."
(Greg Jones)

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Monday, November 22, 2010

Velma Hart Loses Job !

REMEMBER that plant at the town hall who " claimed " to be an Obama supporter and then whined on national TV about how ' disappointed' she was because Change wasn't coming fast enough ? Like I've been saying....while some of you professional left followers and anti-Obama Black folks on this " hold him accountable " self-aggrandizing trip whined and complained instead of uniting and inspiring....which lead to Dems receiving the biggest beat-down in modern day political history....all because Dems didn't do a simple thing called VOTE....if
you think it's been SO bad up until now....just wait ! Now that you
whiners handed the power over to the other side....you ain't seen
A self-destructive mentality is DANGEROUS !

p.s. She better not need unemployment benefits for too long
now that the Pubs have been handed The Power.
And you whiners and anti-Obama-ists better not lose you jobs either
or you'll learn the hard way too. WATCH !

Click for ARTICLE:

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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Pew Poll: Less than half know
GOP won the House

From (CNN) – The Republican Party won decisive control of the House in this year's midterm elections, but it appears less than half the country is aware of it.

According to a new Pew poll, only 46 percent of those surveyed correctly identified that the Republican Party won the House as a result of the November 2 elections. But it's not all bad – 75 percent did know the Republicans performed better than the Democrats, it's just that many aren't aware exactly what the party won.

Fourteen percent thought the GOP won control of both the chambers, 8 percent thought Republicans won just the Senate, and 27 percent didn't know one way or the other. Five percent meanwhile thought Democrats maintained control of both the House and Senate.

The questions about the election were part of a larger poll quizzing American's knowledge on current events. Among the poll's other findings:

  • 38 percent correctly identified John Boehner as the incoming House Speaker
  • 16 percent correctly said more than half of the loans made under the Troubled Asset Relief Program had been repaid
  • 15 percent correctly identified David Cameron as Prime Minister of England; the same amount said it was ex-BP CEO Tony Hayward
  • 26 percent know Android is the operating system by Google for mobile phones

The poll surveyed 1,001 adults by telephone between November 11-14 and carries a sampling error of plus or minus 4 percentage points.

Which is why the B4B Motto has always been

Be Inspired...Be INFORMED...Be Involved !!!

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Warren Buffett
" Trickle-Down DIDN'T WORK ! "

Billionaire Warren Buffett has been speaking out regarding whether the tax cuts for the rich are in fact necessary to drive unemployment down as claimed by the right-wing and in an interesting twist, the richest man in America not only states that all millionaires should pay more in taxes...but that Americans should wake up to the fact that the Reagan trickle-down theory has not worked for the last 10 years. Huffington Post reports:
" Buffett isn't the only billionaire who has argued for higher taxes. Both Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and his father, Bill Gates, Sr., recently came out in support of a Washington state measure to "create a 5 percent tax rate on annual income exceeding $200,000 for individuals and $400,000 for couples, and a 9 percent tax rate on income that tops $500,000 for individuals and $1 million for couples."

It's about time someone rich was honest about the failed Reagan theory which is simply heading America further and further toward economic collapse on the backs of middle America. And if tax cuts for the rich were the key to creating jobs then where are the jobs ? The rich have had the tax cuts for 10 YEARS...SHOW ME THE JOBS !

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Saturday, November 20, 2010


By Greg Jones
National Director

Wish people had a better understanding of what has occurred but due to media manipulati­on....TRUT­H is hard to come by nowadays. Bottom line is....our economic system was a huge ponzi scheme which was 'reset' in Sept. '08 (under Bush) to it's more correct values which plummeted the stock values (creating high unemployment), and lowered property values to more accurate figures....all resulting from the IMF/WBO's desire/plan to audit U.S. books (government, treasury and banks) during the Bush administ
ra­tion....wh­ich Bush held off until the end of his term (his last fiscal year ended Sept. 30, 2008). Two weeks prior...THE ECONOMY HAS COLLAPSED....WE NEED BAILOUTS....or banks won't lend (remember that lie ? Still NO LOANS !). Truth was they needed cash infusions to cover the fake numbers (assets) stated through the ponzi scheme created through "leveraging" (acting like they had 30 to 40 times more than they actually had). All of these tactics/strategies were in attempt to maintain U.S.'s AAA credit rating. And despite all the tricks, China just reduced our credit rating 1 week ago...MORE news NEVER reported in the media.

p.s. Demand can not increase until jobs increase...jobs can not increase until demand increases...so the on
ly solution is a new " New Deal " to include a combination of strategic spending and a National Works Program. But since the corporate media/GOP have beat the no spending drum so loudly (exact opposite of what's needed)...these MUCH needed spending programs which could help solve our problems will NEVER be initiated...instead...we'll just see further and further collapse, particularly at state/local levels. Sure wish Dems had VOTED !

Bernanke: Congress Must Provide
More Stimulu
s Money

From MoneyNews.com
Nov. 19, 2010

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke has sought to defuse criticism of the Fed's $600 billion bond-purchase plan by arguing that it's needed to boost the economy and reduce unemployment. But he warned that the Fed's program can't succeed on its own.

In his first speech since the Fed announced the program Nov. 3, Bernanke on Friday made his most forceful case to date that Congress also must provide more stimulus aid.

Without more stimulus, high unemployment could persist for years, he said. But in making that argument, Bernanke risks heightening complaints that he's plunging the Fed into partisan politics.

He also said the global economy could falter if struggling countries abroad don't receive sufficient support.

Bernanke made the remarks in a speech to a banking conference in Frankfurt, Germany.

The Fed's Treasury bond-buying program is intended to invigorate the economy in part by lowering interest rates, lifting stock prices and encouraging more spending. Lower interest rates on loans would prompt companies to borrow and expand.

And higher stock prices would boost the wealth and confidence of individuals and businesses, Bernanke has suggested. The additional spending would lift incomes, profits and growth.

But the Fed's program has triggered a barrage of criticism both within the United States and abroad.

Critics at home, including Republican leaders in Congress and some Fed officials, say they doubt the program will help the economy. They also worry it could do harm — unleashing inflation and leading to speculative buying on Wall Street.
(read rest of article)

The GOP Plan of 'just cuts' will

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Friday, November 19, 2010

Unemployment Extension
THURSDAY...Congress turned down extension of unemployment benefits. 11 Dems voted WITH the G-No-P for the starvation of Americans....and this while fighting for deficit increasing tax cuts for the rich. Absolutely PATHETIC ! And as so many rant about all that should be done during this lame duck session since we supposedly still have 'the majority'...keep in mind that WE have this little group called the (dirty) Blue Dogs who, just like these 11 (traitors)...love to side with the GOP against the needs of the American People. FireDogLake's David Dayen posted a list of the dirty 11 and reports them to be Berry, Boyd, Bright, Cooper, Lincoln Davis, Hill, Minnick, Nye, Peterson, Shuler, Taylor Only three of them will be in Congress next year, including Minority Leader candidate Heath Shuler.
Here's more from Huffington Post on the disgusting, anti-American turn down of life sustaining assistance. (Click for HP article) Time to bombard your Senators and Congresspeople with phone calls/emails/faxes (scroll down our left column to our 'recommended links' section for Your Senator/Congressperson contact links) to DEMAND that they Do The Right Thing ! If it's not extended NOW....for the entire year of 2011...we KNOW the Repubs won't do it after January.

Time To FIGHT !

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B4B Special Photo

First Couple before appearance in Ohio
( Photo by WH Chief Photographer Pete Souza)

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Thursday, November 18, 2010

President's New Children's Book
" Of Thee I Sing, A Letter To My Daughters "
Hits Bookstores

By Nicole Lyn Pesce

President Barack Obama has written two best-sellers for adults, but his first children's work, "Of Thee I Sing: A Letter to My Daughters," (Knopf, $17.99) hit shelves this week.

The 31-page picture book for ages three and up celebrates 13 American heroes, from baseball great Jackie Robinson to Sioux chief Sitting Bull and Martin Luther King, Jr., who each embody qualities that Obama sees in his daughters Sasha and Malia.

At Brooklyn's Central Library, a group of very opinionated tots gave the President's latest efforts a glowing review.

"It's inspiring," said Diavione Oliver, 7. "The book encourages people to do what they did. It's kind of funny and smart."

Her brother Rob, 5, was so thrilled by the book, he jumped out of his seat to point at his favorite pictures. "I liked the astronaut [Neil Armstrong] because I want to go to the moon," he said.

Parents were equally impressed. "I was just asking the librarians where I can get a copy! I thought it was great," said Gilbert Williams from Flatbush, whose son Umi, 5, enjoyed Albert Einstein's section best because "I really like science."

Mom Tanya Moses from Flatbush was pleased that the First Dad is reaching out to the next generation. "It's nice that the president would make a book for children," she said, holding her daughter Savannah Jiggetts, 2. "I would definitely buy it."

The book highlights a diverse cross-section of Americans of different genders, races and jobs. "It's really inspirational language," says Andrea Vaughn, the library's youth services coordinator.

Obama wrote the heartfelt letter to his daughters between the 2008 election and his 2009 inauguration, with publication awaiting award-winning artist Loren Long's illustrations.

He's donating his share of the profits to a scholarship program run by the Fisher House Foundation, which benefits the children of fallen and disabled service workers.

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Wednesday, November 17, 2010



As our name implies we are " 4 Barack " which means we are IN SUPPORT of....therefore from this point on...to make room for supporters...ANY FB "friends" who are now whiny complainers or anti-progress through supportive Unity will be automatically defriended. Your sentiment is not in line with ours and we feel it to be detrimental to the Recovery of America as it only aids the other side....as the lack of support/voting on election day proved. If you find yourself defriended...no hard feelings...wish you the best.

B4B Highlighted Comment:
From mninter
I agree 100%.
Anyone who has so little faith in the direction our president wants to take this country is no friend of mine, or the nations. Personally I think they should be ashamed of themselves for such a lack of confidence.
Imagine what, how and where WE would be if our forefathers had given up, just said, "to hell with it," stopped fighting for OUR rights as human beings.
We'd have children working in factories, people of African heritage laboring with no compensation, women barefoot and voteless, governed by Nazis, who knows.
Yes. Those who wave the flag of surrender have no place at the table of humanity.
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B4B Question of the Day:

READY ? Although I too am absolutely against tax cuts for the rich, I'm wondering if all of
my fellow Dems are ready for the corporate media/GOP backlash should
the tax cut extension not be given to some of the rich at least
temporaril­y...consid­ering the FACT that through the G-No-P's newfound power, (thanks to the whiny Dems)
not only will more jobs NOT be created, but we can in fact expect
additional layoffs at state and local levels due to GOP cuts....ALL of
which will strategically be blamed on " Obama's decision " (they'll
blame him exclusively) to " raise taxes on the rich "...(supposedly)
disallowing them the ability to create jobs. (That will be the non-stop
spin...leading all the way up to '12). Campaign slogan will be " Vote
Repub...We Won't Block Job Creation ". I know...bunch of malarkey...but
with the guaranteed aid of corporate media....it will definitely work....if we're not READY for their tactics. p.s. Wish Americans understood the FACT that it's the Congresspeople and Senators who will write and pass the final legislation regarding the tax issu....NOT The President. So when people ignorantly state " Obama Should...", they need to realize that it does NOT work that way. He is NOT a Dictator. We go through what's called the 'legislative process'. Manipulation only works on those who lack knowledge.

Help share the Facts.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

B4B Thought of the Day !

SORRY...but so-called Dems who DID NOT VOTE for WHATEVER (whiny) reason
should be ASHAMED for allowing the very group who we KNOW to be against We The People to regain power and to block future progress. Time for deep inner reflection to access the self-destructive mentality.


On Tax Issue;
President Can't Win Either Way

Because WE have allowed the corporate media to slant the tax issue as a 'decision' to be made by The President instead of legislation that must be voted on by ALL...this has become a no-win for The President. If the end result is tax cuts for the rich in any form...even temporarily...they'll say " He Caved ". If tax cuts for the rich are allowed to expire, he will be blamed by corporate media/GOP for lack of job growth during the next two years, giving the GOP ineffectiveness a pass. The President will get all the blame...either way....when the FACT is, HE does not draft/write or vote to pass ANY legislation. The end result will be based on the votes in the Congress and Senate. THAT'S to whom the attention/demands should be directed. And we MUST keep in mind we have this little group called the Blue Dogs of which many will side with the Righties...making The President's true desires even more difficult to achieve. So the question is...Have you contacted YOUR Senator or Congressperson today ? You SHOULD be...instead of all this " Obama Should "
ignorant rhetoric as if he's a dictator.

(Greg Jones, National Director, Blacks4Barack)

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Friday, November 12, 2010

B4B Thought of the Day !

WONDERING if people understand or realize that the tax cut extension issue (tax cut extension for households under $250K and discontinuance of extension above $250K) will have to be VOTED ON in order to pass ? So when everyone keeps saying ' Obama should ', the end result will be determined by a) how the legislation is finally written by the politicians and b) what our Congress and Senate pass...NOT The President per se. Although he has influence he DOES NOT vote for everyone else. So has ANYONE contacted THEIR Congressperson or Senator's office to tell THEM to " Do The Right Thing " ? Or is everyone just stuck on " Obama should "...through lack of understanding of the legislative process....aka 'The Dumbing Down of America' via corporate media. Just wondering. p.s. And while folks are ranting about how much
'control' we still have during the lame duck session...lest we
forget...we still have this little group called 'The Blue Dogs '....who
are rarely on OUR side. Facts are Facts.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

B4B Hot Link:

This is MAJOR ! On November 30th unemployment benefits will expire forcing over 1 MILLION Americans to literally starve if Congress does not extend. Meanwhile their fight is for tax cuts for the rich. PATHETIC !

Unemployment Benefits END November 30-
Then What ?


Monday, November 8, 2010

Don't Blame The President...
Tim Kaine MUST G
O !

By Greg Jones
National Director

As the question has arisen as to whether Nancy Pelosi should become Minority Leader or not ( I say absolutely, yes), one name has not been mentioned at all. Let me start out by saying that although I've never met him, Democratic National Committee Chairman Tim Kaine seems to be a nice guy and a strong supporter of President Obama. But as a chairman for the Democratic Party...he is incredibly terrible. It is the DNC chairman's job/responsibility to come up with the strategy for Dem candidates to be successful. As election day's results showed, not only was the Dem Party far from successful, but the results showed they had absolutely no strategy whatsoever, which lead to the biggest beat-down of a political party in U.S. history.

Strategy...a game plan-a method of getting out the message in a manner that will energize, inform and get winning results. Strategy is what the GOP has shown extremely superior in. It was absolutely appalling that none of the Dem candidates ran on the accomplishments of The President and the Dems. Instead, they ignorantly ran AWAY from the accomplishments ! How stupid is THAT ? It was Tim Kaine's job to put together a list of at least the top 10 accomplishments (should have been easily comprised from the list of The 244 Accomplishments of President Barack Obama) in concise, 30-second sound bite form, for ALL Dem candidates to rattle off in unison at every appearance of every kind, rallies, interviews, TV, etc..

They should have driven home the facts regarding great accomplishments like their passing of the Lilly Ledbetter Act, which made it against the law for women to be paid less than men for doing the exact same job. They should have driven home the FACT that 95% of all Americans actually received a tax cut thanks to The President and Dems. They should have highlighted, repeatedly, the true benefits of health care reform-how, for the first time ever- millions will now have access to quality, life-sustaining health care and not be forced to stand in long lines while sick at traveling free clinics just to be seen by a doctor like a third-world country. There's the financial reform bill which now makes it more difficult for the banksters to literally rip-off Americans through fine print con games, again another accomplishment of The President and the Dems. The list goes on.

The list should have been compiled, in simple, dumbed-down form, and repeated literally like a broken record by all Dem candidates. Problem was, due to the incompetency of Tim Kaine, again, I'm sure he's a nice guy and meant well, but there never WAS a list. Instead, each candidate was out there like a chicken with their heads cut off just rambling a bunch of "vote for me cause we're not done" weak rhetoric, instead of highlighting the multitude of accomplishments they achieved in less than 2 years.

Now, let's look at the Right, because they not only get it, but they have mastered it. They know that Americans only retain 30-second, simple, sound bites broken down to an almost third grade level. So they present their talking points in phrases like "they want to kill grandma" or " they're going to have death panels". "He's not one of us"..."we have to take our country back "...and the list goes on. Short, simple, third-gradish talking points repeated so often that Righties can rattle them off with ease regardless of intelligence level or the lack thereof. Glenn Beck breaks it down more third-gradishly simplistic through his very strategic use of A BLACKBOARD ! Like the viewers are literally in class ! Then the GOP candidates hit the trail repeating exactly these simple worded talking points in absolute unison from coast to coast. It's so effective that it doesn't matter whether it's even true or not, through their strategy, righties across the country come out in mass repeating like well trained parrots.

One of the ways that Dems were able to dispel lies with truth during the historic campaign of '08 was through social media/the internet. We were always able to find videos or articles that broke down the truth which was then sent out everywhere and reached the masses, overcoming MSM's blackout of truth. But leading up to this midterm, since none of the Dem candidates ever ran through a list of the accomplishments/talking points, we never had any truth at hand to fight with. Just a bunch of " vote for me ". The passing of the Lilly Ledbetter Act should have become a household phrase seeing how it helped ALL women, Dems, Repubs, Indies even non-voters. The tax cuts helped ALL hard working Americans...95%, including Dems, Indies and yes Repubs.

Tim Kaine totally disregarded the young voters in contrast to David Plouffe who got the young fired up on campuses everywhere in '08. Not only was there no presence of significance for GOTV campaigns at campuses, but the accomplishments that benefit the young voter was never emphasized in the proper, 30-second sound bite form. Nor that college kids will now receive additional grants and college loans making higher education more affordable, thanks to the Dems and President. Or that young people up to age 26 can now remain on their parent's health care coverage, another great accomplishment not presented effectively.

Then there is the Black voter who says " The President hasn't done anything for us !" That's one of the dumbest statements repeated during the past number of months but it's not the Black voter's fault-it's Tim Kaine's. There should have been a list put together that emphasized the "Top 10 Accomplishments that Help Black Americans". The list should have included the millions of dollars allocated to HBCU's, thanks to The President and Dems (that's pretty Black). Again, the Lilly Ledbetter Law definitely benefits Black women who are historically paid less than their male counterpart. The passing of health care reform will help millions of Black Americans and other minorities, evident by the fact that that's mainly who you see in the lines at the pitiful traveling free clinics.

This " Black list " should have been sent to Cathy Hughes, President of Radio One which owns Black format radio stations across the country, with the request that EVERY personality on Black radio would repeat these top 10 Accomplishments that help Black Americans in such rotation that even the hip-hoppers could recite them in a rap. But no, thanks to Tim Kaine, this list never materialized either, and Black voter turnout was weak in most areas, aiding in monumental defeat.

So, in lieu of a true game plan, a true strategy, a true list of ammunition in the form of well constructed GOP-style talking points, instead, they just ran The President from city to city in hopes that he could single handedly get folks excited about each weak, 'messageless' candidate. Despite his valiant, tireless efforts, the problem was the fact that The President is so articulate and smooth that many (make that most) minds are incapable of truly grasping exactly what he's saying. They love the speeches-they love the tone and the good feeling they have at the end...but since the message wasn't broken down into simple, soundbite, third grade form...it ends up being unrepeatable to no fault of his own. Half the time following a great speech like his 38 minute State of the Union speech, folks actually have said " he didn't say anything " which actually translates into " wish I understood what he was talking about ". He is what he is, and that's a smart, articulate man who doesn't talk in a dumbed-down manner.

It was Tim Kaine's job to package the message in the manner that would get the most adherence...not The President's. Heck, The President's job is to run the country, not every Dem's campaign. The Right has the counterpart to Tim Kaine in the form of Michael Steele, who is the head of the RNC (and on his last leg). Fact is, Steele is weak too. But the difference is that the Right has the masterminds of strategy on their side and that is lead by Karl Rove. I know, when you hear that name the first thought that comes to mind is 'evil', and you're correct. But he's also a political genius in that he knows exactly how to construct the GOP message/talking points in the manner that will stick to the minds of the American people. Heck, even Dems know the Republican talking points, lies and all, even if we don't know our own.

So, following this historic smack down it is now time to re access heading toward the future, which is certain to be shadowed by a battleground mentality and approach. Some have already stated their desire to see Dr. Howard Dean return as the head of the DNC which could be an excellent idea seeing as to how he has proven his abilities to strategize. There's talk that David Plouffe will be getting more involved which would definitely be beneficial strategically. Heck, I'D be a better choice than Tim Kaine and considering I'm not a professional politician, that's pretty sad (but true).

The bottom line, as 2012 approaches and we know the Right will come out swinging like never before, the Time is Now to to get soldiered up, put on the armor of truth and strategy to fight the good fight so that we can once again shout that chant of victory...Yes We DID....For America !

Yes We WILL...
With The Right People !

(As with everything we post, feel free to share)

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Sunday, November 7, 2010

B4B Question of the Day:

Moving Forward...
Do we FIGHT or do we Compromise ?

Send your thoughts to Blacks4Barack(at)yahoo(dot)com
which we will post some of your responses
in a follow-up article coming soon.

Include the words "Fight" or "Compromise"
in the email subject box with your response.

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Watch: President and 1st Lady
Boogies in Mumbai, India

President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle began their second day in India at The Holy Name High School in Mumbai. Michelle donned a black-and-white sheath, a pink cardigan and black kitten heels -- let's call them her dancing shoes, because, yes, there was more dancing involved today.

But FLOTUS wasn't the only one who boogie-woogied! The President got in on the action, too, celebrating Diwali. Then the First Couple headed off to New Delhi, with Michelle wearing a coat to match her frock and the President putting on his jacket while walking to Air Force One.


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Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Battle Begins...As President offers olive branch... GOP SENATE LEADER TODAY: DUMPING BARACK OBAMA IS MY HIGHEST PRIORITY
(thought their #1 objective was supposed to be JOBS !)


WASHINGTON -- Barely an hour after President Barack Obama invited congressional Republicans to post-election talks to work together on major issues, the Senate's GOP leader had a blunt message: His party's main goal is denying Obama re-election.

In a sign that combat and the 2012 elections rather than compromise could mark the next two years, Sen. Mitch McConnell on Thursday called for Senate votes to repeal or erode Obama's signature health care law, to cut spending and to shrink government.

"The only way to do all these things it is to put someone in the White House who won't veto any of these things," McConnell said in a speech to the conservative Heritage Foundation.

The Senate Republican leader's confrontational tone was in sharp contrast to the posture Obama took Wednesday in the face of a new GOP-controlled House and Republican gains in the Senate. Obama followed up Thursday morning by inviting Republican and Democratic congressional leaders for talks on Nov. 18 and challenging his own Cabinet to make Washington work better. (read rest of article)


It's Going To Get Nasty

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Wednesday, November 3, 2010


A GREAT Speaker Of The House !

"Well, I don't usually discuss my conversations with the President, but you can just imagine that it was a call in which I had spoken to him twice yesterday, earlier in the day, and then in the evening. And, and we expressed pride in the work that we had done, sadness over the loss of the members who would not be returning. But again, no regrets about the health care for all Americans, consumer protections of an historic nature, Wall Street reform, the list goes on-- as to the agenda that we've put forth."
(read more)

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Well Warriors... Rough night tonight. A real learning experience. UNITY.....NOT WHINING....is the ONLY Way ! Can't blame the GOP....the Baggers...or even corporate dollars. More of THEM voted than US ! Simple....and pitiful as that. Now....time to inhale....exhale.....relax....regroup....then UNITE.....and get 100% BUSY !...to Save America. We're needed NOW....more than ever. And through TRUE UNITY....Yes We WILL !!! Again....Thank You Warriors ! p.s. See what The President meant when he said he couldn't do it without us ? He meant ALL of us.

IT'S (true) UNITY TIME !!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

To the Professional Left....the Single-Payer "we'll fix hims"....and the Black "he didn't do anything for us"...see where WHINING got us ? Time to use this as the proverbial "teaching moment".
UNITY is the ONLY Way !!!


Yes We WILL !!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

ANY and All Problems Voting
or Attempts to Suppress Your Vote
Should Be Reported to Our Vote.org

To report ANY problems voting

(take this number with you when voting)

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MESSAGE from The President

Tomorrow, you can help determine not just the outcome of this election, but our country's future.

You made the difference in 2008. Now, once again, you can defy the conventional wisdom that says you can't overcome the cynicism of our politics; you can't overcome the special interests and the big money; you can't tackle our biggest challenges.

This movement has never backed down from a tough fight -- and we're not about to start.

We've got to keep moving America forward -- but I need allies in the House, the Senate, and governing states to make it happen. The ballot you cast in 2008 was a crucial first step. Thank you for that.

I need you to make sure you get at least three of your friends to vote with you -- it is simply the most important thing you can do to make sure we can keep bringing about change.

Find your polling place and the time polls are open here.

If you have already voted, please click here to help in these final hours of our Vote 2010 campaign.

When we arrived in Washington, we knew the road ahead would be difficult.

Our country was facing the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression -- with 8 million jobs gone -- because of nearly a decade of policies that put corporations and special interests before ordinary Americans.

Two short years later -- together -- we have begun to rebuild our economy on the values of hard work and responsibility.

Private employers and small businesses have created jobs nine months in a row. And 3 million Americans would not be working today if not for the investments that you, and our Democratic allies in Congress, helped put in place.

Because of you, there are families all across the country who will never have to choose between losing their home and treating an illness. Because of you, millions of parents can look at their kids and know the opportunity of a college education is within reach. Because of you, a business owner got a small business loan and is keeping her doors open. And because of you, thousands of our brave men and women are home from fighting in Iraq.

I know that even with these changes -- and the progress you've fought for -- too many families are still struggling. We have so much more to do.

And that's exactly why America cannot afford to go back.

We must continue to move forward, and the decisions voters make in your area will determine which direction this country takes for generations.

We want to keep taxes low for the middle class, so you can pay your bills.

We want to give tax breaks to American companies who create jobs and spur innovation right here in America, not make it easier for them to ship jobs overseas.

We will fight efforts to privatize Social Security, and stop the other side from handing over the retirement savings of a generation to Wall Street.

We refuse to go back to the days when big oil and insurance companies wrote their own rules and ran up record profits, while you paid for it at the pump or faced bankruptcy as health bills piled up.

The other side has different ideas.

Washington Republicans have tried to block our progress at every turn. And worse, they're campaigning on taking us back to the exact same agenda that brought us to the brink of disaster: Cut taxes for the wealthy at the expense of the middle class while ballooning the deficit. Give free rein to Wall Street speculators. Lower the minimum wage for millions of hard-working families. Privatize Social Security. And allow insurance companies to deny children health coverage based on pre-existing conditions.

The problem is we know what this looks like -- and we know it doesn't work.

We cannot relive that past.

Don't let them tell you that change isn't possible. Because here's what I know: Nothing in America has ever been easy.

The only reason we're here is because, in past generations, Americans came together, even in the face of impossible odds. That's how we got through war. That's how we got through depression. That's why we have civil rights, and women's rights, and workers' rights.

We've asked you to do so much since we started this journey together, and you've always come through.

And now, I'm asking you to come together once more to cast your vote for Democrats tomorrow.

With your vote -- and the votes of at least three of your friends -- we'll continue to grow this economy and restore the middle class to its rightful place, and the American Dream will be alive and well once again.

Find your polling place and time here:


Thank you for all you do,

President Barack Obama

P.S. -- There are vital get-out-the-vote events happening across the country today and tomorrow. If you aren't already signed up to help, please find and RSVP for a GOTV event near you.

Together...Yes We WILL !!!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Don't know where to vote ?

B4B has teamed up with the Voters Information Project to help voters know exactly where they are to go to vote on Tuesday, November 2nd...information on the candidates in the races in their area and more. This easy-to-use interactive app will help make sure you go to the right place. Many polling locations throughout the country have changed which is why this chart is helpful for many. So give it a try....and make sure you Vote Dem...to literally Save America !
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Another excellent source for verifying your voter registration and poll location is the great services of the Raise Your Vote Campaign. Just click the RYV logo above for your poll location, what to bring when you vote and more.
Knowledge is Power....and we will NOT be suppressed.


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Less than 48 hours to

GOTV ! Fired Up !!!

Ready to WIN !!!!


There have already been numerous attempts to suppress the vote, particularly in minority communities. Fliers in Texas have been passed out telling voters that if they vote a straight Democratic ticket their ballots will not count, which of course is an absolute lie. Robo-calls are being made telling voters that they have such a good record of voting Dem that they don't have to go to the polls to vote this year. Goon squads posing as "voter fraud police" (which there is no such thing) have been harassing voters at various polling stations including standing outside claiming you need all kinds of additional (unnecessary) ID to vote. In Alabama, the polling station in a Black community 'ran out' of ballots. Telling people their names are not on the list is also a common tactic. And the list goes on.

ANYONE who experiences any irregularities or voter suppression attempts should call the


Take this number with you to the polls.
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Saturday, October 30, 2010

WATCH: These (sic) People Are Voting
And THIS is Who We MUST Defeat !

WATCH: (2:00)

Thanks to James Rucker of ColorOfChange for making us aware of this video. As you see, we MUST get out in mass on election day, Tuesday November 2nd to literally Save America !
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Tuesday Is
Save America Day !

Through Unity.

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