Sunday, November 11, 2012

The 917 LIES Told By Mitt Romney !
Fun (no...actually sad) to see how many are STILL being repeated by the ill-informed, sheep-like Republican voters !

By Steve Benen

In a way, I blame my friend Greg Sargent. In the first week in January, he noted, almost in passing, that Mitt Romney seemed to be making a lot of false claims, and someone "really should document them all." That struck me as a good idea, so I decided to tackle this on my own.
After all, I thought at the time, how hard could this be? Once a week, I'd let readers know about Romney's whoppers, which I assumed would total about a half-dozen a week, and maybe after the election, I'd do a top 20 list of my favorites. The project would be a nice little Friday-afternoon feature.
Little did I know at the time that Romney would become an ambitious prevaricator, whose rhetoric would come to define post-truth politics. Nearly 11 months after Greg Sargent's harmless suggestion, I've published 40 installments in this series, which, before today, featured 884 falsehoods. (If you include today's edition, the new total is 917 falsehoods for the year.)
I wish that were a typo. It's not.
The outcome of next week's election remains in doubt, but regardless of who wins, I suspect this will be the final edition in the series. If President Obama wins, the project will have run its course. If Romney wins, I rather doubt I'll be able to keep this going every week for four years. So, with that in mind, enjoy the 41st and probably final installment of my weekly series, chronicling Mitt's mendacity.

1. At a campaign event yesterday in Roanoke, Virginia, Romney again suggested the president is to blame for the fact that "gasoline prices" have "gone up."
This is wildly misleading. It's true that when Obama took office, gas cost about $1.81 a gallon, and it's more than double now. And how did gas prices get so low in late 2008 and early 2009? Because there was a global economic catastrophe -- gas was cheap because the economy had fallen off a cliff, and demand crawled to a stop. As the economy improved, demand went up, and the price of gas started climbing. It's Economics 101.
2. In the same speech, Romney said he should be elected in order to prevent "four more years of trillion dollar deficits in Washington."
According to the budget plan Romney endorsed, we'll have four more years of trillion dollar deficits in Washington anyway.
3. Romney added he has a "five-point plan ... that'll get this economy going."
The five-point plan -- oil drilling, trade, privatizing K-12 education, vague assertions about debt reduction, and ambiguous promises about doing nice things for small businesses -- is a rehash of Bush/Cheney promises. No credible analysis of the vague agenda has found it capable of boosting the economy.

4. At a campaign event in Doswell, Virginia, Romney said "Obamacare" is "crushing small businesses across America."
There is literally no evidence to support this claim in any way. Indeed, a a significant portion of the ongoing cost of the Affordable Care Act is to give small businesses a tax break.
5. In the same speech, Romney also argued, "The president wants to raise taxes on small business."
In reality, Obama has repeatedly cut taxes on small businesses -- by some counts, 18 times -- and if given a second term, his tax plan would have no effect on 97% of small businesses.
6. Romney also vowed, "I will not raise tax on ... middle-class America."
There's ample reason to believe the exact opposite -- independent budget analysts have concluded that once Romney slashes taxes on the wealthy, increases defense spending, increases entitlement spending, and cuts corporate tax rates, all while promising to balance the budget, he'll have no choice but to ask more from the middle class. Indeed, there's no other way for Romney to keep his other promises.
7. In a television ad, Romney claimed Obama "gutted the work requirement for welfare."
This continues to be as obvious a lie as Romney has told all year.
8. In the same ad, Romney claimed there's been "record unemployment" under Obama.
The unemployment rate topped out at 10% a few years ago, and that's not even close to being a "record."
9. The ad went on to say the rates of "women in poverty" are at their highest rates "ever."
Poverty rates were vastly worse during the last global financial crisis, the Great Depression.
10. The same ad claimed Obama financed the debt by "borrowing from China."
The implication here is that U.S. debt is financed by the Chinese, but this isn't true -- China only holds about 8% of the nation's debt.
11. In a different ad, Romney claimed to "have a plan to help the auto industry."
Asked for a copy of that plan, the Romney campaign refused to provide one.
12. The same ad suggests Jeep production is moving "to China."
This is breathtakingly dishonest.
13. Romney said on Monday he'd cancel his campaign rally in Ohio on Tuesday, out of sensitivity for the victims of Hurricane Sandy.
He held a campaign rally anyway.
14. In a radio ad this week, Romney suggested Obama saved the auto industry "for China," adding that "GM cut 15,000 American jobs" because of the president.
GM itself responded to this by saying, "We've clearly entered some parallel universe during these last few days. No amount of campaign politics at its cynical worst will diminish our record of creating jobs in the U.S. and repatriating profits back to this country."
15. The same radio spot adds, "Mitt Romney grew up in the Auto Industry. Maybe that's why the Detroit News endorsed him."
No, the Detroit News specifically called Romney's approach to the auto rescue "wrong-headed."
16. At a campaign event in Avon Lake, Ohio, Romney claimed, "[W]e're at a 30 year low in the number of new businesses that have started up."
This still isn't true.
17. In the same speech, Romney said, "In Europe ... their corporate tax rate, which used to be higher than ours is now down to 25 percent. Ours is 35 percent. So businesses that are thinking of investing are interested in going elsewhere."
This is wildly misleading, since the actual income tax paid by corporations "is one of the lowest in the world."
18. Romney went on to say, "I'm going to make sure that we finally get America on track to have a balanced budget."
No he won't. Romney's plan slashes tax rates (which makes the deficit worse, not better), increases defense and entitlement spending (which makes the deficit worse, not better), and every independent analysis reaches the same conclusion: Romney's numbers don't add up.
19. Referencing the president, Romney said, "He's cut Medicare $716 billion."
This is deeply silly. Obama strengthened the Medicare system's finances by reducing payments to insurance companies and hospitals. Benefits for seniors have been expanded, not cut.
20. Romney also argued, "[T]he president's been spending massively more than he's been taking in."
Government spending is down, not up, under President Obama.
21. Romney went on to boast, "I have a plan that'll create 12 million new jobs."
Putting aside the pesky detail that Romney doesn't actually have a specific jobs plan, the claim about 12 million jobs has been definitely proven fraudulent. His own economic advisor was forced to concede the candidate's -- and the campaign's -- talking point was based on a falsehood.
22. Romney also claimed, "I was governor of a state with a legislature that was 85 percent Democrat. I knew from the very beginning to get anything done, I had to reach across the aisle and I did."
No he didn't.
23. At a campaign event in Tampa, Romney said, "Latin America's economy is almost as large as that of China."
That's actually not true.
24. In a speech on the economy in Ames, Iowa, Romney said Obama "doubled" the deficit.
Romney is still having trouble with the definition of "double." The deficit on Obama's first day was $1.3 trillion. Last year, it was also $1.3 trillion. This year, it's $1.08 trillion. When he says the president "doubled" the deficit, as he has many times, Romney's lying.
25. In the same speech, Romney said Obama has "proposed any solution at all" to address Medicare's finances.
Actually, Obama shored up Medicare's finances by finding $716 billion in savings, and has a long term plan through IPAB.
26. Romney went on to say the president "did not tame the spending and borrowing."
Not only did government spending go down under Obama, the deficit also went down under Obama.
27. Romney added that Obama "did not reach across the aisle."
Obama repeatedly pleaded with congressional Republicans to work on common solutions. GOP lawmakers responded by opposing every idea, including their own.
28. Romney also said the president "did not stand up to China's trade practices."
Yes he did.
29. Romney claimed Obama has "added almost as much debt held by the public as all prior American presidents in history."
He's said this before, but it's not even close to being true.
30. Romney also argued the president "launched an onslaught of new regulations, often to the delight of the biggest banks and corporations."
Putting aside the irony of Romney suggesting Obama is beholden to corporations, there has been no regulatory onslaught.
31. Romney went on to say, "Energy prices are up in part because energy production on federal lands is down."
Nice try, but no.
32. Romney claimed, in reference to Obama, "[H]is tax plan has been calculated to destroy 700,000 jobs."
Oh, please.
33. Romney added, "[C]utting one trillion dollars from the military will kill jobs and devastate our national defense."
Romney appears to be referring to cuts, which have not yet kicked in, and which were crafted by Romney's own party and endorsed by his own running mate.

Greg Jones Note: To read more of the 917 Mitt Romney LIES simply click the roman numerals below. The extent of absolute blatant lying that has occured throughout this campaign (and for the past 4 years) on the part of the Right to specifically mislead their fellow Republican voters is nothing shy of simply PATHETIC. Even worse: many disgruntled Republican voters, and I do mean many, are still out there repeating these lies with no clue of how incredibly silly and ill-informed they sound. Republican voters should be highly insulted that their powers-that-be (including Fox News, Limbaugh and the like) would spoon feed such a constant stream of untruths to them as if they were empty, non-thinking vessels willing to accept literally anything. But in many cases, the powers that be, were sadly correct. So it is up to us, those who do know Truth, to reach out with a helping hand to help Republican voters to learn Truths. As they say....the TRUTH shall set you free !

Set A Repub Free Today...
with TRUTH !!!


Saturday, November 10, 2012

Action Time:
Don't Buy Papa John's Pizza !
Owner Threatens to Cut Workers Hours To Avoid Offering Them
Needed Healthcare Coverage Through ObamaCare
(HuffPo) Papa John’s CEO John Schnatter said he plans on passing the costs of health care reform to his business onto his workers. Schnatter said he will likely reduce workers’ hours, as a result of President Obama's reelection, the Naples News reports. Schnatter made headlines over the summer when he told shareholders that the cost of a Papa John’s pizza will increase by between 11 and 14 cents due to Obamacare. (Read complete story)
Greg Jones Note: Through Unity (and a big dip in sales) let's force Papa John Schnatter to change his policy...NOT BE SO GREEDY...and do the right thing for his workers.
Yes We Can !
Watch: Republicans David Frum and Joe Scarborough Explain How Republican Voters Have Been Fleeced, Exploited and Lied To by The Conservative Media Machine
(The Wrap) Newsweek columnist David Frum called Republican leaders "cowards" and said the right-wing base has been lied to by a "conservative entertainment complex."
Frum, a conservative who served as a speechwriter for President George W. Bush, made his remarks Friday on MSNBC's "Morning Joe." He added that the GOP had been overrun by fear-mongers.

"The problem with Republican leaders is that they're cowards," Frum said, adding that the party's base of donors "went apocalyptic" in the last four years.
"Republicans have been fleeced and exploited and lied to by a conservative entertainment complex," he said.
"Morning Joe" host Joe Scarborough pressed him to "name names," which Frum skirted around, but he said there were "too many."
Frum said he interviewed protesters at Tea Party rallies and found that a majority was convinced that taxes increased and that the federal government spent more than $1 trillion on welfare each year. Both claims are false.
"The followers, the donors and the activists are so mistaken about the nature of the problems the country faces," Frum said.
Watch: David Frum: "Republicans Have Been Lied To"

Greg Jones Note: Absolutely PATHETIC the way right-wing media like Fox News, Limbaugh and the like have dedicated themselves to literally deceiving their followers by instilling lie after lie...and even more pathetic that the deceived followers don't even realize that they're out there repeating absolute untruths. From lies like ObamaCare includes "Death Panels" to Obama wants to take away our "religious freedoms" to "Obama is Pro-Abortion" (which of course, he is not), the list of constantly repeated lies sadly exemplifies just how ill-informed many followers on the Right are. Even sadder is their lack of desire to learn the Truth.

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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Yes We Did....AGAIN !!!
President Obama Wins Reelection

So Proud Of Our President !

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Top 50 Reasons to Vote For
President Obama

As Americans go to the polls today, it seems a perfect time to take a final look back at what we've been through the past four years. With that in mind, I've created a quick new list of top reasons to re-elect President Obama. Some of the reasons you may not like, and some things you may think I missed, but these are my top 50 reasons to vote for President Obama.
  1. President Obama inherited the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression (an economy losing 800,000 jobs a month) and led us out of it (now creating 170,000 jobs a month).

  2. Under Obama, we've now had 32 consecutive months of private sector job growth.

  3. We've added nearly 5 1/2 million new jobs during that time.

  4. The president saved or created 3 million new jobs with the American Recovery Act.

  5. He saved 1 million auto-related jobs with the auto bailout.

  6. He helped boost new car sales with the popular "cash for clunkers" program.

  7. He cut taxes for small businesses 18 times.

  8. He cut middle class taxes an average of $3600 over 4 years.

  9. He cut payroll taxes for working families.

  10. Despite what Republicans would have you believe, income taxes are lower today than under most of the Reagan administration (35% today versus 50% then) and the corporate tax rate is lower than it was under Reagan.

  11. New financial reform will help reign in Wall Street abuses.

  12. Banks have paid back the money loaned to the them from the Bush financial bailout.

  13. Obama required CEOs at banks that received bailout money to agree to executive compensation limits until their loans were repaid.

  14. He created a new consumer protection bureau to set fair rules for what financial institutions can do with consumer credit cards, mortgages, and student loans.

  15. Mortgage interest rates for homebuyers have reached record lows.

  16. Corporations earned record profits, which undermines the argument that the president's policies are bad for business.

  17. Obama passed comprehensive health care reform (Affordable Care Act) that Presidents Truman, Nixon, Clinton, and others have been trying to do for 70 years.

  18. 32 million people will now get health care coverage under the ACA.

  19. Young adults can stay on their parents' health care plans until they turn 26.

  20. People with pre-existing conditions will no longer be denied health coverage.

  21. Seniors on Medicare will save thousands of dollars on prescription drugs and other medical costs through the ACA.

  22. And the Affordable Care Act reduces the deficit by more than $100 billion.

  23. President Obama encouraged states to set common academic standards and provided support for the nation's best teachers through his Race to the Top education initiative.

  24. He reduced student loan payments for college students and borrowers to 10 percent of their discretionary income.

  25. He helped first-time homebuyers purchase a home with an $8,000 tax credit.

  26. Home prices are finally coming back after the 2008 market collapse.

  27. The president got BP to set up a $20 billion victims' compensation fund to help Gulf residents after the historic 2010 oil spill.

  28. America's dependence on foreign oil is declining and U.S. oil imports have fallen to a 20-year low.

  29. The war in Iraq has been ended.

  30. The war in Afghanistan will end in 2014.

  31. And we finally got Osama Bin Laden and took out Al Qaeda's top deputies.

  32. The president gave the orders that rescued U.S. commercial ships from Somali pirates.

  33. He led the international effort to remove Moammar Gaddafi in Libya.

  34. He signed new trade agreements with South Korea, Panama and Colombia.

  35. The Dow has doubled from 6500 in March 2009 to more than 13,000 today.

  36. Women are now entitled to equal pay for equal work under the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.

  37. Obama appointed two women to the U.S. Supreme Court.

  38. He appointed the first Latina to the Supreme Court.

  39. And in the words of First Lady Michelle Obama, "he believes that women are more than capable of making our own choices about our bodies and our health care."

  40. He appointed the first African American Attorney General.

  41. He signed the Fair Sentencing Act, which reduces the sentencing disparity between crack cocaine and powder cocaine.

  42. He ended "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" that prevented gays and lesbians from serving openly in the military.

  43. The Justice Department stopped enforcing the Defense of Marriage Act, a discriminatory law widely considered unconstitutional.

  44. Obama became the first president in U.S. history to announce his support for marriage equality.

  45. And he signed the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act.

  46. He appointed his former rival Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State.

  47. He was endorsed by George Bush's Secretary of State Colin Powell, former Republican Senator Larry Pressler, former Republican Gov. Charlie Crist and New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, a former Republican.

  48. He was praised by Republican Governors Chris Christie and Bob McDonnell for Hurricane Sandy relief efforts.

  49. Of the 500+ promises Obama made when he ran for office, 374 of them (75 percent) have been kept, fully or partly, or are currently in progress.

  50. And he did all this in the face of stiff GOP opposition and a Senate Republican Leader who vowed his top political priority was to make Barack Obama a 1-term president.

  51. Follow Keith Boykin on Twitter:     
The election is MUCH closer than people think which is why it is of VITAL importance that EVERYONE MUST get out to vote today.
(Iowa-Nov. 5, 2012)
President Obama sheds tear at last political speech of his life in Iowa where it all started

 YES WE WILL !.....
AGAIN !!!! ...and remember....once in line....
STAY IN LINE to Vote !!!!

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Monday, November 5, 2012

1 day to go !
Click below to confirm your polling place.

to Literally SAVE AMERICA !
President Obama is counting on your vote—
confirm your polling place:

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Republican Lawrence Wilkerson
(former Colin Powell aide):

My party, unfortunately, is the bastion of those people -- not all of them, but most of them -- who are still basing their positions on race. Let me just be candid: My party is full of racists, and the real reason a considerable portion of my party wants President Obama out of the White House has nothing to do with the content of his character, nothing to do with his competence as commander-in-chief and president, and everything to do with the color of his skin, and that's despicable.

Subscribers CLICK B4B HOME PAGE for video

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Colin Powell (a Republican)
Endorses Obama....(again !)

(HuffPo) Former Secretary of State Colin Powell endorsed President Barack Obama for a second term Thursday.

"You know, I voted for him in 2008 and I plan to stick with him in 2012, and I'll be voting for he and

Vice President Joe Biden next month," he said on CBS' "This Morning."
Asked whether it was an endorsement, he said, "Yes."
Powell praised the president's handling of the economy and ending of the Iraq War.
"I think we ought to keep on the track we are on," he said.
Powell said he had the "utmost respect" for Mitt Romney, but criticized his tax plan.
He said Romney's foreign policy was a "moving target." "One day he has a certain strong view about staying in Afghanistan, but then on Monday night he agrees with the withdrawal. Same thing in Iraq. On every issue that was discussed on Monday night, Gov. Romney agreed with the president with some nuances. But this is quite a different set of foreign policy views than he had earlier in the campaign."

Powell, a Republican who served in President George W. Bush's first term, backed Obama in 2008. He was frequently mentioned as a potential Republican challenger against Bill Clinton in 1996, but decided against it.

UPDATE: 12:27 p.m. -- President Barack Obama called Powell on Thursday morning to thank him for the endorsement, according to Obama campaign traveling press secretary Jen Psaki. They did not discuss joint appearances. She said they were "very excited" about it and said they “think it sends a strong signal about why [Obama] should be sent back for another four years to be commander in chief.”

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) blasted Powell on Fox News Radio's "Kilmeade & Friends" Thursday morning.

"Well, I’m just saddened because, you know, I used to be a great admirer of Colin Powell. We were friends. I think one of the sad aspects of his career is going to the United Nations Security Council and telling them things about Iraq that were absolutely false," he said.

"Obviously, my view of the situation in Iraq is we’re losing," he continued. "We’re losing what we won thanks to the surge. Al Qaeda is doubled. There’s training camps in Western Iraq. In Afghanistan, all we do is say we’re leaving. Al Qaeda is on the comeback all over northern Africa. They’ve taken over parts of Mali. All I can say is that Gen. Powell, you disappoint us and you have harmed your legacy even further by defending what has clearly been the most feckless foreign policy in my lifetime."

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

This election is a choice between two fundamentally different visions for America: President Obama is fighting to grow the economy from the middle out, not the top down. Mitt Romney wants to go back to the exact same policies that caused the recession and hurt the middle class.Read the President’s plan.
  • President Obama has a long-term economic plan to invest in education, small businesses, clean energy, infrastructure, and tax cuts for companies that bring jobs back to the U.S.
  • Under President Obama, we've seen 31 straight months of job growth, adding 5.2 million private sector jobs, including nearly 500,000 manufacturing jobs – the most growth since 1997
  • Cut taxes by $3,600 for the typical middle class family making $50,000 a year over his first term - find out how his plan impacts your taxes
  • "All of the above" strategy to develop every available source of American made energy—including oil, gas, clean coal, wind, solar, biofuels, nuclear - and taking steps to protect our climate
  • Set a goal to cut tuition growth in half over the next decade with a plan to double campus based student aid and incentives for schools that are successful at keeping tuition growth down
  • Responsibly ended the war in Iraq , is bringing our troops home from Afghanistan, and will use half the savings to reduce the deficit and the rest to engage in nation-building here at home
  • 100 million Americans saw lifetime caps on coverage lifted, so that families have the security of knowing that their insurance will cover them when they need it most
  • Believes a woman’s health care choices are personal decisions, best made with her doctor—without interference from politicians
  • Improved Medicare by adding free preventive care, closing the “doughnut hole” saving seniors an average of $600 last year, and extended the life of Medicare by 8 years by eliminating $716 billion in waste, fraud, and abuse
  • Is lifting the shadow of deportation from young, hardworking immigrants who were brought here as children, and is committed to comprehensive immigration reform
  • Mitt Romney’s plan would add $5 trillion in tax cuts skewed to the rich, either increasing the deficit or requiring tax increases on the middle-class
  • Mitt Romney wants to return to the failed top-down policies that crashed the economy
  • Could require raising taxes on middle class families with kids by $2000 to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy
  • Let Big Oil advisers and donors write a drilling-centered energy policy for America, that will never reach energy independence, excluding any plan for energy efficiency and stripping funding for clean energy
  • As governor, Romney made deep cuts to higher education - by the end of his term, college costs had skyrocketed, with fees at state colleges and universities increasing 63%
  • Mitt Romney criticized the end of the Iraq war as "tragic," and has offered no plan withdraw our troops from Afghanistan
  • Go back to the days when more than half of all insurance plans included lifetime limits on the care they would cover
  • Give employers and government the authority to limit women’s access to common forms of birth control
  • Would end Medicare as we know it, eliminating guaranteed benefits and turning Medicare into a voucher program — which could increase costs for seniors more than $6,000 each year by shifting costs to seniors
  • Pledged to veto the DREAM Act, and refuse help for many immigrants who came here as children.(Read Complete List: Obama Plans vs. Romney's)
The Difference is HUGE !!!
Which is why we MUST VOTE
in record numbers Nov. 6th...
Time to
We MUST STRESS to ALL the vital importance of voting Nov. 6th in record numbers to block Romney from stealing the election...particularly in Ohio. Low voter turn-out will result in DISASTER for America's future !

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

B4B Photo of the Week
Exuberant Big Apple Pizza owner Scott Van Nuzer bear-hugged and hoisted
President Obama off the ground during their brief meeting in Fort Pierce, Florida.

Friday, September 7, 2012

President Obama's DNC
Acceptance Speech (full)

Yes We Will...AGAIN !!!
Subscribers CLICK B4B MAIN PAGE for video

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

1st Lady Michelle Obama's
Powerful DNC Speech


So Proud of Our 1st Lady !
 President and 1st Daughters watching.
Subscribers CLICK B4B MAIN PAGE for video

Monday, August 27, 2012

As the rally (RNC Convention) begins today for the haves to literally squash the have-nots....
The Time is NOW to UNITE....
for the Future of America.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Board of Elections' Doug Priesse:
Ohio Early Voting Process Should
NOT Accomodate Black Voters !

(HuffPo) An Ohio GOP election official who voted against the weekend voting rules that enabled thousands to cast ballots in the 2008 election said Sunday that he did not think that the state's early voting procedures should accommodate African-Americans.

"I guess I really actually feel we shouldn’t contort the voting process to accommodate the urban -- read African-American -- voter-turnout machine," Doug Priesse said in an email to the Columbus Dispatch Sunday. "Let's be fair and reasonable."

Priesse is a member of the board of elections for Franklin County, which includes Columbus, and chairman of the Franklin County Republican Party.
Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted, a Republican, on Wednesday ordered all 88 counties in Ohio to allow early voting Monday through Friday, until 7 p.m., during the final two weeks before the election. Weekend voting, however, will not be allowed.

Weekend voting helped 93,000 Ohioans cast ballots in the final three days before the 2008 election. Black churches promoted taking "your souls to the polls" events on the Sunday preceding the election, an option that will be unavailable if Husted's ruling stands. (The Obama administration has sued Husted to restore the final three days of early voting.)

Early voters in 2008 in Cuyahoga and Franklin counties were disproportionately African-American. A study by Northeast Ohio Voter Advocates found blacks accounted for 56 percent of all in-person early votes in Cuyahoga County, which includes Cleveland, while they accounted for 26 percent of votes overall. In Franklin County, African-Americans cast 31 percent of early votes and 21 percent of votes overall.

UPDATE: Priesse expressed regret for his comments Monday. "My comments in the Sunday, August 19th Columbus Dispatch have been misconstrued, and in some cases misquoted entirely," Priesse told HuffPost in a statement. "However, if my comments, either in their original form, or as repeated in other ways, have caused anyone discomfort, I regret that."

B4B Note: This simply exemplifies the concerted effort/desire of the GOP to disenfranchise/squash the Minority vote, particularly in key states. It is for this reason that we MUST diligently to Get Out The Vote....and turn out in record numbers come November.

The Time is NOW...
To Unite and FIGHT !

Sunday, August 19, 2012

This Video MIGHT Stop Romney
From Becoming President

In 4 minutes, you’ll know what you need to.
Then we just ask that you please SHARE so others will, too.

Watch: Revealed-GOP Strategy Broken Down

Subscribers CLICK B4B MAIN PAGE for video

Monday, August 13, 2012

12 Things You Should Know About Paul Ryan

By Igor Volsky

Mitt Romney has picked as his running mate 42 year-old Republican Congressman Paul Ryan (R-WI), the architect of the GOP budget, which the New York Times has described as “the most extreme budget plan passed by a house of Congress in modern times.” Below are 12 things you should know about Ryan and his policies:

1. Ryan embraces the extreme philosophy of Ayn Rand. Ryan heaped praise on Ayn Rand, a 20th-century libertarian novelist best known for her philosophy that centered on the idea that selfishness is “virtue.” Rand described altruism as “evil,” condemned Christianity for advocating compassion for the poor, viewed the feminist movement as “phony,” and called Arabs “almost totally primitive savages. Though he publicly rejected “her philosophy” in 2012, Ryan had professed himself a strong devotee. “The reason I got involved in public service, by and large, if I had to credit one thinker, one person, it would be Ayn Rand,” he said at a D.C. gathering honoring the author of “Atlas Shrugged” and “The Fountainhead.” “I give out ‘Atlas Shrugged’ as Christmas presents, and I make all my interns read it. Well… I try to make my interns read it.” Learn more about Ryan’s muse:

2. Ryan wants to raises taxes on the middle class, cut them for millionaires. Paul Ryan’s infamous budget — which Romney embraced — replaces “the current tax structure with two brackets — 25 percent and 10 percent — and cut the top rate from 35 percent.” Federal tax collections would fall “by about $4.5 trillion over the next decade” as a result and to avoid increasing the national debt, the budget proposes massive cuts in social programs and “special-interest loopholes and tax shelters that litter the code.” But 62 percent of the savings would come from programs that benefit the lower- and middle-classes, who would also experience a tax increase. That’s because while Ryan “would extend the Bush tax cuts, which are due to expire at the end of this year, he would not extend President Obama’s tax cuts for those with the lowest incomes, which will expire at the same time.” Households “earning more than $1 million a year, meanwhile, could see a net tax cut of about $300,000 annually.”

Audiences have booed Ryan for the unfair distribution:

3. Ryan wants to end Medicare, replace it with a voucher system. Ryan’s latest budget transforms the existing version of Medicare, in which government provides seniors with a guaranteed benefit, into a “premium support” system. All future retirees would receive a government contribution to purchase insurance from an exchange of private plans or traditional fee-for-service Medicare. But since the premium support voucher does not keep up with increasing health care costs, the Congressional Budget Offices estimates that new beneficiaries could pay up to $1,200 more by 2030 and more than $5,900 more by 2050. A recent study also found that had the plan been implemented in 2009, 24 million beneficiares enrolled in the program would have paid higher premiums to maintain their choice of plan and doctors. Ryan would also raise Medicare’s age of eligibility to 67.

4. Ryan thinks Social Security is a “ponzi scheme.” In September of 2011, Ryan agreed with Rick Perry’s characterization of Social Security as a “Ponzi scheme” and since 2005 has advocated for privatizing the retirement benefit and investing it in stocks and bonds. Conservatives claim that this would “outperform the current formula based on wages earned and overall wage appreciation,” but the economic crisis of 2008 should serve as a wake-up call for policymakers who seek to hinge Americans’ retirement on the stock market. In fact, “a person with a private Social Security account similar to what President George W. Bush proposed in 2005″ would have lost much of their retirement savings.

5. Ryan’s budget would result in 4.1 million lost jobs in 2 years. Ryan’s budget calls for massive reductions in government spending. He has proposed cutting discretionary programs by about $120 billion over the next two years and mandatory programs by $284 billion, which, the Economic Policy Institute estimates, would suck demand out of the economy and “reduce employment by 1.3 million jobs in fiscal 2013 and 2.8 million jobs in fiscal 2014, relative to current budget policies.”

6. Ryan wants to eliminate Pell Grants for more more than 1 million students. Ryan’s budget claims both that rising financial aid is driving college tuition costs upward, and that Pell Grants, which help cover tuition costs for low-income Americans, don’t go to the “truly needy.” So he cuts the Pell Grant program by $200 billion, which could “ultimately knock more than one million students off” the program over the next 10 years.

7. Ryan supports $40 billion in subsides for big oil. In 2011, Ryan joined all House Republicans and 13 Democrats in his vote to keep Big Oil tax loopholes as part of the FY 2011 spending bill. His budget would retain a decade’s worth of oil tax breaks worth $40 billion, while cutting “billions of dollars from investments to develop alternative fuels and clean energy technologies that would serve as substitutes for oil.” For instance, it “calls for a $3 billion cut in energy programs in FY 2013 alone” and would spend only $150 million over five years — or 20 percent of what was invested in 2012 — on energy programs.

8. Ryan has ownership stakes in companies that benefit from oil subsidies . Ryan “and his wife, Janna, own stakes in four family companies that lease land in Texas and Oklahoma to the very energy companies that benefit from the tax subsidies in Ryan’s budget plan,” the Daily Beast reported in June of 2011. “Ryan’s father-in-law, Daniel Little, who runs the companies, told Newsweek and The Daily Beast that the family companies are currently leasing the land for mining and drilling to energy giants such as Chesapeake Energy, Devon, and XTO Energy, a recently acquired subsidiary of ExxonMobil.”

9. Ryan claimed Romneycare has led to “rationing and benefit cuts.” “I’m not a fan of [Romney's health care reform] system,” Ryan told C-SPAN in 2010. He argued that government is rationing care in the state and claimed that people are “seeing the system bursting by the seams, they’re seeing premium increases, rationing and benefit cuts.” He called the system “a fatal conceit” and “unsustainable.” Watch it:

10. Ryan believes that Romneycare is “not that dissimilar to Obamacare.” Though Romney has gone to great lengths to distinguish his Massachusetts health care law from Obamacare, Ryan doesn’t see the difference. “It’s not that dissimilar to Obamacare, and you probably know I’m not a big fan of Obamacare,” Ryan said at a breakfast meeting sponsored by the American Spectator in March of 2011. “I just don’t think the mandates work … all the regulation they’ve put on it…I think it’s beginning to death spiral. They’re beginning to have to look at rationing decisions.”

11. Ryan accused generals of lying about their support for Obama’s military budget. In March, Ryan couldn’t believe that Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey supports Obama’s Pentagon budget, which incorporates $487 billion in cuts over 10 years. “We don’t think the generals are giving us their true advice,” Ryan said at a policy summit hosted by the National Journal. “We don’t think the generals believe that their budget is really the right budget.” He later apologized for the implication. Watch it:

12. Ryan co-sponsored a “personhood” amendment, an extreme anti-abortion measure. Ryan joined 62 other Republicans in co-sponsoring the Sanctity of Human Life Act, which declares that a fertilized egg “shall have all the legal and constitutional attributes and privileges of personhood.” This would outlaw abortion, some forms of contraception and invitro fertilization.

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Friday, August 3, 2012


Office of the Press Secretary


August 3, 2012

Statement on the Employment Situation in July

WASHINGTON, DC – Alan B. Krueger, Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, issued the following statement today on the employment situation in July. You can view the statement HERE.

  The Employment Situation in July

Posted by Alan B. Krueger on August 3, 2012 at 9:32AM EDT

 While there is more work that remains to be done, today’s employment report provides further evidence that the U.S. economy is continuing to recover from the worst downturn since the Great Depression. It is critical that we continue the policies that build an economy that works for the middle class as we dig our way out of the deep hole that was caused by the severe recession that began in December 2007. To build on the progress of the last few years, President Obama has proposed an extension of middle class tax cuts that would prevent the typical middle class family from facing a $2,200 tax increase next year. In addition, to create more jobs in particularly hard-hit sectors, President Obama continues to support the elements of the American Jobs Act that have not yet passed, including further investment in infrastructure to rebuild our Nation’s ports, roads and highways, and assistance to State and local governments to prevent layoffs and rehire hundreds of thousands of teachers and first responders.

 Today’s report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) shows that private sector establishments added 172,000 jobs last month, and overall non-farm payroll employment rose by 163,000. The economy has now added private sector jobs for 29 straight months, for a total of 4.5 million jobs during that period.

 The household survey showed that the unemployment rate ticked up to 8.3% in July (or, more precisely, the rate rose from 8.217% in June to 8.254% in July). Acting BLS Commissioner John Galvin noted in his statement that the unemployment rate was “essentially unchanged” from June to July.

 The establishment survey indicated that manufacturing employment continues to expand and manufacturers added 25,000 jobs in July. After losing millions of manufacturing jobs in the years before and during the recession, the economy has added 532,000 manufacturing jobs since January 2010 – the strongest growth for any 30-month period since June 1989. Within manufacturing, motor vehicles and parts added 12,800 jobs in July, its strongest monthly growth since January 2011, partly reflecting fewer seasonal layoffs last month. To continue the revival in manufacturing jobs and output, President Obama has proposed tax incentives for manufacturers, enhanced training for the workforce, and measures to create manufacturing hubs and discourage sending jobs overseas.

  Other sectors with net job increases included professional and business services (+49,000), education and health services (+38,000), leisure and hospitality (+27,000), and wholesale trade (+9,200). Within leisure and hospitality, restaurant employment rose by 29,400 jobs. Government lost 9,000 jobs as State government payrolls fell by 6,000. Local governments shed 7,000 education jobs. Since February 2010, State and local governments have lost 485,000 jobs.

 As the Administration stresses every month, the monthly employment and unemployment figures can be volatile, and employment estimates can be subject to substantial revision. Therefore, it is important not to read too much into any one monthly report and it is informative to consider each report in the context of other data that are becoming available.

Alan B. Krueger is Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers.
